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Mike got it spot on: Graham Gooch. He was an Essex lad of sorts. Really a Londoner from Woodford originally but that was once part of Essex.


If one of the footballers was Bobby Moore who was the other one (and I think he still does live in Shenfield)....


Best, Pete.

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Damn quick! Yes, Trevor Brooking, Well done G. A much nicer guy than Moore.......


Moore's daughter went to the local village primary school, St. Mary's. So when they were having a fete they asked if he could do the honours in opening it. He sad yes, for £1000.00 - this was a long time ago too......



Jimmy Greaves used to live next door to a friend of mine when he played for the Hammers. The road was Greenway.


best, pete.

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Small world. When Greavesy had retired and was on the after dinner circuit, he lived in my brothers road in Hertfordshire. I think he may have moved again though...


Spent a few bob on books at the Maidenhead Show today. One on detailing RTR stock and the other a second hand one entitled Top Shed.


Paid £7 for it and quite happy until I saw that Oxfam have it on sale for a £1 plus postage on Amazon. If you are a fan of ECML, it's a bargain for a £1....



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Looking back it was sad about Greavesy.


I remember when he joined Chelsea (was that after or before he went to Italy? Certainly before he joined Spurs). The press made him out to be something of a Wunderkind of English Football.

When he was still at West Ham he was always down the local - the Hutton Junction, now The Hutton - for the price of a couple of pints he'd talk the back legs off a donkey! Some of his stories were very funny, though.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning lads...


Still pitch dark outside and quite nippy, but it would seem the strong wind we had last night has abated over night. I figure today will see me continuing to write this report, which thankfully is now nearing its end. I still have one more week till the deadline, but will certainly not rush it as I want to be sure I've done all I reasonably can.


Be back later...

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It's going to be a stinker!

There was no weather report at 6:00 or 7:00 and at 8:00 I was in Church so don't know for certain what the weather promises but it

feels really hot. It's 9:00 so am listening to the news in the hope or hearing a forecast - keep watching!


Fine, warm and Sunny 20C to 25C

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Morning all,


All the talk of Essex reminds my of working in one of the oil refineries at Corytown, Spent (IIRC) the whole of the winter of '73/74 there. Pretty much first man on the site in October (set up the site huts, concrete mixers, piling rigs) last man off in April, after dismantling the same. Oh happy days ...............was lodging in Stamford -le-hope...........???

Such things memories are made of!. Though providing the machines kept working I had a fair amount of time, and did build quite a lot of a three & half inch gauge "Tich" during working hours (I had a pretty well equipped site workshop)..........My boss at the time never minded as he said at the time, "dont care what you get up too as long as the rigs keep working" ( The foreman fitter spent most of his days in the betting shop!)

Enjoy your day,



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  • RMweb Gold

Has BoD taken up tap dancing?

I have spent most of the last three days at hospital, supporting SWMBO as we wait for MIL to take her final journey. She isn't half dragging her heels, as is her wont.


What were you doing up at silly o'clock?

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