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  • RMweb Gold

It depends how you define exciting. I remember walking miles visiting people (some of whom we actually knew). We always ended up at one particular friends sometime between 3 and 4 when we knew a nice bowl of homemade broth and stottie would replenish the batteries.... and off we'd go again. It has been known for us to keep going all through new year's day too.


I must point out this was all many years ago.

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Guest Max Stafford

North East celebrations and Scottish celebrations are not dissimilar, perhaps a reflection of the fact that Southern Scotland and N.E. England were a free-standing country of their own, before the Normans and Highland Celts built their empires, almost a millenium ago.

Personally that's a link that still means a lot to me as a Scotsman with a built-in Borders bias!

Have a good New Year folks. No real plans for the evening apart from dinner at the in-laws.

So far, the only real wish I have for the New Year is to be around to welcome in the next one!

All the best.



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Just sat and watched 'Senna', a Christmas present from my neice. Very emotional and a few tears were shed. Good job I was home alone....


Even though I love F1, there were many things I had forgotten and lots of film from behind the scenes of F1. Very moving.

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Well, I still choke up whenever I pass Piers Courage's grave. No, I don't make a pilgrimage - he is in the same row as my parents at St.Mary's Church, Shenfield. Piers was killed by a wayward wheel/tyre striking his helmet - rather similar to Ayrton's death.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just sit and watched 'Senna', a Christmas present from my neice. Very emotional and a few tears were shed. Good job I was home alone....


Even though I love F1, there were many things I had forgotten and lots of film from behind the scenes of F1. Very moving.


Just downloaded it and now watching it - he was good wasn't he!


Btw, Happy New Year to all ERs and a lot more of them!i

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I must get Senna at some point, I'm a long-standing F1 fan. I watched the Season Review at lunchtime today, I think the Canada race this year has to be one of the all-time classic races, with Jenson coming from plumb last to win the race.


Happy New Year to all the ERs and RMwebbers when it comes. :jester: :king:

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Mike, I wasn't sure what to expect. I 'spose some form of documentary, but it was so much more than that. Seeing Senna at Imola before the race, I swear he knew what was going to happen. It was just a very moving film with some brilliant footage. I'll certainly watch it again...


...and his choice of best driver was a real surprise as I saw him race first hand in my younger days.

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Morning all. Happy New Year to one and all.


Went to bed at 10, dogs quiet and all was well until 12 until the battle of the Somme opened up. Dogs went crazy until 1.30 until it eventually died down. I must say I felt better having that couple of hours sleep before 12, rather than having to stay up. At least we avoided all the rubbish on TV that's dragged out every New Years Eve.


Done and dusted, so it's all enthusiasm for 2012. I'm going to lose a bit of weight, get a bit fitter and get ET closer to the finish line before anyone comes calling for me. B)

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Morning all! Happy New Year.


I stayed up to watch the Hootenanny. Two (slightly) surprise guests in the audience who I've met before - Sylvester McCoy and Henry "Blowers" Blofeld. Other than Sandie Shaw and Jessie J, I hadn't really heard of the acts this year but some of the rhythm and blues stuff was rather good. My Dad didn't particularly appreciate it though!


I need to burn off the extra few pounds I feel sure I've put back on over Christmas and also get myself better organised in 2012.

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Is Andy Stewart (and The White Heather Club) still going strong? Scrub that I just googled him - His, "Donald where's your troosers" was the bane of my early life. My favourite Aunt lived in Clarkston and I was always visiting...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, the dog got a little scared so we gave her some rescue remedy and she wandered round like a drunk, sons comment 'you've broke my dog' but she sobered up fairly quickly but by then the fireworks had fizzled out. I have a lot to do this year my personal list is long and I had better get on with it.

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Good Morning all,


Went to bed well before the end of the year, got a couple of solid hours in, then I thought WWIII had started!. Well for around an hour or so. But of course it took me till 2 am to get back to sleep.

Wishing you all a Happy & Prosperous New Year,



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Stayed up past midnight watching a(nother) repeat of 'Murder On The Blue Train' - probably better known as 'CGI on the Nene Valley Railway'.


And outdoors it seemed remarkably quiet - a few flashes and bangs coming from Hill 60 and some rockets from elsewhere (probably distress rockets that the credit card is up to its limit) but otherwise a very quiet New Year introduction indeed). All seemed to confirm my theory that a lot of the allegedly wealthy folk round here have been living more on plastic wealth than the real thing and most of the really wealthy ones are probably on St Barts (except the bloke next door who was out in one of his aeroplanes yesterday judging by the altitude at which it came over us).

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Looks like I survived the Battle of the Nations reenactment which appeared to have taken place around midnight! I sure had the impression of some rather large firecrackers having been sold this time...large enough to send blast waves across city streets and rattle windows in any case :O . Lucky me for having taken earplugs along before we went outside.


Today's looking to be a quiet day, possibly with a visit to the zoo in the afternoon.


Wishing you all a good 2012 :) .

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Morning All,


Happy New Year everybody!


My Girlfriend and I made for the high ground yesterday evening. We had a very pleasant Chinese dinner and then went out into the Vineyards around Hochheim to watch the fireworks. We had a fantastic view and there were very few people where we were. However, after around fifteen minutes there was so much smoke the whole valley was obscured.


Have a good day (and a good year) everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, treated myself to a late one this morning as although it's the bank holiday tomorrow I have to be up at 5 for a driving turn on the MHR. This goes against one of my NYRs as I promised myself I was going to do less driving and more restoration days up there in 2012.


Never mind, a Happy and Healthy New Year to all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy New Year to all!!


Sorry I haven't posted until now.

Don, glad to see you are back up and running again, the Christmas dinner was lovely thanks - I did all the roast potatoes which turned out lovely and my sisters did the veg and meat. Much better roast than we usually have because we bought some lovely meat with herbs...


Here's a little something for you all, I recorded it this morning at about 1.30am whilst I was 'cat-sitting'!



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