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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold
It was a nightmare to get down 76 steps from my flat to the ground floor singlehandedly!

What was wrong with the direct route?

As long as you shout "Gardez TV" you should be ok.

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Hello Everyone! I'm back!!biggrin.gif


Sorry about my rather extended LOA (Leave of Absence), I haven't really been near a computer this holiday, and I've just come back to find there's 20 - odd pages of ER's to catch up on! Well, I hope everyone had a great festive season! I've come back a year older, and day 1 back at work yielded 76,200 unread emails!!! laugh.gif

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I've just come back to find there's 20 - odd pages of ER's to catch up on!

Some odder than others
Well, I hope everyone had a great festive season! I've come back a year older, and day 1 back at work yielded 76,200 unread emails!!! laugh.gif

Replied to each one personally, I hope! :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
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Ironing? Never heard of drip-dry?

Hey O.K. My only domestic ability is cooking. I have a char lady for everything else. She has been my char for 20 years plus.

Today is her day so I will go home to an imaculate, polished flat but an empty fridge.

It's going to be 33C today. Glad I won't be out in the field.


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I have just been outside for a smoke;

It is HOT, HOT, HOT.

I mentioned earlier that 33C was forecast.

Well it's only just minutes after 9:00 and already it feels that.

Sorry, I need all the salt I have available to combat heat exhaustion.

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What was wrong with the direct route?

As long as you shout "Gardez TV" you should be ok.


Kind of like a electro-technical version of St. Knut's day :icon_lol:


Morning All,


Pretty cold around here this morning - the snow is still laying, but very icy and crunchy underfoot. The roads are clear now.


I popped over to Ikea to get some "Gorm" shelves for my garage yesterday. Unfortunately, they were sold out - Ikea were totally Gormless.


I'm going over to a friend today to put up a couple of shelves.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium



Sky looks a lot clearer over here today, and, unsurprisingly, temperatures are very low at around -10?°. We may visit the zoo today - I wonder how the poor animals are faring in this kind of weather!


Later ;) .

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"76,200 unread emails"

Crikey!! Heck that's a lot. I wonder what percentage are junk/spam... unsure.gif


Welcome back!


Morning Jam!


Hehe! Most of them were! A couple of my servers crashed and then e-mailed us to tell us - except not once per server but each of them every 15 minutes from Boxing Day!!


ho hum, it's all good fun! I did have to double-take my screen though yesterday morning!! laugh.gif


Many Thanks, I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year!

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Morning Everyone!


It's freezing here as others have mentioned, and still pitch black in this southern extremity of Hampshire! It was 4c below when I cycled in, and I guess it's not changed much since! I'm not entirely sure whether cycling in was brave or stupid, I did however take it carefully.... unsure.gif


Please be careful everyone, take care of yourselves going about your day and stay safe!

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The ten day forecast doesn't predict anything above zero here.

Sometimes down to minus double figures.

The power companies will be rubbing their hands, as will I for different reasons.


Yes - do take care.

Drive on the engine and not the brakes.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all.


It is -5C here but the car windows didn't take as long to scrape as yesterday. Snow is forecast here but not until tonight. I may clear the garage up (railway stuff!) so I can get one of the cars away if it is going to be this cold for another week.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Everything covered in a liberal coating of frost hereabouts. Absolute brass monkeys! Have to venture into the office today, mainly for a Chinese language course, but I'll probably head back to the home office early this afternoon given we have snow forecast. Scarily this is the first time into the office since about December the 18th! Have a good and safe one all.




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Morning all. Taters here, but no snow yet. Been out to defrost my "char's" car...


Forget a scraper, a belt sander would be more up to the task.


Little brother phoned last night with two tickets for The Emirates and Arsenal v Bolton. Would love to go but I suspect snow will put a stop to travelling up the M4.


Oh well, I may toddle into the back room and watch the cricket...Is it that bad, DD?

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