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  • RMweb Premium

I just noticed there still is a veil of snow on the mountaintops in the distance. No trace of snow down here, though.


I wonder if I should consult my GP again about my neck, which continues to send aches into my left shoulder and head. Not pleasant, that.

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Morning guys and a belated welcome, David. Drizzly rain and a full set of octa's, so no chance of seeing the Northern Lights. S'pose you have to be oop north anyway.


Spent yesterday building retaining walls on ET. Pleasant enough experience, but they don't look much until painted.


Not much on as yet, but no doubt a list will arrive soon.

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  • RMweb Gold


The threatened frost didn't happen here, though I think it may be chillier and foggy nearer London.

I went to the opticians yesterday for a chat to discuss glasses (eye test last week). I was sent home with a pair of frames for Aditi to pass judgement on. So having been approved, I'll probably go and order them today after another chat about lens options.


Matthew rang last night, he seemed happy about how his exam had gone. The last one for this semester is on Thursday. Next semester starts on Monday. Academic "semesters" and residential "terms ", must be a modern thing. When I was at university (last century) the terms were called Michaelmas, Lent and Trinity.


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Very belated welcome and Happy Birthday to David.

That White Creek layout was a sort of fulfillment of my pre-teenage dreams, except my dream was steam powered. I didn't see an Electric loco until I was 14 yo and a diesel until in my twenties.

Oh HAPPY, HAPPY, days.

In my late teens, early twenties I used to spend many early mornings at the end on Cape Town station's platform 14 watching the arrival and departure of steam headed comuter trains. I clearly remember 9 different classes of steam locos dedicated to specific trains. In those days the locos were allocated to specific crews many of whom who kept their locos in super shine' condition.

Stored somewhere there are boxes of negatives, photos and slides taken at that time.

Sorry. I am in a reminiscent mood.


Weather continues extremely pleasant. Again no wind and a high today of 26C.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Premium

Stored somewhere there are boxes of negatives, photos and slides taken at that time.

Sorry. I am in a reminiscent mood.


No need to be sorry at all, Don. In fact, I'd be much interested in seeing those photos, and I'm sure many other ERs would also be... :) Though of course I do not know if you have a scanner anywhere within your reach.

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Scanning negatives and slides is a long, tedious process! One of those jobs I have on my long list...


Morning all. Damp and dreich in Edinburgh this morning. Crossing town now to spend an hour and a half in another SG building then off to HRH Prince Chuck's new pad in Ayrshire for a look round Morrisons' new farm at Dumfries House (not in Dumfriesshire, confusingly). Could be a long day but that's good for the indebted flexi balance...

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  • RMweb Premium

It's actually quite sunny right now, though the forecast predicts the second half of this week to turn dreich yet again. I still feel like I need to catch up on my sleep, so I guess I'll need another few cups of coffee to get me through the day. Didn't I mention I'd love to be a pocket mouse sometimes? :lol:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, It's raining an miserabubble outside with a full set of leaking oktas! It's about time to wander down to the railway shed. No doubt the umbrella, railway shed commuting for the use of, will be in the shed. Why is it that umbrellas are magically at the wrong end of every journey? Is it to do with worm holes, black holes or some such phenomena?


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from the dank, rainy, cloud stricken Thames valley (where we can't even see the other side at present, dunno why that German millionaire bothered to buy the place if he can't even see his own front gate in weather like this). And all that is after a frost that was settling in for the night by 21h00 yesterday, weird weather.


The men came and pointed the infra red camera around the ch pipes - to reveal nothing particularly exciting; they lifted two areas of carpet and opened up the conduit - to reveal absolutely bone dry felt lagging and nosign of any sort of wetness. The next step is damp meter and sounding rods plus lifting a couple more areas of carpet - all very mysterious so far. And our lad is signed off for a further week - which in many respects is good as he is far from fit as yet.

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  • RMweb Gold

It has now started raining here as well. I'm not complaining though. One of the late night weather forecasters mentioned snow today for Essex but it is a big county and he probably meant somewhere north of the A12 anyway.

I really don't like umbrellas. Most umbrella users seem to use them in a way that will take my eye out. I suspect that once the large hadron collider has found Higgs Boson they will sort out the umbrella and missing sock problem.



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Umbrellas are useless equipment in Edinburgh as any rain is usually accompanied by winds so strong that use of an umbrella is classified by the police as attempted suicide.


I seem to remember some comedian (possibly Ben Elton) suggesting that if they eventually drain Loch Ness to find Nessie, all they'll find is a giant teaspoon at the bottom.


Snow on the Pentlands. Could make for an interesting drive to Cumnock if we go that way rather than via the motorways.

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I dreamed my Mum and Dad were still alive. Nothing maudlin and I didn't yell "You're Alive!"


My Mum made me a delicious sandwich of toasted bread, mustard on one slice followed by Corned Beef then a slice of Cheddar Cheese followed by Branston Pickle - I woke up very hungry and know what I am going to make for lunch today, cheers, Mum!


Have a great day everyone... Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

If I dreamed about my Mum's cooking to be honest it would probably be a nightmare. However we never went hungry at home and always had school dinners (they were never called school lunch when I was at school) to enjoy more exotic fare.



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  • RMweb Gold

Yeah, School Dinners indeed! That's where I developed a taste for Mash Potatoes with Custard poured over them.


Best, Pete.

The mashed spuds in our school dinners always seemed to taste of disinfectant, add to that boiled fish every other Friday and it definitely wasn't worth paying for 5 dinners in some weeks.

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  • RMweb Gold

I enjoyed our school dinners, but looking back, it was full of fat!

Very tasty though. 'Smilies', potato waffles, hash browns etc.

The Christmas special lunch was particularly nice I seem to remember.


Sorry I haven't really partaken of discussion on ERs for a while. I tend to have breaks like that for no apparent reason. On the plus side, I have got a lot of modelling done as I guess most of you have seen.

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Our school dinners were concocted of Polycell (there may be other brands) and shoe leather and allowed to go green for our vegetable intake.

The highlight of any 'Dinner' was the rumble of an open salt container as it slid down the long refectory tables.

The new boys, not recognising the rumble, were too slow to lift their plates.


Anyone asking, "Please sir, I want some more" would have been sent to the sanitorium.

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Eeerugh! School dinners - I am still traumatised by them ;)


Some of the more strange offerings were: Fish fingers with mashed potato and beetroot, Salad with baked beans, and then almost always on the following day some sort of revolting stew which always contained baked beans.


You could elect to have a small portion of something, but you had to have something of everything - and not eating something was not an option. I can remember physically gagging while trying to eat baked beans (I hated them then, and I have never eaten them since.)


Somehow, I don't think that would be allowed today - I guess it didn't do us too much harm though!

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