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  • RMweb Gold


What were you doing up at silly o'clock?

My "out of sink" was due to attending a surprise birthday party for our neighbour. I don't know if it is an age related thing but I get indigestion if I eat late and can't lie down. Using the netbook to see who is on RMweb requires less light than reading a book!

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  • RMweb Gold

I have spent most of the last three days at hospital, supporting SWMBO as we wait for MIL to take her final journey. She isn't half dragging her heels, as is her wont.

You have me deepest sympathy, I went though that with both of my parents and it can be very wearing - apart from the obvious trauma- for those who are waiting. And it can go on an awful long time and you daren't leave 'just in case'.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have spent most of the last three days at hospital, supporting SWMBO as we wait for MIL to take her final journey. She isn't half dragging her heels, as is her wont.


Oh no... :( My thoughts are with you and your family. It was much the same for me when my Grandma died several years ago...

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  • RMweb Premium

as we wait for MIL to take her final journey. She isn't half dragging her heels, as is her wont.


If it is inevitable, then all we can hope for is that it is quick and painless. Don't forget your cyber mates are all here if you need them if the going gets difficult - I've been there a time or two, and found that fellow RMWebbers/ERs are an amazingly supportive bunch.


Afternoon All


Dreich, dreich, dreich. Spent most of the morning sorting out paperwork - I think that paperwork seems to increase with the square of your age - I seem to have more now than I ever did before, even with more modern tools available - but then I treat online stuff as "paperwork" as well.


Gordon I got a copy of Top Shed in a job lot of second hand books a few months ago, and it is a good read. Yesterday, I picked up a couple of modelling books second hand, and the previous owner of the books was my neighbour's dad! I never even knew he was into modelling - but then it took a while before I discovered that Ohmisterporter and I live in the same road!



Regards to All


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It's a tough time for everyone concerned BoD and having gone through twice in the last few years, my thoughts are with you, your family and your wife in particular. Girls always seem so much closer to their mothers, so the loss is always hard to bear for them.

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My Father died very suddenly, literally in front of my friend, a Policeman who's beat was Shenfield.

My Mother lingered a little in her turn but not long - she had AML. In the months before her death though she managed to accuse just about every member of our family of something heinous - I will not go into family details but she accused one neighbour of going out at night and running a her hose over one of my Mother's walls and the other neighbour of secretly putting poison on her box hedge between the houses. It is very unfortunate because these are the things people remember about her instead of the long time when she was your usual loving Mother...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all of the kind thoughts and good wishes. MiL left us this afternoon.


Don't forget your cyber mates are all here if you need them

Over the last two and a half months and particularly over the last few days, AndyY's RMweb and you lot, via my iPhone, have helped me through some of the long hours at hospital. So whether you realised you were doing it or not, thanks to my 'cyber mates' for just being there.

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Guest dilbert

Another page in the book is turned and the bookmark now moves to the next chapter. Yet with the sadness, a celebration of a life has to be planned... dilbert

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Morning all,


Looks like due to the general strike here wont be going to work today...........nobody drivers have shown up yet, and doesn't look like any of the house girls have yet either.So it will be a "work at home day"........


Have a good un all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Back to uni today, for which reason I'll have to adapt to getting up earlier once again. However, term break will begin in about one month, thankfully. Other than that, there's nothing much to report as of yet.


Have a good one, if at all possible on a Monday...

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Morning All,


Rather a dreary morning around here today - it is unseasonably warm and rather damp.


Sorry to hear your news BoD - thinking of you and your family.


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary Stewart.


I didn't get on over the weekend, there were rather too many other things going on. We went down to Stuttgart on Saturday to see the musical Rebecca which was incredible. Unfortunately, the London premiere has been canceled.


Oh well - time for a coffee. Have a good day everyone...

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Morning everyone (except I have not been to bed yet - disgusting behavior for a 60 year old)!


And here is the weather forecast for Gotham City:


Monday 9th January AM Clouds/ PM Sun. High 44f (7C), Low 31f (-.5C). Wind SSE 5mph. Sunrise 7:21am, Sunset 4:48pm


Tuesday 10th January Sunny. High 50f (10C), Low 30f (-1C). Wind WNW 12mph. Sunrise 7:21am, Sunset: 4:49pm


Have a great day!

Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, so mild last night that at 12.30 am the birds were singing in the moonlight, if I knew more about bird calls I think there were three different species calling. Monday Oh joy work again must get the children moving.

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Good morning all. Very sorry to hear your news BoD. my deepest sympathy to Mrs BoD.

Scudding clouds bringing cooler weather though it's still muggy

A lot of businesses were closed here last week, so today sees the beginning on the new work year.

School reopen on Wednesday - None of which affects me

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.Rather dull here today.

My list consists of some shopping and getting ready to take Matthew to Leicester tomorrow. He has sorted out his packing so there isn't much to do.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Firstly, may I add a "me too" to the condolenced being offered BoD - it's never easy when a loved one goes, regardless of whether it's expected or not, and also it doesn't help much for those left that on some occasions it is for the best as it ends a period of suffering. Many of us ERs are of an age, and seem to see the passing of relatives and friends on a more and more frequent basis. And as I said, we are here and hopefully can offer support.


In fact, that's about it, so

Regards to All


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