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8 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Today is a get ready for a trip out day. I hate packing bags as, no matter how organised you think you are, you always forget something. Pah!



Bear was like that....but I used to go on Hols with too much stuff, much of which wasn't required.  So after one such mission when I got home I listed all the stuff I'd actually used and now use that as a packing list; there are a few extra's on it that didn't get used but are sensible to take (such as First-Aid Meds - pink pills, paracetamol, plasters etc.).  There's also some reminder notes on it too, such as informing (if required) CC Companies that I'll be using the card abroad (so they don't go and lock it).  Seems to work pretty well.



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Mooring Awl,

 Couldn't get to sleep for a long time, then got 5 hours ish.. now have a headache.. pink pills deployed.


During the long awake brain went into overdrive on the support frame, some ideas on one particular set of corners regarding reinforcement have been solved


My packing got refined when I was a field service engineer out every week. These days the amount of luggage increases. I need warmer clothing, and now I have an ever increasing pill box.


Today I have to visit the surgery to book a flu jab, also enquire if the are doing covid jabs this year. Added to the trip is some shopping and refuel the landrover, there's a budget this week...


Time to head out



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11 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

That bloody Thomas get's everywhere...





A kiddie's corner on on one of Tokyo's underground (metro) lines.  Note the TOTAL absence of filth, rubbish, vandalism and graffiti.


Someone, somewhere is making ratheralottadeltictokens on royalties.....




Li-on Battery investigated/piccies taken/sent, strides ironed**, Bear Pit Sheets removed, Bertie the Bosch being driven, bath cleaned 😱 (is it just Bear, or is the practice of cleaning a bath one of those domestic tasks that is guaranteed to leave you feeling totally sh*gged afterwards?).


**Is it just me not paying attention/not reading the instructions, or is the practice of washing & ironing strides inside out a new thing?  Seems to work well enough though.


Right, paw stabbin' time - I hope I get a lolly for being brave.....



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2 hours ago, polybear said:


Bear was like that....but I used to go on Hols with too much stuff, much of which wasn't required.  So after one such mission when I got home I listed all the stuff I'd actually used and now use that as a packing list; there are a few extra's on it that didn't get used but are sensible to take (such as First-Aid Meds - pink pills, paracetamol, plasters etc.).  There's also some reminder notes on it too, such as informing (if required) CC Companies that I'll be using the card abroad (so they don't go and lock it).  Seems to work pretty well.



We have various packing lists.. one for Boggle at Easter for example..


We do travel light (16kg of cloths etc for me and 17kg for herself) for the trip to the Antipodes last year for 3 months...


But this is a "not sure what we need trip". Basics are listed and packed, Challenger 2 development team shirt packed..its the "clothes yo ear at night time" gear which is problematical. 



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bladder control was busy last night, I was up and down several times during the night. My own fault as I broke the no drinks after nine rule. It was not helped by the eczema being on fire but the forecast is mostly dry for the next few days so that should help. I will get my flu jab on Wednesday afternoon, just drop in to the GP's surgery.

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A reasonably good night, I think only woke once when the wind made a loud noise outside.  Having walked round this morning the fence is still upright and the house seems OK.  It is bright but the sun is hiding in some cloud to the south, most of the sky is blue.


My weekly jobs are almost done for the morning, someone should come to clean in an hour or so.  I think a lot of the day will be spent sorting out the photos I took on Saturday along with looking back in old diairies to see exactly when our railway group started meeting - it seems it was sometime in 2004.


The ususal marketing e mails have been glanced at and deleted, a couple are saved to look at later as they are from firms I actually do sometimes buy things from.


I think the rest of the day will be restful as the last two days have kept me busy, at the moment I think I could happily go back to sleep.



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While it's supposed to be full-on sunny it's actually cloudy and dull.  That is not helping the squelchiness to go so it looks like the lawn is not going to get cut before bin day.

Need to get more organised. Some progress has been made as there is some floor visible, but much, much more needs to be done.

After I've finished the coffee, of course.

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13 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

This I found incongruous. 




It is a photograph I took yesterday - of a wall.  It's a bit of a headscratcher.


The building on which it is applied, explains it a bit, but it still confuses. I do not know what the graphic attempts to convey, beyond "Australia".


An interesting riddle. I think the different widths of the 'planks' is significant, as is the number and location of the stars. Most nations in that corner of the globe use four or five and tend to put them elsewhere in a flag. Is it some sort of 'First People's' protest? 

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19 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

I think many ERs would benefit from reading this (found in the hotel library)



Very gnomic.....

Zen apparently has many forms..


The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there -- Robert Pirsig


And some of them have violent antecedents in their religious origins.


"Another monk asked about the main meaning of the Buddha Dharma. As before, Linji held up the whisk. The monk shouted, and so did Linji. The monk hesitated, so Linji hit him."

 -- The Recorded sayings of Linji [ Ch: Linji Lu, JP Rinzai Roku ] translated by J.C. Cleary, p13 (PDF available online).


To me, it looks like a cult thing, in the same way that Marie Kondo and suchlike present the rich people's minimalism as natural, while the ordinary Japanese live happily in clutter. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/oct/17/after-marie-kondo-the-return-of-japans-joyful-clutter


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Still Mooring Awl,

Flu and COVID booked, it's for a Friday which normally I can't do, but by then the museum is closed, so I'll be going Tuesdays. The surgery is doing both, if I'd followed the NHS letter it would have meant two trips to separate places.


Shopping shopped, landrover refueled, if it's a 10p litre rise  that's £4.80 I've saved, if as I suspect it's a 20p rise that's £9.60 I've kept out of the chancellor's money grabbing hands.


Of that, time to filling my last pension claim form. That unfortunately will put me into the chancellor's money grabbing hands..


Amazon appear to have a problem Huston, I ordered some stuff yesterday that have a delivery date of today.

They are however showing not yet dispatched ( that's normally from MK)... They'll have to have a special run out from Norwich, as the delivery for this area leaves at 12:00 Ish.







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40 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Very gnomic.....


Are Gnomes known for their "Zen Wisdom" then?




Bear has been jabbed...no Lolly, no Sweetie, no "I've been really brave" sticker😢  and no Tigger/Mickey Mouse/A.N.Other plaster either.  Robbed.


The Drug Dealer did tell me there's diddy squat chance of them doing Wooflu jabs whilst it is in it's current format; apparently it comes in batches of 13 that need to be kept super cold, mixed and used within a limited time-frame otherwise it's junk, with no refund.  If it ever becomes like the flu jab then they'll almost certainly do it.


As for the Wooflu, he tells me that it's far, far more contagious than the flu, but the latter is far more deadly (based on current variants).




It seems The Daily Snail are claiming that hundreds of thousands of us who went to school will, sorry, may die of Asbestos-related deaths as a result of dodgy buildings.  If they say it then it must be true....


Right, time to take Mickey the Miele for a spin round the muddlin' room before din dins time.....





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Good morning everyone 


Another late getting out of bed day, but as I’m not due anywhere until 1:40pm, there wasn’t a great need to be up any earlier. My appointment is at Stepping Hill Hospital, where I’ll be seeing the consultant who did my op back in August. The main reason for the visit is to see how well I’ve recovered and to get my device switched on and then be shown how to use it. I suspect I’ll be there for a few hours, as they’ll want to check that 

A - it’s working properly.


B - I’m happy with it and able to use it correctly. 
Once he’s quite sure all is ok, I expect to be given the all clear and told I can go home. 
To stave of boredom whilst waiting, I’ll be taking a book with me. 

Back later. 


Edited by BSW01
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38 minutes ago, The White Rabbit said:


 Most nations in that corner of the globe use four or five and tend to put them elsewhere in a flag. Is it some sort of 'First People's' protest? 




The Aboriginal flag is black, red and yellow.


Black represents the aboriginal people, the yellow is the sun and the red represents the land.


It is an official flag of Australia and is flown alongside the Australian flag at places such as the top of the Harbour Bridge.



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47 minutes ago, The White Rabbit said:


An interesting riddle. I think the different widths of the 'planks' is significant, as is the number and location of the stars. Most nations in that corner of the globe use four or five and tend to put them elsewhere in a flag. Is it some sort of 'First People's' protest? 

I’m still going with my theory of ‘Scott, Kev and Bruce’ (I’ve decided to randomly pick names of some Australians that I’ve met in my life, to personalise them….i can’t just keep referring to them as the ‘clean up crew blokes’) and their creativity after the liquid lunch. 

The fact that it has produced reflective comments, provoked thought, suggested hidden meanings and inspired interpretation…..is down to the purely beautiful happenstance of combining ‘Scott, Kev, Bruce, 59.5minutes lunch break (the generous bosses they work for), the ‘7 pints of ‘Ya Beaut’ Full On’ they each consumed (it was only a short lunch break and the pub was packed), as well as their collectively suppressed artistic abilities which for far too long have gone undiscovered. 

There…..see…..Nothing to it.

The world is full of these wonderful people and these exquisite random events…..we are surrounded by them in our every day lives, we don’t just don’t notice them…..they just need to collide more often. 

I take one thing from this…..longer lunch breaks, more exposure to ‘Ya Beaut Full On’ and blokes like Scott, Kev and Bruce and the world could be a happier place. 


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35 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:




The Aboriginal flag is black, red and yellow.


Black represents the aboriginal people, the yellow is the sun and the red represents the land.


It is an official flag of Australia and is flown alongside the Australian flag at places such as the top of the Harbour Bridge.



It would appear that the blokes on the left need to have an increase in their ‘Flag Pole Length Budget’…..it appears that the blokes on the right have a more generous budgetary allowance…..

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Morning (Pre-munch still!)


I peaked out at the sky around midnight just before going to bed.    Unfortunately the sky was clear and Jupiter could be seen lurking just below the moon.     So I had to give the camera/lens combo a go didn't I? 🙄


I popped it on a standard tripod setup on the front door step and connected the laptop.      Took some images of the moon, Jupiter and tried to get some deep sky stars.    It wasn't very successful as it was much too late to start doing complicated stuff but I did manage to experiment a bit with the various focusing aids in the capture software I was using.


Net result:    Imagery that can probably be deleted straight away , Puppers very late to bed, Puppers mind active so couldn't get to sleep and now one very tired Puppers 🤣      Oh well .....


This morning I've been out and about shopping for various bits and I filled up Monty.   Not because I'd remembered the budget but because he's going for a long drive at some point this week.  


This afternoon I fancy a relaxed and easy time although I'll try not to nod off until bedtime.    I do hope its cloudy tonight.







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I’ve just been reminded by my legal team that ‘Ya Beaut Full On’ sponsored the Australian leg of our world tour back in the late 80s early 90s……apparently there are still some outstanding ‘legal issues’ regarding @polybear, a swimming pool full of ‘Ya Beaut Full On’, the apparently completely unrelated incident of the hotel’s broken swimming pool filtration system, 127,000 empty ‘Ya Beaut Full On bottles found on the hotel front lawn, three abandoned semi trucks and an outstanding bar bill that resembles the final cost of the HS2 Project in the UK. 

I have no idea what this is about as I have no recollection of the late 1980s or the early 1990s……the defence rests. 😊


The popular ‘Yya Beaut Full On’ Export…..



Edited by Grizz
Found a photo
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27 minutes ago, Grizz said:

It would appear that the blokes on the left need to have an increase in their ‘Flag Pole Length Budget’…..it appears that the blokes on the right have a more generous budgetary allowance…..

Fixed it for you!




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