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  • RMweb Premium

Terrible "Ear Worm Alert".

Since last night I have been bugged by this song - one of the awful Broadway/West End inspired songs of late sixties hippiedom.

If you are old enough do not read on: "Up! Up with People".


Bloody awful....


Best, Pete.

I might be old enough but it does not strike a chord at all.............
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  • RMweb Gold

Back from our day trip to Leicester. It seems a long way to go for lunch but it was nice seeing Matthew. He was being very positive about the course and is looking forward to his "field" trip to New York. He will be studying multiculturalism and gentrification. The other option was post-colonialism. Matthew has a theory that any lecture course with "post" in the description will be dull. His mum challenged this and they spent most of the starter course having a discussion about stuff I didn't understand!

We came back via Enfield and had tea with MiL but when we set off again the temperature was falling and was about -2 as we arrived home.


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I don't count Tony's post as being today, so Trev earns Early man of the day post.

Happy day and week folks.

Yesterday turned out to be a HOT stinker without any modifying breeze, so today has started with a cool mist and some cloud and a comfortable 25C forecast.

I hope you are recovered Stewart!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Clear sky and slightly below freezing right now, and it looks like it's going to remain dry. I'll be doing some laundry later on, which is the only item on today's list so far.


Cheers everyone...

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Morning All,


I hope everyone had a good weekend - mine was quiet, which is always a good thing!


The weather this morning leaves rather a lot to be desired - it is rather damp and chilly. Still, it is starting to get light earlier now.


Have a good day everyone...

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"Matthew has a theory that any lecture course with "post" in the description will be dull."


The biggest things that have happened since the 1960s are all 'post' something.

The whole world changed then.

Previously we'd been staggering along, making do with our slightly improved ways of doing stuff and not radically changed from the previous several thousand years.

Now we are living our Dan Dare future.


Someone once said, "The past is a strange place - they do things differently there" or words to that effect.


Is Spring now cautiously peeking its nose around the corner?

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  • RMweb Premium

Someone once said, "The past is a strange place - they do things differently there" or words to that effect.


I remember that one as well...but I'm not sure where I came across it. Might have been Michael Crichton's "Timeline"...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very frosty here this morning. I'm not planning to do much today as I need a rest after the weekend, mainly from the exertions of "extreme" oven maintenance / repair.

I have however just volunteered to de-ice the Clio.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Quite a noticeable frost overnight (as forecast!!) but quite pleasant now as it's just above freezing with an occasional glimpse of the sun. Expedition to the south today with Mrs Stationmaster off to the dentist in Farnham and then me going on to Alton (because at least I can find a parking place there and it's remarkably close to a certain shop ;)

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Good Morning.


I can just see stars through a thin veil of cloud. We dodged the bullet again as the snow storm passed to the south of us. Snow in the old south capital of Richmond, VA who'd a thunk it?


A little stiff NNE breeze but we'll take it and then all this mess moving across the Atlantic in your direction.


Later, Pete

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  • RMweb Premium

No. It's just a spell of post winter weather.


Now here's an interesting subject apparently pending definition. I should like to ask how one might differentiate post-winter weather from pre-spring weather and am more than willing to entertain suggestions.

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Guest Max Stafford

7 deg, rain and a stiffening Atlantic wind here. Not looking promising for my afternoon run, but at least I'm off today! :)

Pretty normal for the time of year, but I suspect we're a long way off spring yet! What has been striking this year is the starkness of the east/west weather contrast on such a small landmass!



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Guest dilbert

Dunno, but the weather is definitely of the metallic primate orb variety at night - outlook will change after 72 hours or so... dilbert

Edited by dilbert
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


I think the weather description for today is the now standard ER description of dreich. Dull, and promises to get windy and wet over the next few days - but at least the thermometer is on the right side of the 0C mark.


Thanks for the wishes - bug is still lurking, but not so bad as to keep me off work, as I rested up yesterday. 30747 is still suffering a bit with her tooth - she was told many years ago by her then dentist that if you have dental treatment when you have an infection, that it can prolong the recovery - perhaps so, and 30747 is a testament to this possibility.


Break is over, so


Regards to All


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Now here's an interesting subject apparently pending definition. I should like to ask how one might differentiate post-winter weather from pre-spring weather and am more than willing to entertain suggestions.


It's a new Season called "Wring" - which title is quite apt really.


In the USA Winter does not officially end until the Spring solstice in March - whilst sounding tedious is probably the best way of looking at it...


Best, Pete.

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