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Morning All,


Another morning, similar weather wise to most of the others this week.


I got held up on my way to work this morning by what appeared to be a nasty accident. Loads of police, ambulances, and fire service in attendance. I can't say what happened because I don't like to gawp at accidents - if ever I am unlucky enough to have a road traffic accident then I don't want loads of people gawping at me as I lie in the road. However, it did happen at a bus stop so hopefully no pedestrian was involved.


You do seem to have trouble with that Clio of yours Tony! Still, sounds like a quick fix this time. My parents broke down on their way back from Christmas and New Year at my place. Their Zafira is eleven years old now, but it has only broken down twice. Both times in France! One at three months old and once at eleven years. That turned out to be a quick fix - the crankshaft pulley disintegrated on the motorway. A new pulley and belt later they were back on their way.


It did take several hours though - as the French motorways are privatised, a particular breakdown company has exclusive recovery rights on a stretch of road. The AA can only recover you from off of the motorway. Fortunately, they were able to limp to a rest area and chatted to a Lorry driver for advise. He phoned the Gendarmes for them, and they were recovered to an area off of the motorway where the AA could get to them!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

I hope it continues to be quiet Trev is there any sign of the government backing down? I think you can blame a tv programme for showing the massive difference in disposable income doing the same job here and Australia Mike.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Looking grey and dreary outside and I would prefer to sleep for another couple of hours, but once I'm awake around my usual time it's very difficult for me to get back to it. No real winter weather in sight over here either, even though we, too, stocked up on such things as non-freezing screen wash.


Oh well, just one more day to go till the weekend...and once I'll be having that report done, I think things will be much more relaxed, although revising for my exams in early February will then need to follow.


Cheers everyone!

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I hope it continues to be quiet Trev is there any sign of the government backing down? I think you can blame a tv programme for showing the massive difference in disposable income doing the same job here and Australia Mike.


Probably not that, but her husband's market research company where he was a partner had to close last year, so he was looking for other work. He was offered a job with an Australian company and they claim visas should be no problem for either of them, so they're off in March. It's a shame, these are some of my favourite folk who are leaving, so I'm getting the itch too.

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I know a family who moved from the 'States to Australia last year - which would have been unheard of a couple of years ago, although there is a definite whiff in the air here of things picking up, at last.

The one thing I don't care for about Aussie is that every critter on land and in the water appears to be out to get you (just look at a listing of the worlds most venomous snakes) - and many of them are happy to be cohabiting the cities.


The official forecast for today is horrible. Rain and Wind, colder by tomorrow.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is rather overcast but it isn't cold. I'll go over to the Renault dealer after breakfast and get / order the part. It is easy to get at and is fixed with 3 large accessible bolts. The Clio has had a few things needing replacement but it has done 130000 miles' is 12 years old and does about 60 miles a day so we can't complain. The kind of car Aditi would really like wouldn't be sensible for use in the places she works so she wants to keep the Clio as long as it doesn't require anything too expensive. It still looks nice.

Don, When my mother had a foot that needed dressing it took a while to find the best dressing but once the district nurses found one that worked there was never any re-infection of the wound. In the end it did turn out to be the most expensive dressing, which cheered my Mum up.



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Morning all. Just enjoyed catching up with our collective troubles and issues. You see it all on here... :)


Keep you head down Trev. I know what it's like being trapped miles from home, although nothing like your experience. I hadn't appreciated BoD was teetotal.


Had my 6 month personal MOT yesterday. Very low in iron and Vitamin D, so that would explain why I feel so blooming' tired these days. They've prescribed some tablets for me. Sadly a holiday in the sun on the NHS was turned down.


On the iMac front, all is going well so far. Got my first training today so that will also help. Cannot believe the spaghetti of wires from my old system has gone completely. Just one mains cable and that's it. I guess the lack of a USB slot on the front is form over function. Bit of a pain having to plug any USB devices in, so I've hooked up a hub permanently. Just need to find an easily accessible place to park it in this new minimalist desktop.


Have a good one whatever you do.

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  • RMweb Gold

... Just need to find an easily accessible place to park it in this new minimalist desktop.

Although my main PC has loads of USB sockets front and rear, it sits on the floor (it is rather heavy). This is usually fine but the usb cable for my phone is only a few inches long. Fortunately the monitor has a couple of USB sockets (as does the keyboard).

Hope you have a good day at school!


Edited by Tony_S
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That is what you miss with the wireless keyboard. My hardwired version has two USB ports at either end on it - which are very handy. My Imac is the only computer in the house that is totally hardwired even unto the fibre optic system! We did the deliberately.


Got used to the lack of noise yet?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Spent most of yesterday in bed, as got a tummy bug and was up half the night being unwell. As I'd already had my bolus of insulin that meant that I spent most of the day with low blood sugar as I couldn't keep any food down. Luckily it passed over quite quickly, and of course it is nothing at all compared to some of the more serious ailments that other ERs have. Should be back at work tomorrow.


Turned a bit windy here now, and the forecast is for a colder airstream to follow.


Trev - keep your head down - what you're experiencing there sounds pretty dreadful.


Don - hopefully the new dressings and antibiotice will have the desired effect - no doubt the tablets are contraindicated with brandy.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Well I've (obviously) returned from my sojourn in the north although something in excess of 4 hours on a Voyager is perhaps not the best way to spend one's day (but at least it avoided LUL) and made no difference to my overall journey time. Thames Valley weather is currently not to bad and there's actually the odd patch of blue visible in the sky; the central heating is playing up again with threats now of 'problems under the (tiled) floor', good to see everyone is still in fair fettle and that Gordon is getting used to his new world (I use a wireless mouse and keyboard but all else is cable connected).

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Good man Gordon! Hope you're enjoying your iMac experience. I've really been converted to it, although there are some strange things still, such as shadow files appearing on USB drives and remembering to empty USB drives by emptying the trash or else it deletes the visible files and leaves the info there...

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  • RMweb Premium

My hardwired version has two USB ports at either end on it - which are very handy. My Imac is the only computer in the house that is totally hardwired even unto the fibre optic system! We did the deliberately.


I also chose the wired variant with number pad over a wireless one on my Mini - both for the additional pair of USB ports and the num pad itself which I've grown so used to having, even though I actually do not use it all that often.



Got used to the lack of noise yet?


This was one of the things that struck me most about the Mini, I admit!

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  • RMweb Gold

This was one of the things that struck me most about the Mini, I admit!

The Mac Mini looks very interesting. I quite like sitting in the lounge but don't want to always cart laptops about. So a small (hide it behind television!) silent device with HDMI output would be quite nice. Even with the wireless keyboard and magic track pad it seems to compare pricewise nicely with some mini pcs which frankly don't seem so good (or look as unobtrusive).



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  • RMweb Premium

Feel better, Stewart, Sounded a bit nasty to me.

I'm not going to discuss my "Plumbing" issues as probably 99% of ER's suffer the same way!


Best, Pete.


Thanks Pete

The tummy bug was not so bad in itself, it was more the fact that had it come on early enough, I could have modified my insulin, but having taken 32 units of very long acting, I had little choice but to go with it.


I agree that plumbing problems are probably endemic in ERs and are probably best not discussed here as it would increase the post count by many many more thousands.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just enjoyed catching up with our collective troubles and issues..

Enjoyed? There's a word for people like that!!


Answers on the back of a ten pound note to this address.

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  • RMweb Gold

A recent pronouncement by our GP was that 'alcohol and antibiotics don't mix' was in fact a myth, not that I have felt inclined to mix them personally. Don I hope the new regime gives a better and quicker result.


My GP BiL goes ballistic every time he hears that people won't take antibiotics in case they can't have a drink. There is one antibiotic that it is generally advised not to be taken with alcohol but he explained the myth as follows. When antibiotics were first introduced no-one knew if they were affected by alcohol so initially patients were told to refrain. This entered urban myth. It would say refrain from alcohol on the patient information leaflet if it were true.


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