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Good morning all,

The fine, windless, hot weather continues, a high of 30C forecast for today.

About to watch the Australian Mens open tennis final.

I am supporting Djokovic but fear that ugly Nadal will win.


I hope you are all happily occupied this modeling Sunday.

Will have to miss some time whilst I go down to the delicatessen to get my Sunday roast.

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Morning! I still need some sleep over here where it is 3:30am.....


Just heard that Southern England may get snow this week. 2 cm's. This could be the end of civilization as we know it.

Personally we should rely on the sensible pragmatism of Tony S. to pull everyone through this tough period. If I still resided in Essex and Tony stood for office I for one would vote for him. At least twice and maybe three times (I've learned a lot in the 'States).

On the contrary it is still very mild in my neck of the woods. It looks like the area of Gotham City may set a record for the least snow in the month of January - which is just as well as last week when we had 3 inches or so I could not start my snow blower - by the time I had finished playing around with it my 5 foot tall Wife had cleared one hundred foot of driveway...


In the meantime have a Good Sunday, everybody.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, cold and grey. I'm going to clear up both the railway suite and the loft today, hopefully will start some juices flowing to get some modelling done.


Pete, Essex - south of England? 70 plus miles northeast of here....

Edited by PhilH
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Morning all. An enjoyable day yesterday with the Southampton show and then a trip to Geoff's Mangarth layout. Dinner with friends last night followed by FA Cup highlights this morning as I managed to go the whole day without hearing one of the scores. Great to see some of the minnows such as Crawley and Stevenage get through amongst the big boys.


Rest of the morning will be taken up with tennis...

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  • RMweb Gold

Pete, I have often been accused of being sensible (sometimes as a criticism!) but have no political ambitions. All the driving advice was probably sourced from my Dad who was quite good at driving smoothly and leaving appropriate distances in inclement weather.


The fog has returned here, though at least my brain now feels clear of all the stuff injected into my veins on Friday, I took Robbie for a short walk round the fields yesterday. This was after the 24 hour no no about driving but I still didn't think it was a good idea to take ny car out.. Now that Aditi has finished her studious phase I'm going to encourage her to get used to the Freelander. She won't take it to work though, she only has a small parking space.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - well the frost has lifted, but the fog hasn't although it's a bit clearer than it was a couple of hours ago. We're forecast a few frosty nights but no snow for the coming week so I doubt if panic will be hitting this part of the Thames Valley, unless we have a sudden change and everyone is caught out. Day of rest today I think as I've got to review some 1:1 scale railway stuff tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to (someone gave me the wrong document in the first place so it's effectively doing the whole thing over again :angry: ).

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  • RMweb Gold

Fancy your chances today, BoD?


I'd fancy my chances with her anytime.

It would be an uplifting experience.


As to the match - Ive got to think we will win......

........but it's a derby, it's the cup .........

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  • RMweb Gold



Isn't that somewhere near the South pole?


Actually Essex seems to be in a class of its own. I think both the "Southeast" and East Anglia regions claim it belongs elsewhere. I think people from North Essex think South Essex is London sprawl! I do like Essex though.

Aditi was chatting to someone from BoD's part of the world who said she had been to university in the Midlands. Turned out to be Leeds!

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  • RMweb Gold

Got the joke.

It was the Adobe structure bit I had to research.

I recognised the type of building material/styles but didn't know it even had a name. Another gap in my knowledge filled.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Just popped in before closing some sales on non railway items on Ebay.


Cold here today, and looks set to stay that way for a week or so - maybe more.


Dominik - my experience (and by all that's powerful I've had some) of pain relief and in particular non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs is that they all seem to work to some extent, but in my case, they also had side-effects. I tried diclofenanc (Voltarol) and whilst it worked, it was quite fierce on my stomach. I also tried Naproxen, and it was better on the stomach, but caused me problems with concentration, and also made me fell a bit depressed. Make sure that if you are prescribed either of these, that you discuss in some depth the possibly side effects, and also the possibility of adding a Proton Pump Inhibitor such as Omeprazole or Lansoprazole to minimise the stomach problems.


Off now to see what I've sold, and for how much.


Regards to All


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Pete: For adobe I would build in styrene and then coat with Gesso.

Might not even need to paint it afterwards.

Hope this helps.


I was going to try Foamboard coated with something (I have found out out that the total thickness of the walls on the real thing equals c. 10").....what I'm not sure is the exterior roof treatment?


Thanks for your help.

Best, Pete.

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