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Early Risers.


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Good morning all. 

Where were we, again?  

Up and about in a manner not known for some ten days or more. Still cautious and under-strength but hey. 

Target is to see friends tomorrow though that is very much less than a given. 

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Morning, from a rockery that is somewhat grey and wet.  11C and that'll be it, I suspect.


Just renewing car/camper insurances, and am stunned.....same cost as last year.  After hearing some of the tales of woe from folk having 50% or more increases, well pleased. And relieved.


Please to see Rick getting up and slightly about, these illnesses seem to hurt more at this age.  My Flu-jab-itis is gone but I feel very tired for some reason, don't feel I slept badly but the internal battery is flat.  Lack of doughnuts and biscuits perhaps, but that's been ongoing for several years now!  Caffeine imbibed, not working.

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4 hours ago, polybear said:





May she receive exactly what she deserves in The Big House.

Fortunately it seems that those sentenced to less than 4 years aren't eligible for Parole....but now we're kickin' 'em out early anyway it's anyone's guess.  B1tch

IIRC they are only releasing male prisoners early and the early release program only applies in England and Wales.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad night last night, woke up naturally but paid a visit to the bathroom anyway. I was woken again about six by some car headlights reflecting off the ceiling. I went to investigate and there was a car parked halfway across my drive with his headlights on facing oncoming traffic. Had I been dressed I would have gone out and had a word in his shell-like.

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50 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

At the risk of sounding old, I remember when buying a TV was almost like buying a car, and TV rental was a big thing. Now they stack them in supermarkets for peanuts and bundle them as extras.


How things change.


... and as TVs get slimmer I get ... well, I'm sure you can guess the rest.

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4 minutes ago, BoD said:


... and as TVs get slimmer I get ... well, I'm sure you can guess the rest.

"I'm not overweight, I'm just displaying in the wrong aspect ratio!" 😉

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At last ERs has decided to let me do something, meanwhile I have been watching video clips of yesterday's floods in town.  I am very glad I got my shopping done quite early, had I gone out mid morning or later I would have been driving through at least 4" of water for much of the way.  Fortunately where I live despite being quite flat has good drains.  Parts of the town centre was under about 6" of water, not unusual when there is heavy rain.  Shops just mop up and get on with it.  It looks as though it wasn't quite deep enough to do much damage to houses.  At least it wasn't sea water, parts of the town are low lying enough to be at risk in very high tides.  It was interesting to see a clip of a school bus going along with its sidelights at water level.


In the last 24 hours there has been just over 75mm of rain in my garden, that's more than 10% of the average rainfall for a whole year and somewhat more than the October average.  Meanwhile it is still raining, though not hard.  The water has mostly soaked away in the garden.


I have decided to stay in today and do odds and ends in the house.  That means making things, reading, listening to music.  It is far too dismal and wet to go out for a walk or a coffee.



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2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

One could argue that this criminal only deserves the very best in rehabilitation, namely, the very best...


> ...,wall to stand against

> ....seven point six two millimetre full metal jacket

> .... marksmen


Or am I being a tad harsh, here?


What does Judge PB think?


Good result, poor method.  In an era where being environmentally friendly is all the rage I think a drop on a rope is much more suitable - as well as being somewhat less pleasant for the recipient.


Incidentally, I think such a method would be a fine addition for those caught smuggling drugs into Prisons.

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11 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Sorry to disappoint you but it was the butler in the pantry with a lead pipe.


Tcha! Should have guessed - it's always the butler isn't it? 


Mind you, that vicar did look rather furtive coming out of the library... 


30 minutes ago, BoD said:

... and as TVs get slimmer I get ... well, I'm sure you can guess the rest.


Reminds me of:



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13 minutes ago, polybear said:

Good result, poor method.  In an era where being environmentally friendly is all the rage I think a drop on a rope is much more suitable - as well as being somewhat less pleasant for the recipient.

Incidentally, I think such a method would be a fine addition for those caught smuggling drugs into Prisons.

Problem with a firing squad is that some of the organs suitable for harvesting for transplants could be destroyed. A single bullet to the brain would be better.

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Good morning everyone 


I’ve just had a phone call from my oncologist, we discussed the recent rise in my PSA and he’s going to send me for another round of scans. Before that can happen, I need to have a kidney function blood test done, so that’s been arranged for next Monday afternoon. Once the scans and blood results are in, the next step in my cancer treatment will be discussed/planned. In the meantime I’ll just carry on as normal (I’m definitely not normal) usual. 

Back later. 


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42 minutes ago, DaveF said:

In the last 24 hours there has been just over 75mm of rain in my garden, that's more than 10% of the average rainfall for a whole year and somewhat more than the October average

I think we have the same rain clouds as David. All the usual places have flooded and quite a few not so usual places too. Fortunately we live on a gentle slope.  If ever we flood those further ‘down’ the street and estate will be in real trouble.


Eyes are fine this morning. No redness or soreness and no sign of scarring which can sometimes happen. Fingers crossed that the procedure does its job and brings the intraocular pressure down.  I was only supposed to have the procedure done on one eye but the other eye’s pressure was up too, so it was decided to do both. Hopefully this will delay the need for any surgery.


We have done our weekly menu and now need to go to the shops.  Hopefully that will leave the afternoon free for activity in the loft. 

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Greetings all from Sidcup where I am WFH as I need to do double school drop off/pick up duty today.


I also have a really sore throat - I don't often get them when I get coughs and colds but this one is nasty. Two nights in a row I have woken up with the pain, which I am otherwise managing with ibuprofen.


Don't think it is covid, more like a bad cold that I caught off the Lurker boys who have both had something.


I suppose I could test, I can see some tests from where I am sitting.


ION well done to that nice young Mr Root who has not only scored another century but who has also now scored more runs than anyone else for England

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15 minutes ago, BoD said:

Eyes are fine this morning. No redness or soreness and no sign of scarring which can sometimes happen. Fingers crossed that the procedure does its job and brings the intraocular pressure down.  I was only supposed to have the procedure done on one eye but the other eye’s pressure was up too, so it was decided to do both. Hopefully this will delay the need for any surgery.

Reality ☝️ 🥰


Deb's overactive funny-bone 👇 🤭 


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I was touched by the sympathetic support to yesterday’s silliness. Thank you.


And this is why I am a silly and sentimental old fool*





The last picture is of Lucy in her “Amazon Huntress” guise


* but I’m certainly NOT sentimental about 95%+ of humans. Roll on the zombie apocalypse, say I

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14 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:


I tried a few alternative blue things before I found that they prefer blue bottle caps to pegs,






I see that when the bird picks up the cap it blocks it's field of vision , I hope it doesn't

try flying like that or it could get into a situation like this dog .



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Managed to get into ERs at the second attempt (somewhat later) this morning.         The first time it just went out to lunch and gave up so I looked at all the other usual threads with no problem at all (of course).   Got in at lightning speed a couple of times the other day and all despite not clearing my cache, rebooting my  router or standing one legged with my finger in my ear.       If it's of interest (don't suppose it will be), I can't get in on my iPhone either on occasions.  This Horizon software isn't all it's cracked up to be in my extremely humble opinion.


Speaking of which, I've been watching some of the PO inquiry proceedings videos again and also some of the Paul Duckett analysis.   Some of those people beggar belief particularly those in the very organisation that was meant to "protect and support" S-PMs and yet appears actually to be just another corporate department!    Truly disgusting.    Might I suggest one @polybear is head of retaliation sentencing and that plenty of them are?      Oh, and the slight matter of a executives coming up with a bonus scheme for themselves for responding to the requests from the official inquiry  FFS, apparently failing to meet their own criteria but taking the bonus anyway.     As I say, it beggars belief but I expect I'd better stop there ....


9 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:


I know nothing of his fiction contest but I have spent  many happy hours in his pub just across the road from Knebworth House 😀    

A former work colleague became the landlord after he left the GE.    Sadly his tenure was cut short one day after a fatal heart attack 😥




There are rumours that I may have just about finished building the model of a bauxite coloured  mobile box that is guided by parallel strips of metal.   Is a model ever really finished?    I might have to start building another one soon.  BTW, has any one sprayed Humbrol matt varnish lately?   Is it any good these days?


Out for a Pie and Pint night  with mostly ex GE biking mates tonight.   It's quite likely that neither a pie or a pint will be involved but that's pedantic detail.


Good to see @Gwiwer returning slowly to normality after his recent inconvenience.


The sun is out, might be nice to go for a ride.    The sky is very black to the south.  Perhaps I'll just stay here and organise some lunch instead.








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Just enjoying a few skewers at my local Izakaya...


Anyway, today I took one of the Sapporo metro lines - but this was a line that didn't have metal tracks but concrete tracks upon which a rubber tyred train (and it was a train, not a bus) ran.


This got me thinking: as  a rubber tyred vehicle running on a concrete roadway, in the UK would it be classified as a train or a lorry with trailers? And which union would be involved?


it would quite amusing to see ASLEF, the NUR, the URTU and the TGWU sort that out

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5 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Just enjoying a few skewers at my local Izakaya...


Anyway, today I took one of the Sapporo metro lines - but this was a line that didn't have metal tracks but concrete tracks upon which a rubber tyred train (and it was a train, not a bus) ran.


This got me thinking: as  a rubber tyred vehicle running on a concrete roadway, in the UK would it be classified as a train or a lorry with trailers? And which union would be involved?


it would quite amusing to see ASLEF, the NUR, the URTU and the TGWU sort that out

We have had these in Leeds.. they are called guided buses here. They drive on roads then, in selected routes, they run onto concrete "tracks" with a guide kerb. The front wheels have a link to a wheel on a guide arm. These are buses.. 

I see Yorkshire are doing well in Pakistan at the moment   come on Rooooooooooooot! And Brookeeee!


Domestics completed in record time.. no disturbances caused by her indoors may be why?


Been wet all morning.. Front garden is awash....PAH!



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6 minutes ago, Barry O said:

We have had these in Leeds.. they are called guided buses here. They drive on roads then, in selected routes, they run onto concrete "tracks" with a guide kerb. The front wheels have a link to a wheel on a guide arm. These are buses.. 

The thing is Baz I've seen a guided buses (Japan does have a number of those), but the Metro I rode today was most definitely a train in every sense of what trains are except for running on rubber tires on a concrete track..


it looked like a train, rode like a train and it was only by peering over the platform barrier did I notice that the train was running on rubber tracks. The Leeds Superbus looks nothing like a train


I think that like the French equivalent in Paris, such multi carriage rubber tyred set of  vehicles, are considered by the Japanese as trains

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