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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, it really is straightforward - send off the pdf, wait a couple of days (busy printer but good quality job) and the only 'problem' is a 7 mile trip to collect the finished job.

The one Aditi used was just round the corner from the university examinations office. She didn't even see the official ones until she turned up for the viva voce. She had one she printed at home and comb-bound at Staples for her own reference at the exam. The examiners thought how jolly her copy looked with all its colour coded reference tags. I don't think she needed it though, I think all 55000 words are etched into her brain.


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Carpet man has been and gone, so back on Monday. Carpet looks great but decoration looks really dull and dowdy. I suspect redecoration may be on the list soon....


I didn't need to write a thesis for my 25yd swimming...Got off lightly really.

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  • RMweb Gold

I didn't need to write a thesis for my 25yd swimming...Got off lightly really.

I'm sure one of Matthew's swimming exams had a written test. I don't know how they stopped the paper being soggy.

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  • RMweb Premium

They made me work harder.

I had to do 25 metres.


I had to dive - which was the first and only time I ever tried this. There's just something in me which rebels against diving rather strongly.

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I seem to remember rescuing bricks in my pyjamas at age 11.

Don't know if it was a sadistic wind-up or part of a life saving course.


I've never needed that particular skill since, preferring to let the bricks drown.

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Morning all, yes I remember a sadistic swimming teacher, kept holding those (like me) who couldn't swim away from the edge of the pool with a long bamboo pole.....mind you he did get a bit worried when I sank (like Dd's bricks) & turned blue! Ah, the " fun" of school days in the 1950's!


Had a rare 'phone call last night from my son, (few seconds of instant panic think the worse, the last time he 'phoned me, several years ago, he'd just barrel rolled his MG along the M4!) Turned out that this call was "good"(?) news. His girl friend proposed to him on Wednesday..........



Enjoy your day!



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I don't know why I never learned to swim as a nipper. However at the elderly age of 14 I spent a long Summer holiday with cousins who spent most days at their local swimming pool. I decided it was time I learned to swim, so sat down on the bottom of the pool and said to myself "well this is the worst that can happen" kicked off and up and swam.! I never looked back. Only as a Scout Master could I indulge my sadistic inclinations and challenge Patrols to retrieve a whole car engine from the bottom of the deep end.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Bit later on today as I wanted to get some work done first. Weather conditions are eight oktas (haven't seen this term used on here for a while!) and it is about 6°C.


Good news indeed, Trev! :)


Cheers everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I was down on the seafront last night hoping to see the 'rainbow' display up the coast at Whiltley Bay. it was so foggy I couldn't even see our own lighthouse. I'm pleased I wasn't a passing ship.


The fog has now been replaced by murky wetness.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


At work today until 4.30 - yeuk.


Did my swimming training at the municipal baths with both the school, and the Boys Brigade, and the latter awarded the basic certificate for 25 yards any stroke - in my case, the flailing windmill stroke, at which I am still adept. The school training was more "advanced" and as with others included swimming about in ones 'jamas and also learing how to remove the trousers while treading water, tying the legs off, whipping them through the air to make a float, then floating with your head in the V shaped object which was meant to result from this exercise - I never got beyond removing the bottoms... I was, and am about as buoyant as the rubber brick which we were meant to be able to retrieve at various depths - three feet, then six feet, then nine feet (the deepest that the pool offered). I was advised to try swimming as part of a recovery from a back problem some years ago, and visited the local pool during the day, when the bulk of the pool was reserved for just the jolly school swimming exercises that I described, so yes they still happen. The public were confined to two roped off lanes, one up the pool, and one down, and I infuriated the local olympic hopefuls by slowly floating on my back and doing slow frog kicks (the only stroke I can sustain without a trip towards the bottom) when these individuals were trying some sort of speed and endurance exercises and kept shouting at me to get out of the way. Wonderful.....


Murky here this morning, with eight oktas of mid height cloud which might or might not leak.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold


I suspect the only reason I didn't hear fog horns last night was the efficient double glazing. I think the fog is probably mist now.

The garden is very damp, and Robbie did that "drying over the nearest human" that dogs think is endearing.

Today sounds as if it will be mainly spent eating. We were going to have lunch with MiL but she has invited lots of other relatives over at tea-time, and as Aditi's brother will be there this evening we may be there for dinner as well. Robbie can't attend but fortunately the neighbours will let him have a run round the garden.

Another parcel of scenic materials arrived today, the postvan arrives early on Saturday!


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  • RMweb Gold

My mother always made us , move away from the window, put down cutlery, and turn off the radio as she didn't want to attract lightning to the house during thunderstorms.

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My swimming experiences in the 80s sound very similar to Stewart's. I was always hopeless at diving as one of my knees automatically jerked up every time so that I never made the elegant dart entering the water.


Was out for leaving drinks last night for my colleague who's off to Melbourne. Feeling like I could sleep for a week just now.

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There was a video on the BBC site where a local was being interviewed from london and the Beeb guy said : Why are the Houses made of wood?

Well when you get a tornado of 180mph rotating winds filled with debris (from cows to concrete - I passed a tornado site outside of Richmond where the tornado had ripped off the top surface of the Motorway) - Nothing will withstand against it - I always say: imagine towing your house behind an infinitely powerful Ferrari at 180mph and then fire a car at it....


The only construction capable is a Hobbit style house with walls of reinforced concrete covered in earth and armoured steel slats over the windows.


Best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

Pete's domestic windproof bunker - coming to a development near you soon!


I wonder if this means we'll have some spring storms heading this way next week. The weather has been reasonably settled of late and though I'm labouring under man flu right now, I was able to get some light tidying up done in the garden yesterday - it's amazing how much chaos three months of near continuous rain and wind had generated.

Not quite Kansas Tornado class but still messy!



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