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36 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

My dad served in Burma during the war and was at the siege of Imphal. Alongside his unit was a group of Gurkhas. Every evening they would set off for the Japanese lines and return in the morning with a few 'souvenirs'.

Shouldn't that be Souvenears. 



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Spent an hour looking for the unobtainium part for my bike build I had, er, misplaced some time ago. Or possibly binned.  Or used on a similar bike we have.  Looked in all the obvious places and a few likely guesses.  Nada.


Sat in my workbench seat and eyes landed on a G scale wagon on the shelf of shame above it.  With all sorts of crepe odds and ends in it.









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It has stayed dull all day with bits and pieces of rain now and then.


Various things were added to the bin before the bin men arrived, another small victory in the process of getting rid of things I dont want/need.  I got a lot more done in the garage, soon the shelves where some plants overwinter will be ready for them.  I still need to have a good sort out of screws and other bits of ironmongery and decide which might actually be of use.  The rest will then go.


After lunch I decided it was time to plan my funeral, having bought a funeral plan at the start of the year I realised it is time it was done.  A set of notes are now in my file along with my will, deeds for the grave and financial documents.  I will take a copy to the funeral directors in the next few days, it is in town so only a few minutes away.


Then I went in the garden as it dried up for a while and did some tidying.  There are still enough sweet peas to pick to fill a vase but most other plants are going over quickly.  The greenhouse plants are not enjoying the damp and cold.


Unusually I watched some TV this morning -  Eisenbahn Romantik, about preserved things around Klagenfurt by the Wörthersee in Austria.  It was on German TV, which I shall watch again later on as there is a music programme I enjoy.





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Evenin' awl,


It's mainly been dry and we've had our share of sun today - but we weren't neglected by the rain gods. I had just finished laying some blocks for the new boundary wall when we had a wee bit of a shower... Fortunately I had some sheeting to hand so it didn't get wet. My neighbour said according to his phone there was a 0% chance of precipitation. A few eyes were rolled at that moment. 


Email received from the lawyers - they've taken three weeks to decide what I sent was no use - and would I please try something else. Pah... and other words .... 


However, a phone call from the glazier, they have a gap in their schedule and can do some work on replacement windows tomorrow instead of a few weeks time... go for it chaps. While it feels a bit like autumn now, it would feel even more like it at the other end of the month! 


Speaking of temperatures, it appears the Middle East is hotting up. Big missile attack going on. Not surprising but still unwelcome news. 

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3 minutes ago, The White Rabbit said:

Speaking of temperatures, it appears the Middle East is hotting up. Big missile attack going on. Not surprising but still unwelcome news. 


Now the sh1t really will hit the fan.

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9 hours ago, Grizz said:

Not sure who exactly is going to be overseeing the non railway contractors on railway property today, to be fair their fenced compound is over 5m away from the track but they are using an excavator.
I raised my concerns that they must be overseen by suitable Railway bods and must comply with CDM to be insured, but no one replied to my concerns. If all goes to plan someone suitably competent will turn up from Railway and over see them. If not the contractors should be stood down for the day.


Bet they don’t. And bet they aren’t. 



All you can do is fire off a (traceable) email** detailing your concerns - at least then you ar5e is covered if it all goes wrong.


**Ideally to someone you really dislike - if they fail to act on it it'll be their nuts on the block when it all comes to Court....


8 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Coke Zero was the lesser evil (and one really doesn't drink the water.in foreign climes does one?)


I've drunk the water in Italy, Malta, Lisbon, Poland, Germany. Gib., France, probably Korea, possibly Malaysia.....

India?  Nottafuggin' chance - yet I still went u/s in a very, very messy way.... 🤮💩


7 hours ago, Grizz said:

As you might have guessed I have enormous admiration for the Gurkhas. 


Me too - the Nepalese are lovely people (one of the Waiters in the Hotel in Kuwait was a really nice guy).

Bill McAlpine used retired Gurkhas for Security at his annual Fawley Hill open days (do they still happen now he's died?).  Even though they were "well retired" (and some) there was just something about them that said "Don't F. with me cos' you'll regret it...."


That reminds me - has anyone been to Nepal?  I quite like the idea....


7 hours ago, Grizz said:

I wish there was some way that we could guarantee that we could express our thanks to them, that would definitely and unquestionably reach their C.O.s and very senior staff. 


I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to track down their C.O. so you could fire off a letter.


6 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

My son did his basic training for The Guards at Catterick.  Their barracks were in a separate area to most other regiments but the enclosure included the Paras and the Ghurkas.  He spoke very highly of the Ghurkas.  As to their food I once was taken to a restaurant on the high street in Aldershot run by retired Gurkhas. Spotlessly clean, great service and the food was superb.  I hope that it's still there. 




A quick Google suggests there are at least 3 Nepalese Restaurants in Aldershot - all seem to have good reviews.


4 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

His new bike was in for first service (Moto Guzzi if interested) and he came around on a demonstrator of one of the new Royal Enfield 'Himalayan' 450 - seemed apt to the chat about Gurkhas!  Ended the ride most impressed, although it isn't the kind of bike he prefers, however there was a sea change in his attitude after 40 miles - he loved it.



Not sure I like the styling (particularly the tank and front end); the 450 motor will no doubt end up in other chassis in the future though, which could be interesting.

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It seems it's now free to sell on the 'bay:


Free selling

Earlier in the year, we removed transaction fees for pre-loved clothing. As of 1 October 2024, we are extending this across categories, with the exception of motors. Here’s what this means for you:

•  Transaction fees were paid when your item sells. We are removing these fees, meaning selling is now free. This applies for both new and existing listings.

•  Listing fees are paid when you list an item. You will receive 300 free listings a month.

•  Optional add-on features, such as international selling and promoting your listing, will be available for an additional cost.

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51 minutes ago, polybear said:





I've drunk the water in Italy, Malta, Lisbon, Poland, Germany. Gib., France, probably Korea, possibly Malaysia.....

India?  Nottafuggin' chance - yet I still went u/s in a very, very messy way.... 🤮💩




Not sure I like the styling (particularly the tank and front end); the 450 motor will no doubt end up in other chassis in the future though, which could be interesting.


It's bang on the money for the current 'look' of the genre, the 'Guerilla' version uses the same donkey with more road based styling, quite nice for a lanes bike.


I got caught in Saudi with the ice cubes....drank bottled water etc (waiting for a ship to arrive) but had a coke with ice in.....💩GTi version.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Bangers and mash for dinner tonight, with onion gravy of course. No dessert though as I forgot to get anything, well it's one way of going on a diet.

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35 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:


It's bang on the money for the current 'look' of the genre, the 'Guerilla' version uses the same donkey with more road based styling, quite nice for a lanes bike.


The Guerilla version looks far better.....


35 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

I got caught in Saudi with the ice cubes....drank bottled water etc (waiting for a ship to arrive) but had a coke with ice in.....💩GTi version.


Salad is another naughty (usually washed in tap water)....and Hotels have been known to refill bottled water containers from the tap and fit new caps....

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Just a drop-in without reading content to assure all ERs of my continued survival despite the attendance of a most entertaining and debilitating lurgy.  I have spent most of the past week in bed other than for a tiny number of essential forays outside and a slightly greater number to the bathroom.  


Normal service will be resumed in due course.  



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I picked the right two weeks to visit London as the MRT East - West Line (my commute to/from work) had a disaster last week. An axle box dropped on a train and by the time it came to a stop it seems to have destroyed about a klick and a half of track and all that goes with it. Chaos on the MRT, the hoped to re-open on Monday but it was pushed back to today. What I find amusing is all the press material seems to be making sure everybody knows it was a Kawasaki built train that failed. The fact it was 35 years old and the stock is already in process of replacement by new Chinese built Alstom Movia trains is less important than making sure we all know it was a Japanese train. Despite an obsession with Japanese good and culture which are seen as high quality and interesting (though it's now been replaced in top spot by Korean goods and culture, people are obsessed with anything Korean) you really don't have to poke very far below the surface to find that there are still raw memories of what Japan did in Singapore, ditto in Malaysia, Indonesia and other places. It isn't just China that still has a bit of suspicion towards Japan.

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On water and food, it's one of those areas where judgement is required. I eat street food in Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam but am careful with water and ice. Singapore is fine (if anything I have more confidence than in British tap water these days), ditto the Republic of Korea and Japan. In China I find Beijing and Shanghai fine and I have no issues eating and drinking but am more careful in small town China. Although when I was younger I travelled around China by train in soft class sleeper berths eating in the train restaurant cars and despite the galleys looking a bit like a hazmat zone I enjoyed the catering and never had issues on the train.

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Bear here....


Up at sillyo'clock (0430 😱 - thanks to that bluddy wee wee fairy....B1tch) for yet more fun at the W/H.  No cakes were encountered, sadly - which is probably a Good Thing anyway as they tend to be incompatible with the dreaded D-Word....

Various useful things were rescued - such as an empty shoe box, numerous nice wooden coat coat hangers and a small empty tin.  Bear is easily pleased....

Oh yes, and a rather nice (ok, it's a Tess & Co) unused st/steel bread knife still in it's packing - buddy over the road will get that (the Charity isn't allowed to sell them).  I make periodic donations to the Hospice in exchange for the more useful stuff rescued from the skips  - why not?


Whilst the morning was pretty straightforward (four shops on "the long run" - with T & B at the final shop 😁): I also managed to pick up another four "new" shirts from 3 of the shops - including two M&S (one new) and a Pringle.  Under sixteen quid - and all mint condition....


The afternoon, however - well that can best be described as "damp".....😒; fortunately it was just a run to the Ebay W/H so not tooooo bad - it could've been a lot worse.


New Sweeties were collected from the local druggie en-route to Bear Towers; I had hoped to collect the new acquisition (a steam iron) from The Big River from the local Post Office as well - I did think it was a long shot as I hadn't received a "your item has been delivered email with a pickup code" from TBR...I wasn't wrong....that email turned up at 18:33.  Poo - try again tomorrow.....



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44 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Water in Malta is desalinated sea water, perfectly safe to drink but it's terrible for making tea. 


I never had a problem - the Tea tasted ok to This Bear.

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Good evening everyone 


Not long after I’d got back from the surgery, it started to rain, thankfully it didn’t rain for long, but we’ve had a couple of showers since. 


I finally finished modifying the corridor connections that needed shortening and then finished off the bits making another 4 more units. This makes a total of 67 finished units. Yesterday, I cut more black card for the ends (1 sheet A4) and for the rubbing plates (1 sheet of A4) and also cut some black paper (2 sheets of A4)  for the sides. That lot should hopefully keep me going for a few days. 


After dinner, I began folding paper to make more sides, by the end of the session, I’d probably made about 80 or so sides. Tomorrow I can start building more units as I now have plenty of bits. 

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