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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


and a happy and healthy new year to all of you :icon_thumbsup2: !



I guess I am a reasonably Early Riser this morning, given that I got to bed around 2am!


Likewise - got to bed around 2:30 and am back up already. Grey sky, but much snow - I hope the clouds'll break eventually as I would much like to take some photos in the snow! :) But I think today will be a calm day, all in all.


Later :) .

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Morning all....smile.gif


..and a very Happy New Year to one and all. Hope the hangovers are not too bad..


Hefty frost last night, but the moon was magnificent. Certainly the brightest I can recall in my lifetime....but then I don't recall what I had for lunch yesterday...

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Hope the hangovers are not too bad..


Not at all! I was driving - so not even as much as a sip of champagne was had.


Not the case with some others though - there was a report on the radio at 07:00 this morning of a crowd of drunk people wandering about on the motorway :icon_eek:

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy New Year ERs and all!

Went to a relative's house yesterday up until about 1:30am which was pretty good fun. Fireworks (real and on the telly ;)) and high quality entertainment in the form of an almost karaoke - '... and i've got a brand new combine 'arvester...' seemed to be a popular choice!

Never really celebrated the new year as much as yesterday :lol:

Hope you had a great night/morning and continue to make the most of 2010...

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The moonlight was beautiful last night, and initially I was surprised by the westward speeding Chinese Lanterns heading towards the Clifton Gorge, I haven't yet read of bush fires in Leigh Woods.


Happy New Year to all posters.

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Morning all from a very white Northwest Durham. Another few inches of fresh snow overnight and still falling. Where it's not been disturbed over the fortnight it's about a foot deep. The moon (even when behind light cloud) was so bright last night and with the snow, made it look almost like a summer's evening.


Think we've had one vehicle along the road outside our house since we got up. Which means either it's NYD and everyone's staying home or the roads are impassible!


Think we're having our traditional New Year's Day lunch today - a fondue. All I'll say is, with the snow and the fondue, I just wish I could ski! :)

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Think we're having our traditional New Year's Day lunch today - a fondue. All I'll say is, with the snow and the fondue, I just wish I could ski! :)


Even if you can't ski, it doesn't stop you from partaking of the apr??s-ski :icon_lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello and Happy New Year


We had a very sharp frost here last night. Not much happening today but I suspect a frenzy of cooking tomorrow. Some friends who moved out of the area years ago will be coming to see us on Sunday. We are all really looking forward to seeing them again. I've warned Matthew there will be a lot of comments about how much he has grown since they last saw him.



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A balmy 2 degrees is forecast for today.

That's probably enough to cause the surface snow to smooth out in time for the freeze this afternoon.


Our average temperature for the decade so far is 0 degrees.


Went along to the post office to get newspapers and milk at 11 o'clock and the car was registering -1. I suspect our average for the decade may be below zero!

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  • RMweb Gold



happy new year all.


Nice to know its still snowing back at home smile.gif have to see if i can get back into my court yard tomorrow.


A quite new year from me, sat watching the crap tv. I was hoping that i could have spent it with the girlfriend but she went to a friends party where her ex was going. Prob best i didnt go.


Still a nice quite day today and then travel back home.




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  • RMweb Gold

It seems much colder here now the snow has all gone. Even Robbie didn't go for a swim today. No one had a hangover from last night. Matthew asked if he could try some of the Soviet era vodka I found at the back of the cupboard but he didn't like it so I had to finish it (the small glass not the bottle). We only saw one bird today and it looked not very happy. I think the egrets are supposed to be an example of warmer climate! However I didn't see the species that got my message yesterday censored.


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  • RMweb Gold

Bit of a strange day now Christmas and New Year are all done and dusted - don't quite know whether to be glad or sorry. I had a good time last night with my son, his wife and my grandson. This is Joshua, aged 9 weeks. He already has his first Thomas....



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning - where you all hiding? :blink:


More snow outside, and now my girlfriend's down with a cold as well :( . I, on the other hand, am feeling better already. Not sure what I'll be doing later on, though - 3 degrees below freezing outside.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


We had a mini thaw last night when the snow turned to sleet and what was lying started to melt. Then it turned back to snow before the skies cleared. Overnight everything has frozen solid, it is like one large ice rink out there. It took a long while to edge to the newsagent and back earlier on.


I've just been reading the 'best selling authors of the decade' list. No prize for guessing number one, but Shakespeare is there (just on top of Carol Vorderman) and so is Enid Blyton. More importantly, still there, is the Rev. Awdrey. All is right with the world.

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Morning All,


Quite a chilly start to the day today - it was -2?°C when I got up and we had a light dusting of snow overnight, but the sun has now come out and the temperature is up to around freezing.


I went for a 55km cycle ride yesterday afternoon, and it was really cold. I started around 1pm and it was still reasonable, but as the afternoon drew on it got colder and colder. By the time I got back at 4pm it was really cold.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all bit of snow last night but only enough to colour the ground. Robert you either wear enough insulation to look like micheilin man or you are completely mad 0C plus wind chill must have taken you down to about -5C brain freeze zone plus cold extremities.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, and Happy New Year to all....Didn't get on yesterday as was at home, and home PC not yet fettled.


As predicted, both Mrs 45156 and I decided on an early night on New Years Eve, as we've both got "the bug", she worse than me....Inevitably, we were wakened at midnight by the fireworks (some people have more money than sense, it seems -some of the displays must have cost a fortune - at least a couple of locos). The most odd thing was a plethora of what appeared to be UFOs, but which I later found out were Chinese Lanterns - they were most eerie. Oddly, the dog never seems to be too bothered but she was trained to the gun by her original keeper, so that's probably why, and just snored away contentedly through it all snuggled up to the chimney breast which stays warm most of the night


New Years Day went almost to plan - out to the garage first thing to sort out a week's supply of logs (they always come just a little too big for our preference and small firebox - it would be a bit churlish to ask our neighbour to make them smaller, particularly as he gave me his logging maul a couple of years ago), Radio 3 for the first part of the concert, then a lovely cup of decent coffee and a bacon sarnie as we settled to the second half of the Vienna concert on the TV. It really is the most delightful event, and is to be recommended to all music lovers. The only blot on the landscape was the weather, which was cold, sleety, snowy, etc...


Today, I'm stuck in the office for most of the day, as I work some Saturdays, and drew the short straw. I had to start at 8.00, so this meant some careful preparation for the car, as the overnight temperature was somewhere around minus 5 - so making sure I had squirted anti freeze round the door seals, and into the driver's side lock (my car isn't advanced enough for remote locking) made for a slightly quicker getaway at 7.30. If I had a fit of the Drathers, I'd rather have a repeat of yesterday.


All the best to all RMWebbers for a happily train slanted 2010.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I think cycling to school in winter many many years ago put me off cold weather cycling for ever. I did ride my motorcycle (also many years ago)from Canterbury to Solihull one December when it was sub zero all the way. I had to get off every few miles and hug the engine to warm up.


My cold weather exercise now is limited to scraping windscreens or walking the dog.



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