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What's the pond like, Gordon?


Well I'm not skating on it yet....wink.gif


As you can see from the pic, it's mostly frozen over with just the section over the air pump staying clear. Fish don't seem that bothered. Just sitting on the bottom chilling out....

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Morning All,


The last day of my break today - back to work tomorrow morning.


I have got to do some shopping today, and also take down the Christmas lights outside. Not a job that I am particularly looking forward to given that it is -7.5?°C outside! We have still got snow - but the main roads are all clear. No chance of any councils here running out of grit. The autobahns and bus routes get priority, followed by other main roads, side roads remain ungritted and pavements are the responsibility of the property owner who adjoins them.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

The ducks are all dolled up too..



I've never seen Mandarin Ducks like those from my photo before and I immediately thought they look, well, Chinese, even without reading the sign at the basin :lol: .

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Morning all. There'd been a light covering when I got back to Edinburgh last night but nothing since - until about 10 minutes ago. Blizzard conditions out there. I'm currently trying to pluck up the courage to walk to work... Now, where did I put my waterproof trousers?


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Guest Max Stafford

Best not to clear the snow when it's relatively fresh as it's generally OK for walking etc. The problem comes when you get a bit of freeze/thaw and the surface gets smooth and hard. That's the time to get rid.

Top tip. I found out through experience that a garden hoe is the perfect tool for breaking it up. You can then follow on with a shovel.

Worked for me anyway!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Well the snow looks very pretty from this side of the glass. Very very glad I don't have to venture out into it. We only had a light dusting overnight but it's been snowing properly for the last hour or so and now we have several inches.




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Morning all,


0.1C, about 6" deep and still falling (continuous since about 6:00 last evening but the flakes are much smaller now!) Thought you might like some photos from this end of Darkest Hampshire:








Have a good snowball fight!

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  • RMweb Gold



I had an unexpected trip out this morning. Matthew rang home to say the bus hadn't stopped to pick up any passengers at his stop. The bus wasn't full. He walked home and I took him to college. I don't think I'll let him rely on the bus when he has A level exams next week. I've emailed First Bus to see what possible justification there could be for a bus driver missing out a stop. Anyway after taking Matthew I took the opportunity to do a bit of early shopping in Sainsbury. It was really quiet. So was the petrol station until as my card went in the card readers crashed. Hopefully taking the dog for a walk shouldn't pose too many problems!



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  • RMweb Gold

"No snow in your neck of the woods Jam?"

There is now ;)

Cycled the 3.5miles into college in an inch of snow and returned half an hour ago in a blizzard! At least a few inches here, haven't measured it yet though.

Slid off my bike on a concealed bit of broken edged tarmac on the verge but landed in fluffy snow at a low speed thankfully!

I'll post some pictures in a minute... once I've opened a parcel that has literally just arrived... B)

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  • RMweb Gold

Nope, hence the railing along the platform edge. There used to be a wooden waiting shelter on the left hand side platform - you can just see the brick base of it. Closed in 1964 and the owners (who I have met) have restored it to it's former glory - lights and all, from a derelict condition. I would just love there to be a small loco shunting up and down but I have heard there is a plan for housing at the extreme of the photo on the trackbed :(.


See: http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sb-sites/stations/b/breamore/index.shtml for station details

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