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  • RMweb Gold

Must upload a photo of the black Labrador!

I'm sure it will be much admired! Robbie and I meet lots of Labradors while we are out. They seem to be as wet as Robbie so no need to apologise for having a dripping spaniel keen to make doggy greetings. There seem to be a lot of chocolate coloured Labs at he moment.

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Are your guides how to use Garfield to service an iMac still on Twitter?. It looks as if that could well be useful knowledge for Gordon in the near future!

In between shredding old documents/bills today I was also determined to sort out an irritating problem with my PC. Word wouldn't open email attachments. None of the "Google is your friend" solutions got close so as re-installation didn't work, replacement with the 64 bit versions of office did. I suspect this is the sort of thing that drives people to Macs!


I think it would take a lot of finding on Twitter. I found a guide somewhere online on how to install a bigger hard drive in an iMac but it turned out to be the model before mine, so I had to get mine professionally done.


That sort of thing was definitely a contributing factor in me going to Mac. The main reason was just that Vista wouldn't let me do anything I wanted to do. Like burn a DVD of my own home movies.


I'm helping Dad to partially declutter the loft while I'm down here. There is an ulterior motive, as I've lost a box of books and scrapbooks and hope to find them (3 days in the loft and no sign yet). They'll be in the last place I look. (What a dumb expression. Obviously they're in the last place you'd look. You'd hardly continue looking for them once you find them...)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Attempting to stay in bed in preparation for tonight's party failed, so a strong coffee was called for, I think. Thankfully, we got all food purchases done yesterday, and thus can avoid the mad rush I'm firmly expecting in many supermarkets today. I think I'll take my earplugs with me when we're going to watch the fireworks on Augustusplatz at midnight as I cannot tolerate this kind of noise all that well, actually. Neither did my grandparents, though in their case it reminded them of the countless air raids back in WW2.


I also may check whether I can capture a Leoliner protoype later today.


Cheers everyone...

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Good morning all.

Wound dressing all done, had pills, taken blood sugar reading etc. etc. It's comfortably warm at 23C and the promised wind has not yet got up. Notwithstanding my drinking only one one small brandy in the evening, I am still over tired by 10PM, Go to bed and to sleep but then am fully awake again by 3:00 am and am not able to go back to sleep. Not my norm! Possibly lack of exercise

HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all....


..... and really pleased to see you reporting in as usual Don. (not that I'm not pleased to see the others too)


Well, that's another year nearly done and the list of things that I haven't done grows ever longer. Let's rather say 'the list of things that I haven't done ...... yet!' That sounds a bit more optimistic doesn't it?


Here's wishing you and yours all that you would wish for yourselves in 2012. < virtual handshakes all round>

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  • RMweb Gold

I now have two lists. One, of things I want to do, which I keep and one for others to write upon.


Somehow the latter keeps getting lost.

Edited by BoD
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Morning all..Late night for us tonight. Not to see the New Year in, but to try and calm the dogs whilst all hell it let loose at midnight. If it weren't for the dogs we'd be tucked up in bed at 10. Party poopers is us.... :D


Despite all that, a very Happy New Year to one and all. Hopefully this one will bring peace and goodwill to all.


Apologies Mick, ET is not finished........ :no: , but track building is well underway.

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Gawd, I have to lose at least 20lbs - I feel horribly overweight.....

Whilst we were off-line I kept getting facebook requests from names I didn't recognise - apparently I did the same too!


Anyway Good Morning everybody - 2012 seems to be going too fast already and it hasn't actually started yet.


Happy New Year! Pete.

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I also may check whether I can capture a Leoliner protoype later today.

I can see the headlines now... Hopefully you meant photographically...!


Morning all. Day has started badly as I smashed a lightshade in my parents' bathroom while putting on my dressing gown after I got out of the bath. Hopefully it can only get better from here. Let's hope that's symbolic of me smashing the old year to bits and having a better 2012!


More hunting in the loft for my scrapbooks and books today, though I may take time off to watch the F1 Season Review at 1pm, though I know who wins...

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Morning all, I for one will be glad to see the end of this year. As I guess will man others. Not going to do much, just walk round to the paper shop, post a couple of letters & then start reading through all the work stuff I am supposed to be studying for the projects I have to run next year.....

Enjoy your celebrations and hope to join you next year!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather overcast but quite warm (12C). Not much happening here today. Aditi was planning to go to Bluewater to look for curtain material but decided not to, a sensible decision I think. We don't intend to celebrate the New Year, we are very fortunate that Robbie isn't bothered by fireworks. Matthew was going to go to some event in Southend but decided that paying to go somewhere where drinks were expensive, with people who are not really friends and be deafened by music he doesn't like was a daft idea. I think if he had been back in Leicester with his friends they would have had a party though.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, only list I am on is jobs that must be done! Thanks for that reminder Gordon we have no idea how Zara will react to fireworks or if any will be let off nearby. If I only had 20lb to lose I would be a happy man. A conservative estimate would be half a hundredweight or 56lbs or 25.5 kg it has to go this year otherwise I will be susceptible to type 2 diabetes like my Dad was.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh crrrrikey -it's New Year's Eve. That means our Henry will have to be kept indoors as like many senior cats he does not like the racket, in fact come to that us senior humans don't like it either. And we won't all be up to see in the New Year as lad will be back from football then early night and off to work at 05.00 - what it is to be 'sort of retired'.


And fortunately I don't seem to have put on too much weight over Christmas - which means I'm still only 50% heavier than I was when I was 21 :O

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Morning All,


It is very nice to be back - I have missed RMweb over the Christmas period.


Christmas was a relatively quiet affair - the weather generally left a lot to be desired and so I have been sleeping late and generally not doing terribly much.


I didn't do much modelling, but I have finished repairing an old valve radio. It's a bit of a shame really, it now has to go back to its owner and it's a real beauty - particularly now it is working!


Oh well - January is nearly here. I can't say I am looking forward to it that much. It has to be my least favourite month of the year.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

We are now officially going to be sociable. Met the neighbour who has spent the last day dealing with a washing machine flood and a broken refrigerator door. They will now drop in to us this evening. They spent Christmas in Wales and after being in a house with lots of Labrador puppies I suspect even Robbie will seem calm!

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not sure when the fashion for New Year fireworks began here. Was it the millennium celebrations? I think when I was a child the celebration consisted of being allowed to stay up late to see a TV programme broadcast from Scotland. I never lived in a part of the country where people run in and out of each other houses scattering coal about which sounds quite exciting.

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