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SWMBO has taken it upon herself to be a stand in for the Meals On Wheels folk who couldn't make it to the village today.


She has made an enormous pan (I think it's a Marmalade Pan) of Beef Stew and has taken it around on foot to the old folk who missed their lunch.

I've had some and it's delicious.

As there is half of it left, I think I might be tired of it after a day or so.

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Morning All,


It was a bit of a shock to the system this morning to get up at the crack of dawn and head into the office!


We have had a light dusting of new snow overnight to add to the Wintery theme. Apparently there is going to be even more snow at the weekend - but we'll have to see if that comes to pass.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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I've joined the Union of Meals on Wheels Pack Horses.

The main problem, while understandable that MoW people couldn't reach our village, was that there was no communication of the fact.

Consequently, it's possible that some old person in an outlying area didn't get anything to eat yesterday.


Pleased to see the Gritters have reached RMWeb.


A weary day of batting today for the draw.

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I don't know if it's the snow, but I have had a hard time getting into RMweb. Just got timed out for the first two hours and then again having got in, and again in navigating about the place.

Anyway, Here I am.

Ready for anothers day of cricket?

Well done Dd and Mrs Dd! :icon_thumbsup2:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning... :icon_yawn:


Yeah, the forecast over here was talking about lots of additional snow and possibly strong wind from this weekend onwards - should be interesting to observe how this turns out.


Last day of our vacation today...wonder how I'll be spending it. Suitcase will be packed in the evening, I guess!


Have a good 'un! :icon_thumbsup2:

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Morning all, still cold and dark here!


Busy day today, Stage 1 Debate on the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Bill, so I'm going to spend the day watching that, and hoping that no MSPs ask any awkward questions about my policy area that I'll need to find answers on by yesterday!

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Mike: Just say


"May I recommend you to the literature on the subject.

No doubt you are au fait with notification NUH 5630 paragraph f(2) and will draw your own conclusions.

I'd be grateful for your input on the matter to guide my future thinking."

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  • RMweb Gold



I've just got back from taking Matthew to college. The trip there was uneventful but then it started snowing. Fresh snow on -4 C roads was interesting but sensible driving prevailed until someone joined the traffic behind me and had no idea at all about how to drive or why everyone else was being cautious. Fortunately when she decided to overtake there was a handy (and empty) side-road to continue her sideways movement into.






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  • RMweb Gold

I cycled in yesterday in the snow and returned in a blizzard! I left at 11am because I feared I would be stuck there!

Not much luck today either. The road out of the village is sheer ice and I said I would not cycle in and risk my life sliding down the hill onto the main road! The car drivers door wont open and the battery is dead so there's no chance of getting into college that way either. Looks like i'll be 'working from home' today. :D :lol: I think everyone was impressed I made it in yesterday - even people half a mile from the college didn't go in!



Currently though it is very sunny, in fact, sitting indoors with the sun on you it gets quite warm. Still -7 outside though so little risk of the snow melting yet. Please take the RAC's advice and don't travel unless it is necessary and stick to the main roads the whole time!

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