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  • RMweb Gold

My father's instructions were just to go for the cheapest funeral available! My mother refused to talk about such things and even refused to leave a will. Actually although Mum had a number of illnesses my brother and I expected her to outlive us.

My brother has asked for Comfortably Numb and Burn, Baby, Burn to be the tunes at his funeral. Not too sure how serious he is.


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Gor blimy, I can't make up mind whether you are being morbid or practical. When I was building the railway I was warned to make provision for it's eventual demolition, but that would have involved extra time consuming work so I said to hell with that, it wil be someone else's problem. A it turned out I was involved in it's removal, so maybe there is merit in providing for eventual 'termination"!

I vote for a full pipe and drum band rendition of Amazing Grace.


Another glorious Springy/Summery mild day.

Have a happy, successful day all.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Found it surprisingly hard to get out of bed this morning, but that's weekdays for you, I guess. Thankfully, I only have one course on Wednesdays. I hope the calendar for the next term will be published soon as I'd like to see whether or not I can do all remaining courses this summer. I most likely would have been able to, had one course originally intended to take place in my current term not been cancelled altogether.


Cheers everyone...

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Morning all, dull overcast ,misty and very quite here........................ virtually nobody has left our "village" (gated community) theres no traffic on the main roads. I have spoken by phone to all my staff, they like lots of the locals are staying home and not trying to go any where..... good job I stocked the cupboard up on Saturday!


"Head-down Trev".


Enjoy your day, difficult for some I know, but try.

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Thinking of Trev's last tin of baked beans, there is an advert currently on TV here reverting back to the 1994 first universal election here when everyone stocked up on basics and hunkered down expecting the end of civilization. It centers on the last tin of viennas.

It did happen - I mean people stocking up as though for a siege

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My message light (top) showed a new message but I couldn't find one.

If someone has written to me but changed their mind, thank you for the thought.


Although not an option for all, my body is destined for the research route.

Of course, only well toned material is accepted and I couldn't deprive them of the opportunity.

First option - a burning boat on the Marine Lake - proved impossible to arrange.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I'm on a bit late today, must be motorway lag after yesterday's trip to Leicester.

It is really quite warm this morning. I'm not planning too much today, I'll make some bread now that a replacement toaster has arrived, the old one finally became unusable this weekend.


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Mornin again, chaps we normally keep around two - three weeks stock of food in any way and have reckoned that we have enough coffee for a month. The strike will be over by the weekend, only to start again on Monday!

The up side (?) is that the airports are closed.........which means that the "visitors" that are supposed to be coming now cant. One director was still adement last evening that he was travelling today, until I pointed him at a local news report about 600 plus people being trapped at the airport waiting for flights out.

But apart from the few blocked roads there is very little from what I can find out going on.

If it carries on much longer I might even find time to build a bit more of a 1:24 Manning Wardel, or start on a Sentinal, plus loadsa skips to do....................

Trev (still with head down!)

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  • RMweb Gold

Much of the time my brother spent in Nigeria was under military rule. Criminals were executed on the beach at weekends. There were often shortages of some foodstuffs and then a glut.

When he was working in Thailand for their army he got picked up each morning by an armed escort. As he was staying in a tourist hotel, this seemed to disconcert each new intake of mainly German tourists.


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Sorry Mick, I was just trying to comment (in a heavy handed way) using satire on the growing need for people (led by "Celebrities" natch) to organise their passing down to the dotted i and crossed t's.

When all the mourners care about is that they have lost a loved one or dear friend.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

I managed to make my self useful this evening. As soon as she arrived home Aditi informed me that there was a funny rattling noise from the car. I refrained from my usual comment about her choice of music and we went for a ride round Benfleet. It turned out to be a failed rubber exhaust support. To get the bit of rubber requires the replacement of the lump of alloy bracket that holds it. So tomorrow I shall be going to the Renault dealer with a photo of the part I want. When we needed one about 6 years ago it was a special order but perhaps they will have one in stock this time. They are available through Amazon though if not from Renault.

Aditi is taking half a days leave tomorrow morning (her mock exam is on Friday) so it could even be fixed before she needs the car.

The proper "viva voce" exam is next Tuesday but she won't drive that day, the train can take the strain.

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I'm the one with insomnia today. I felt it was too hot to sleep. Was up and about a couple of times during the night. I think I managed about three hours of sleep in patches. I don't feel sleepy at the moment but I think it will catch up with me at some stage. I was tempted to dose myself with brandy to induce sleep but feared that might have other consequences so decided against


Went to the surgeon yesterday for a normal follow up visit. He says my foot is not as good as last week. He has put me on another antibiotic and changed the type of dressing which requires changing every second day.


Hey ho, we all have our individual problems. I think I'll stick to mine and not envy anybody else who might appear to be less afflicted

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Morning all. The winds really picked up from about 11 last night but seem to have dropped again now but it sounds like the rain's started.


Having been utterly unprepared last year, I bought a snow shovel, screen wash with a freezing point of -18 C and snow/ice grips for my shoes. And so far, nothing! One morning's drive with a bit of snow.


One of my favourite colleagues leaves today and another has announced she's leaving to go and work in Australia.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A form of induced insomnia here.

Induced by a visit by the police at 3:30. Having knocked us up to check everything was ok they said they had had a report of a drunk at our address. They then said it might have been at a street with the same name at the opposite end of the county!! They did apologise.

I didn't get back to sleep until just before the alarm went off.

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