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In my best Jack Warner accent ' Evening all'.


Mrs S reaches the grand old age of 55 tomorrow so it's cards and flowers all round. My son has returned home for the weekend, complete with problems and friends will arrive tomorrow. Daughter plus future SiL arrive Sunday, so whichever way you look at it, a busy weekend. As my son supports Liverpool and fSiL is a Villa supporter, the TV may be on at some time.


Better get some beers in.......

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Sounds good Gordon, wish Jacky HB from me.


Another week over, 915 days left till retirement, 26 weeks of call out left, not that I'm counting.


Not much on the weekend, daughter's tomorrow for a feast and a few beers, stay over then up the Mid Hants on Sunday for yet another course for yet another highly necessary certificate. For a hobby we sure have to have a lot of them, not sure that I can stomach much more of it.


Never mind.

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  • RMweb Premium

What Phil said - happy birthday to Jacky, Gordon :) . As it is, my girlfriend also has her birthday tomorrow, so I shall be preparing a nice breakfast.


Getting cold again - thermometer's dropped below -8° again.

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  • RMweb Gold

Gordon, hope you and your family have a lovely weekend celebrating Mrs S's birthday.

Dom. and it would appear that you will be helping a birthday celebration as well!

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Sounds good Gordon, wish Jacky HB from me.


Another week over, 915 days left till retirement, 26 weeks of call out left, not that I'm counting.


Not much on the weekend, daughter's tomorrow for a feast and a few beers, stay over then up the Mid Hants on Sunday for yet another course for yet another highly necessary certificate. For a hobby we sure have to have a lot of them, not sure that I can stomach much more of it.


Never mind.


I can't see why they need to issue certificates (except on initial pass-out) - all you need at most for the qualification holder is a copy of the record card (which should carry all qualification and re-exam/re-assessment dates & details) which is held on their personal file. Anyone who gets it more complicated than that is wasting their time and money as it it not necessary to get any more complicated in order to comply with ROGS. Alas the HRA has been getting involved in some of this sort of thing and regrettably some of the stuff they have put out as 'advice to railways' over the last year or so is nonsensical and far more complicated than it needs to be to meet the EU standards.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Temperature dropped to almost -12° again, but is predicted to rise to -4° over the day. I slept almost till 7, actually, which would appear to be the most I can do at this time.


I think I'll be heading to the bakery around 8, and also get some flowers for the birthday table ;) .


Cheers everyone...

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Morning all,


No celebrations here this week end, cars going for service. I have set of architects drawing to check out, so the civil contractor can start work Monday, the do concept drawing for another site, and my normal raft of reports.........week-end whats that?

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Happy Birthday to the Birthday girls!

I don't think Ladies relish getting older, so I'll say that with a muted voice, but to the respective partners, Good Luck making it a Happy day for the Ladies.


We had some rain overnight so it's a lovely cool day with the remnant of cloud hanging in an otherwise blue sky.

A generally lovely time of the year!


Enjoy the weekend all in your various occupations!

Stewart, I wasn't aware. or had forgotten that you had another operation due. I wish you the very best of LUCK and a very speedy recovery.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Premium

Stewart, I wasn't aware. or had forgotten that you had another operation due. I wish you the very best of LUCK and a very speedy recovery.


Almost overlooked this...I really shouldn't be posting that early in the morning.


What Don said, Stewart - be well soon!

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't think Ladies relish getting older, so I'll say that with a muted voice, but to the respective partners,...

It is OK as long as you say something like "nobody would ever believe you are that age".


It is rather cold and clear here. I'll give Robbie a walk and then I'm off to the other side of Colchester,


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  • RMweb Premium

Stewart, I wasn't aware. or had forgotten that you had another operation due. I wish you the very best of LUCK and a very speedy recovery.


Thanks Don - yes, they've decided that due to constant irritation and inflammation in the hip, and because the hip has actually healed better than expected they're going to open up the leg again, and remove the dynamic hip screw and all the other metalwork in there. I'll be off my feet for a few weeks afterwards as to fit the screw they had to remove part of the middle of the femur and that will need to heal up before the joint is fully sound again.


Morning All


Not so cold here today, and the forecast white stuff for early this morning never arrived. Met Office is now showing a return to dreich weather again for here starting tomorrow - as I really prefer snow in the distance or in pictures and Christmas cards, rather than causing chaos, that is fine by me - I really do wonder how our modern youth would have coped with some really bad winters, eg 1947, 1963, 1979.


Oh yes - and happy birthday to those family members mentioned - not long til 30747 reaches another year older....


Regards to All


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Guest Max Stafford

Good luck with the op, Stewart. It's cold and dry here although it's overcast (8 Oktas) Worked until 3AM but I woke early as I don't want to miss Postie who apparently will be bearing a gift from Liverpool if my emails are correct!

One thing I'm troubled about lately is that I've been feeling really jumpy. Additionally, my concentration and short term memory are shot to ribbons! I'm pretty sure it can't be anything major since I'm not even 48 yet, but it's still a concern. Not even sure I should mention it in public but it's too bl00dy late now!

I hope to have a trip out into the wilds this afternoon where two fellow RMwebbers will be pointing their cameras at pairs of passing Black Fives. I hope to see some of the fun myself!

Pete. That was one cold winter. I once found an ice cube in my bed on a very cold morning. When i put it in front of the fire, it went 'Phrrrrp'!



Edited by Max Stafford
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,I tapped the termometer as I passed it went from -10 to -7 ! The sun is up and melting the ice off the car side it isn't strong enough to clear the roof. We were thinking of going to Carlisle today but the forecast was not good so we are not going. It seems likely that they have overegged the forecast again according to Stewart. Have you got a date for your operation yet Stewart? I think you are anticipating the wrong sort of model from Liverpool Dave.

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  • RMweb Gold

....my concentration and short term memory are shot to ribbons! ......

Not even sure I should mention it in public but it's too bl00dy late now!


Don't worry. You will have forgotten all about it before too long.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium

We were thinking of going to Carlisle today but the forecast was not good so we are not going. It seems likely that they have overegged the forecast again according to Stewart. Have you got a date for your operation yet Stewart? I think you are anticipating the wrong sort of model from Liverpool Dave.


First off - forecast for Carlisle for today is +3C with variable cloud no precipitation and winds of light breeze speeds (under 10mph) but of course there's also the rest of the journey to think about - tomorrow it's for slightly warmer.


Second off - operation is booked for 28th March - I'll keep you all posted but I remember that the patient bedside internet is rubbish, and there's no point in buying a dongle for a couple of days, so I'll probably be offline for a while.


Thanks for the good wishes, gents.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Best of luck with the op Stewart - sounds slightly less inviting than my starting Jury Service the day before, a 'civic duty' I don't really relish to be honest.


Anyway back to the weather - thermometer in the porch (out of the sun) is showing -5 at present and even the Met Office are forecasting -4C for us at 12.00. Hopefully tonight will be a bit warmer as I've got to drive laddo to work at 05.00 as he's decided to have a go at tomorrow's early shift, hopefully he will be alright at work on his own but that will probably in some respects be better than putting up with a bunch of bullying bosses about the place; fingers are crossed for him.

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