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Guest Max Stafford

The forecast does now sadly seem to indicate a 'dreich' Christmas. Incidentally Dom, you will need to suspend your normal rules of pronunciation. Under normal German linguistic protocols 'ei' is pronounced 'eye', but in the above word it is pronounced 'ee', as with 'ie' in German.

It's actually Old Scots, which is itself surprisingly Germanic in some ways!



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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, I'm aware of how it is pronounced, Dave :) . Came across a Scots online dictionary as I'd been asking myself that very question a while ago.


Morning all - been snowing over night, so the outside world is thinly blanketed. However, our weather forecast also indicates we're in for a dreich Christmas, as it is to be warmer and wetter from about Thursday onwards.


Have a good one everyone...

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Morning All,


Sorry to hear that you are back in Hospital Don. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.


As Dominik mentioned, it has been snowing here overnight. Which was quite a surprise to be honest, because I wasn't really expecting to wake up to snow this morning. The journey to work was interesting - the roads haven't been gritted yet and there were the usual number of incompetent drivers, who I wish would stay at home when it snows.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a suprisingly mild day light wind and no frost. Not that I am complaining I am still not convinced the garden is dog proof so it is still on with the lead and walk about. She understands that the gates in the house mean she shouldn't pass them or jump them but on her own in the garden chasing a bird she might demolish a fence or two.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Surprisingly mild again this morning, at about 6oC with no horrible slippery stuff on the ground.


Woke up with a bit of a start about 4 this morning, and remembered that I hadn't put the milkman's Christmas deliveries list out and had to go downstairs to do so - just as well I did, as he arrived about ten minutes later.


DD - a similar thing happened to me a few years back on Christmas day - we lost the electric about 8.00 am when I was having my morning ablution - as we had a combi boiler, it was a rude awakening as the flow of hot water ceased forthwith.


Hope Don's OK in hospital - hopefully somebody will get a laptop to him so he can let us know how he's getting on.



Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

It's still snowing out here, which indeed made driving interesting. Thankfully, I encountered no reckless motorists, and snow ploughs were operating pretty much everywhere.


I do not envy the post office staff at this time of year, though. Just posting a recorded letter last night saw me waiting in the queue for the better part of half an hour.

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Heard lots about your musical instruments, Pete and apologies if I've missed it, but can you tell us about your railway?


Your comment about curved diamond crossings would suggest you make your own track, so I would dearly like to know more.


I already have visions of a US based Pete Waterman type layout..... B)

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  • RMweb Gold

If the power cut occurred while using the "en-suite" shower it would just stop, I think it has more computing power than the Apollo moon-lander. The bathroom shower is a simple gravity fed mixer so only the bathroom light going out would indicate failure.

I can't summon up any enthusiasm to start tidying up but it will all get done. I didn't have to go down to the station this morning as the Clio was fixed and I was able (thanks to kind neighbour) to collect it yesterday evening. Aditi starts her Christmas holiday after work today. The college closes on Thursday for about 10 days but she has added a couple of days leave onto the compulsory closure.


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Just been experimenting with building trackwork, no layout at present. It will be a interchange between the BNSF and a Shortline based on a prototype between the NS and Black River & Western at Three Bridges, NJ. It's Googleable. Santa Fe because I have stock.......modern as in current.

One of the best photo-descriptions of trackwork building I've seen was by John Wright building in P.87 but I cannot find a link to his site. He is English and a pal of Jim Smith-Wright, if I remember correctly. He has an interesting way building curved diamonds.


Btw Andy Reichart's site can be confusing but he is leading the pack over here with Finescale and P87 and he replies to queries very fast.


Best, Pete.

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Good day all,

Yesterdays Grandchildren sitting duties meant I didnt get to bed till 2:30am...............when I did eventually wake there were a load of problem emails from Ng site I had to sort. Then trip to the barber (but at least he has a pile of railway mags!) . Who told me the top of my head is going rusty (hairs thinning) ..........Called in for petrol at the local Tescos............how much a litre! ???? I'm still only part way through the"list" it seems I'm on furniture moving duties this evening!

At least it's not too cold.



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