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Early Risers.


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Was there a mischevous/satisfied smile on his face?

Or he could be just rabbiting on like we do here.


Heavy cloud over the mountain down to less than 1,000 ft. Everywhere else, clear blue skys.

Very strong wind blowing.

That will dry the pitch out.

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.....and the same to you Don. icon_thumbsup2.gif


Just struggled out with eight bin bags, enough for a small landfill and double our normal count. Thank goodness that's all over.


Tonight will be at home with the dogs and sitting up just to comfort them through the inevitable fireworks that will welcome the New Year. If it wasn't for them, we'd be in bed by 10....


At least the decorations will be down tomorrow and life will get back to normal


I know, I'm a miserable old b*gger...biggrin.gif

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Two things Don. The problem was caused by the wheels on my Fiatrians 10000, where the wheel profile and lack of sideplay was causing the derailment. The flow of that particular point wasn't helping either. I've ordered a new set of wheels from Ultrascale and am in the process of realigning and rebuilding the curve and curved point with a better transition.


Hopefully that will cure the problem. It's only one loco, but one of my favourites, so I shall want it to run faultlessly.....


This will be the year of the train.....and not the shed, garden or any other project that may get in the way...


Famous last words..icon_wink.gif



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