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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


School dinners - at the academy that I attended, they started off dreadful, as they were cooked in a central kitchen about five miles away, put into massive aluminium containers, and transported by van to the dinner room, where they were reheated as necessary, then served. Because of this, many of the dishes were stew-like substances served with lumpy mashed potatoes, and stamp hinges (finely chopped white cabbage) or carrots which had the life boiled out of them.


Then when the new building opened, with its own kitchen, things improved dramatically, with fairly freshly cooked fare, including chips, but we never had the dreaded turley twizzlers.


Regards to All


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The one part of school meal that I remember the most is the square of chocolate crunch with a dollop of synitheic cream on top,

you spred the cream allover then with the spoon and your fist proceded to smash it after that it was quite nice.

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Better than "Bob". Although, I dunno, the more I see "Bob" written down the more i'd have liked it on an A4...


School Dinners were pretty good at St. Martins - not bad for one shilling a day. Specially when Spotted Dick was on the menu! Man, I loved that!!!

My Primary School, however, once served whole braised hearts - I wrapped mine in my handkerchief and gave it to a dog on the way home (because we were supposed to eat everything or else).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Well, there were no general school dinners in my day as lessons usually ended between 12.30 and 1 pm at the time, though in my final years the school offered optional lunchtime catering for those who did have afternoon classes. I but never tried one of these meals, though.


The dining halls at uni - there is at least one per campus - usually offer three basic meals, one of which is vegetarian, and a rather broad selection of soups, salads, cakes and other desserts, plus the occasional extra meal which may well be something exotic. They usually are okay, especially considering they aren't more expensive than about ₤3, but I personally would not compare them to restaurant meals.

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  • RMweb Gold

When I said I enjoyed school dinners I did mean the ones at secondary school. They had to cope with meals for 2 lots of about 250 boys within an hour, but we certainly saw basic ingredients being delivered and cooking taking place. The only thing I really disliked was the compulsory once a week salad in winter, usually served with pilchards. Salad swimming in fish oil wasn't nice but some people obviously enjoyed it.

At infant school in Somerset the food used to come in giant containers from somewhere near Bristol, so like Stewart's school our meal was usually stew.

When I went to University it was compulsory to take meals in your college (University of Kent was then a collegiate style place, with pretensions to be organised like Oxford or Cambridge). I loved the food there.

The food at Keele where I did my PGCE wasn't that good but I lived in a postgrad house on campus and we were not required to have a catering contract so we did our own cooking. There were a few people who caused problems, the Iraqi nuclear physicist who thought the electric kettle was an egg boiler, the mad mathematician who would start grilling stuff and set fire to the cooker. His food often ended up going out of the window (ground floor).

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I hated primary school dinners to the extent I ended up taking a packed lunch in my 3rd and last year. I then went to a private school, where we too had to have "a little bit of everything". I'm still traumatised by the thought of mushy peas.


At uni, one of my friends who lived on my corridor managed to set fire to the communal kitchen whilst cooking a haggis in the oven in foil. I have no idea how, to this day. Ended up with the whole hall of residence (450 students) evacuated on a Sunday lunchtime. Our corridor was less than popular...

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  • RMweb Premium

There were a few people who caused problems, the Iraqi nuclear physicist who thought the electric kettle was an egg boiler, the mad mathematician who would start grilling stuff and set fire to the cooker. His food often ended up going out of the window (ground floor).


That's the stuff good stories are made of!

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Good morning all,

Ah school dinners, at Junior school I never partook as it was only a ten minute walk to home, at Secondary, I endured them for the first couple of weeks, then just could not tolerate the stuff they served. So went to sandwiches........

Still dark and warm out side, but there is a lot of air born dust (Hammertan) at the moment which does make give sun some strange looks at times.

Enjoy your day


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Can't say I'm very awake right now, so will need to rely on coffee to get kick-started once again. I do hope that I'll be able to sleep in longer during my term break!


Weather-wise, it is freezing outside, and appears to be hazy as well, so I can't see beyond the next street. However, it is to remain dry at least.


Cheers everyone...

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Good morning all.

The clear weather persists with warmish temperatures, 28C today.

It cooled off overnight so I had 8 hours sleep last night.

Off to have the dressing changed at the surgeon's rooms today.

My 'nurse' does the dressing on Mondays and Fridays, the Drs. nurse on Wednesdays.

The Dr is in Germany today. I don't know why but will see him again next Wesnesday

It feels OK..

So far I have been unable to get a room at the 'home' of my choice, so am investigating other options..

Timothy has been an absolute star in carting me about and/or doing things for me.

He is very much featured in my will, but I don't think there will be much left for him eventually..

Edited by DonBradley
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Morning All,


It was rather surprisingly cold this morning. Rather than the mild, damp weather I was expecting it was -2°C with fog.


I got rather a surprise on the way to work. I rounded a bend in the car to be confronted by someone broadside across the road. They had decided that it was a good idea to pick this exact place, just after a bend, to turn around. Incredible!


Uni food was better than school dinners. I was in halls in my first year and they were self catering. We didn't have Iraqui Nuclear Physicists - but I made the mistake of bringing my Mum's old microwave. We became the only kitchen in the entire halls with a microwave and consqeuently a mecca for everyone. I finally removed the oven to my room when I saw a bloke try to cook frankfurters in it. He looked remarkably like Neil from the "Young Ones" as he stood there, mesmerised by the events transpiring in the microwave. Suddenly there was a muffled report followed by the guy saying "Oh s****! My Frankfurters just exploded". He removed the sausages from the microwave and beat a retreat (splayed end and all) leaving one half of one of his frankfurter sprayed around the inside of the oven!


Another instance saw us all out on the lawn at 3am because somebody had decided to cook burgers at 1am and fallen asleep. They shrivelled to the size of a 10p piece and set the fire alarm off at 3am.


Good times!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

I got rather a surprise on the way to work. I rounded a bend in the car to be confronted by someone broadside across the road. They had decided that it was a good idea to pick this exact place, just after a bend, to turn around. Incredible!


Yeah, I know what you mean. I admit I usually find myself wishing to be driving a tank rather than a car in this kind of situation because this would enable me to teach those numpties a lesson they will not quickly forget! <_<


Sorry for that, I'm feeling rather edgy due to those aches I've been having for a while now. I think I'll be calling my GP after 9 to try and make an appointment with him till the weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Everything is damp outside, however it isn't raining now and it isn't at all cold.

I'm off to the (all new etc) London Hospital on Friday and have to start a special diet today. No real hardship involved as it is low fibre, no red meat, no nuts, seeds, vegetables (apart from potato). Tomorrow is nothing except clear fluids after breakfast.


I spent yesterday afternoon making three trips to the tip to dispose of our old furniture. No charity wanted it , too old, no CE label, no longer have sheltered workshop to rebuild furniture etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

... I admit I usually find myself wishing to be driving a tank rather than a car in this kind of situation


Although he had much experience driving tanks my father often wished he had a Daimler Dingo for his drive through Birmingham city centre. Not to drive discourteously himself of course, just so others appreciated their own errors.


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  • RMweb Premium

Although he had much experience driving tanks my father often wished he had a Daimler Dingo for his drive through Birmingham city centre. Not to drive discourteously himself of course, just so others appreciated their own errors.


That might be a suitable choice of vehicle just as well!


I booked an appointment for tomorrow afternoon and am now hoping the GP will be able to provide me with some relief. Been having problems with epicondylitis several months ago, so I cannot rule out this to have got worse again, after a period of improvement in between.

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Guest Max Stafford

Hope you enjoyed your tour Mike. Much safer to do it now while the midgies are bunkered up for the winter. I once saw a swarm of midgies carrying off a Beltie by the shores of Loch Doon... :derisive:


Well, three days off now I'm mighty pleased to say. The forecast isn't great for the afternoon, but the call of Whitrope is strong as is the urge to run. I ran a grand total of seventeen miles last week. So far, only four this week but if I do Whitrope today I could lift it to ten or eleven, meaning I could put an even greater number on the clock this week. It really does get a hold of you this running caper!



Edited by Max Stafford
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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning all. Bright sky & some sunshine here.

Not used to wheeltappers yet , I was looking at page 3 before noticing there were 831 on this thread !

Going to 'crack on' with the Metcalfe goods shed this morning , having finished the washing up .



There are quite a few pages of ER posts on the old forum as well! Getting rid of the old furniture stored in the garage yesterday has meant that there is almost enough space to start the tidy up to create enough space to put up the 4 club modules I'm going to add scenery to. I'm not tidying up today though!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


I finally removed the oven to my room when I saw a bloke try to cook frankfurters in it. He looked remarkably like Neil from the "Young Ones" as he stood there, mesmerised by the events transpiring in the microwave. Suddenly there was a muffled report followed by the guy saying "Oh s****! My Frankfurters just exploded". He removed the sausages from the microwave and beat a retreat (splayed end and all) leaving one half of one of his frankfurter sprayed around the inside of the oven!


Have a good day everyone...


The secret with frankfurters is to put them between two plates , this controls the splatter as they go bang ,

ask me how I know . :blush:


Enjoy your day everyone .

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  • RMweb Gold

Been having problems with epicondylitis several months ago, so I cannot rule out this to have got worse again, after a period of improvement in between.

I remember one of my MiL's guests at a party telling me all about her tennis elbow and gamekeeper's thumb. She didn't play tennis or shoot though. In Germany are there also "everyday" names for conditions or does everyone use the medical terms?


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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, there are various everyday names for many conditions. Though to be precise, a tennis elbow is actually called a "tennis arm" here, which I guess is a way of expressing how this condition may affect not just the elbow, but the entire arm. One other colloquial expression - this one related specifically to repetitive strain injuries - is called "mouse arm", indicating how the use of computer mice is a very common cause for this syndrome which often affects pretty much the entire arm as well.

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