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  • RMweb Premium

So a small (hide it behind television!) silent device with HDMI output would be quite nice. Even with the wireless keyboard and magic track pad it seems to compare pricewise nicely with some mini pcs which frankly don't seem so good (or look as unobtrusive).


That might indeed be a rather good idea - after all, you can hardly beat current flat-panel TVs for image size, if that's what you're up to.

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  • RMweb Premium

I was reading today in Private Eye about the damage done to the chinese workers from aluminium dust in the manufacture of Macs and suddenly an Apple device doesn't look quite so attractive, much as the suicidal X box makers don't do a lot for microsofts ethical reputation either.

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  • RMweb Gold

That might indeed be a rather good idea - after all, you can hardly beat current flat-panel TVs for image size, if that's what you're up to.

The 40inch screen when connected from the HDMI output on a laptop seems fine viewed from across the room. At the moment it is a "wouldn't it be nice if" sort of idea. I've just purchased a small piece of Lenz DCC equipment so I'd better wait a while. I don't think the hours labour charge at the garage I'll save by fixing the car myself will go a long way towards either purchase!

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No detention, but having a little bit of trouble transferring pics. At present I have something like 15,000 pics divided up into directories and sub directories. I was told to download them into an USB drive and then import into iPhotos. Did that but they all go into 'events' and you apparently lose all the directories and each sub directory exists on it's own. So if you had a directory called Railways and a sub directory Horsham show, it would ignore the Railways directory and place Horsham show after say Holiday. Completely unrelated, but just sorted alphabetically.


Still investigating that one, but Apple tech support said that was the case. Means I now have to rename all my sub directories along these lines, Railways-Horsham show to ensure all those railway subjects appear together. Not a happy man, but not the end of the world and not as seamless as I was lead to believe....


....unless you know otherwise.

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  • RMweb Gold



....unless you know otherwise.

No idea but it seems to be causing a bit of a headache to others! Is this any help?

I've no idea how to do it. I use Picasa on my PC and only store by date taken directories.


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I hadn't seen that particular forum Tony, but my searches brought up similar results and Apple confirmed that. It's one of those things that sorting it all out once at the front end will take days, but once done is easy to continue. The thought of doing that for days is really off putting, so I'm trying to find a work round. Bloody irritating but not the end of the world. Of course with Parallels and Windows 7 installed I might just say stuff it and continue to access them via Windows rather than OS-X.


Black mark for iPhoto? I could be harsh and say yes, but I guess it's just another instance of Apple doing it one way and Microsoft doing it another. The seamless transfer of files is not quite as seamless as their marketing material would suggest.

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  • RMweb Gold

I get in a muddle with network sharing. Windows 7 wants me to set up Homegroups. I keep somehow messing it up and go back to the old way of doing things. At least I can use an old method, and it is probably sensible anyway with four different versions of Windows running on our network.

I wonder if nowadays we are supposed to let the computer decide where to put the photos and we tag them for searching. This would be fine but not as in your case with an existing collection. When I first installed Picasa it found photos I didn't know I still had (in some obscure directory Iassume). I was quite pleased to find the photo of Zippy the hamster eating Matthew's Sonic the Hedgehog slippers!

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Hello all,

Another hot night with patchy sleep but I feel OK.

I am sure some of you envy our hot weather, but today promises some relief with rainy patches. I enjoy the warm/hot days but would prefer cool nights when one can snuggle under warming blankets.

Fussy aren't I? I am wondering if we are not experiencing the effects of climate change.


OK. Time for me to sort out my morning pills, have breakfast and take the pills with a cup of (lightly laced) coffee


How are things in your neck of the woods Trev?

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Morning All,


I can't give a weather report, because I haven't been out yet. Still, it doesn't look to be anything more than the usual damp, grey weather we have had of late.


Sorry to hear about your stomach bug Stewart, there seems to be a lot of it about at the moment. I guess not too surprising with the weather.


Good to hear that your first experiences of the dark side are positive Gordon!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


TGIF - though as I mentioned before, I'll have to apply some finishing touches to my report. Though we did find ourselves wondering just on which basis our tutor would eventually mark these reports, seeing how they are much more centred on personal reflection and impressions than on scientific work...which we thought will most likely be a lot more difficult to rate. I guess he could only try to gauge the sincerity of our reflections and whether we are aware of teaching being a profession where there are no such things as ideal solutions to any given problem.


Cheers everyone...

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Morning all (sticking head over parapet!) Surprisingly cool here this morning. But the strike continues although there were talks last night and more scheduled for tomorrow, so who knows?


Otherwise still very quite here.......although a few more of the house girls are about this morning, so they must have opened the complex main gate for a while at least.. But I aint going anywhere just yet.

Whatever you're doing today, enjoy your freedom !



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Having arrived in the office, I can now confirm that the weather is much similar to how it has been for most of this year so far.


Grey and damp - It is a little colder than it was though. However, still +5°C

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Back (reluctantly) at work as I think another day off would have helped - but hey ho.


Colder overnight - about -2C when I turned out at 07.20 - I had taken the precaution of putting a cover on the car, with the added extra of a shower curtain on the windscreen - only to find the whole lot frozen to the car as there must have been moisture trapped beneath - took longer to sort than it would have done had I not bothered.


Hope that anybody with any problems, health, computer, or civil unrest (or indeed anything else) is seeing a move in the right direction.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Weather's been rather dreich on my way to uni, but the clouds are scattering as I'm typing this.


I can't really comment on iPhoto as I only gave it a brief look, always having preferred to archive my photos in folders named according to my personal logic. I guess I could also try the Organizer thing which came with Photoshop Elements 10, but I somehow do not feel as if any of these organising programmes would suit my taste.

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Awful day predicted today for Gotham - but it could have been worse, no snow, again. yet.


The snow is going to the North of us we're going to get high winds and rain. I know it is not as bad as you lot have been getting in the UK (in days of) but because we've had so many beautiful days of light winds and deep blue skies to get used to. Will be sub-zero even for "highs" over the weekend. The Sun returns though.

The bad news is that the storm system we had yesterday will merge in the Atlantic with today's and deepen to create a real nasty heading east. Don't know where it will end up though.


best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

Hopefully it will stay offshore Pete. Yesterday was a beautiful clear cold day here and the night has been just the same with a bit of frost about too. At last, some decent winter weather and sunshine to boot. This is much more like it! Hopefully after sorting out some paperwork, I can escape from the foul air of the over-heated office tonight. The aircon is continually cranked up and I'm beginning to suspect that I'm working with a bunch of colleagues who are in fact lizards in disguise!

Only three more to go then I'm on my three days off again. Not sure what I will be getting up to on on Monday as my new fireplace is due to arrive "between 8am and 6pm". Best hang about the workbench all day then, I suppose!



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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all.

Bright, sunny but just freezing here. I took Aditi down to the station. She has to go up to London (near Waterloo Station) later this afternoon for a mock viva exam. Originally she was going to take a whole days leave but needed to go to work this morning for an unmissable meeting. Yesterday somebody decided that she should spend the morning doing something else and miss the meeting. The proper exam is on Tuesday, so she has booked Monday and Tuesday as holiday. It is a good job she doesn't need the car for a few days as I'm going to have to take it to the garage anyway. The substantial alloy bracket is bolted to a steel box and the captive nuts have corroded so two of the bolts are not removable. Hopefully it is fixable!


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Gordon: I abandoned iphoto.

Put loads of pics on it then couldn't get some of them out again to use.

Don't know why - not interested - recommend storing pics. on a different plug in device.

If you are storing 15,000 pics at, say, 3Mb, that's a lot of storage memory to just be sitting there anyway.

My method is very simple: I have Picture Folders on my desktop under different headings.

When a folder goes over 50mb ("Get info") I burn it to DVD.


Afterthought: The DVDs are then used to add to an alphabetical library on DVD also.

Edited by DDolfelin
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