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Early Risers.


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Morning all,


Back in the Untied Kingdom and looking at 1 okta and -4C outside. Will have to go out later to get some food and things but meanwhile, will content myself with unpacking and admiring my new set of Kato double decked coaches (SBB protptype, of course!) and the Ae4/4 loco I bought.


Just heard an odd noise outside - one of my neighbours is having his lawn scarified (through the frost) by Greenthumb!

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"Spit Sand Cafe"

I like that, that would fit in very well.

Thanks :)


Of course, being such a small cafe, they do not take any payment other than cash, so you'll need an ATM nearby, probably in the local sub-branch of the Sand Bank, perhaps?


Diving into my unpacked luggage to find my coat.......

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Mrs S buys in mealworms for the birds and there are numerous small containers dotted about the house/garden.....not to mention those in the fridge. Never make a sandwich in our place if the light is poor, you don't know what you may put in it.


So what started with feeding a couple of robins, has now become a major exercise. Several birds turn up at the back door and sing for their breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. Funny how these things turn round as she is now at their beck and call....

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Mrs S buys in mealworms for the birds and there are numerous small containers dotted about the house/garden.....not to mention those in the fridge. Never make a sandwich in our place if the light is poor, you don't know what you may put in it.


So what started with feeding a couple of robins, has now become a major exercise. Several birds turn up at the back door and sing for their breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. Funny how these things turn round as she is now at their beck and call....


Same with my Mum. Seen at the bird table on one morning this last week - 3 pheasants, 5 robins, umpteen t*ts of various varieties, finches, 8 wood pigeons, 1 grey squirrel, nuthatches, blackbirds, a thrush (a rarity these days in our garden!)... not to mention the tracks of a badger coming up to the bird table!


England 3 down already... :(

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Top headline today on Yahoo News:




Astounding news.


I once shared a bottle of Champers with this woman (now an OAP) but what she wears to clean her teeth is not and never has been of interest.

Obviously nothing else going on in the world.

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A day (mostly) in the flat today, doing laundry, tidying up, installing new tv and getting old one out to the rubbish bins. Weighed a blooming ton! It was a nightmare to get down 76 steps from my flat to the ground floor singlehandedly! Spent most of the day listening to the cricket while I was doing all those jobs.


Still, the new tv installed very quickly and seems to be working fine. :)


Ironing tonight. Oh, the joy...

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