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Good moaning to a duplicate page.   Sun here so the wetness has cleared for a day.  Hens to muck out then no doubt some other tasks as we are having visitors this aft for a game of belotte.  



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1 hour ago, polybear said:


They'll not think it so clever when they get 2 years in The Big House as well.


Unfortunately there is no more room in any of the big houses, nor some of the smaller big houses either.


As witnessed this week when a stream of lags, with their belongings hastily rammed into government issue clear plastic sacks, were seen leaving Lewes ‘ Category A’ Prison. Laughing and waving (although some not using all of their fingers) at Sussex Police officers as they did so.


So Lewes Cat A Prison holds some of the more dangerous individuals…..what a good job that the privatised prison support service, Securi OP4, or whatever they are calling themselves this week, hasn’t made any mistakes releasing the wrong people or forgotten to tag people. 

Far better to lock up people for getting lashed up and posting photos of rioting, on Dr Evils electronic riot incitement service. 

If these self important protesters continue to decide to delay traffic by supergluing themselves to the road surface then I can suggest a good super glue removal product that will help to focus people’s minds, particularly those glued to the road, in an ironic way.



Petrol removes superglue extremely well. In addition it has an added benefit of ensuring that the Wnaker glued to the road is likely to be highly motivated into assisting getting their hands freed up. 

Particularly if the are a bunch of bystanders smoking on the hard shoulder 30 feet away…..



Edited by Grizz
Predictably text again
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5 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Ey up!


Must have been cold last night.. heating came on this morning...


@polybear I trust you have never had the pleasure of sitting in a market place in Italy, drinking the local wine, eating local bread, cheese and olives while chomping through some pizza (a slice from a square based one cooked on a large flat plate which you receive in a paper wrapper? No knives or forks.. if its good enough for the locals.. good enough for me!


today involves preparations for our trip north. In some ways I am excited by it, in others I am not  ( hopefully people who were a bit "headstrong" when I lived there have moved on...


Time for my mugatea so TTFN!



That’s some seriously good stuff. I know it as pizza al metro (it goes by other names) and it’s a lot closer to the original pizza (leftover bread dough, baked with a few scant toppings) than what we now think of as “pizza”  And with pizza al metro, the sky’s the limit when it comes to toppings (although I have yet to see any kind of potato topping).


Italy, especially Southern Italy, has some decent street food (arancini, pizza al metro, piadina…..).


It does seem that good street food is associated with the poorer parts of the world. And I think that it makes sense: with no money to buy but just what one needs to eat, eating from a street stall saves money - you only buy what you immediately eat and you don’t have storage and cooking costs. And if most everyone eats from street stalls, then prices are kept down and quality is kept up (apparently, some new apartments in Thailand are built without kitchens such is the ubiquitousness of eating out at street stalls) 

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

Isn’t that a bit too posh for Polybear? Where are the E-Numbers, emulsifiers, stabilisers and anti-oxidantss?

Ah you raise a very important concern there Doc….


Wanting bespoke, artisan posh pizza to appeal and be available to everyone (mostly for fear of being prosecuted by the current UK Gov for discrimination against non posh people, non posh pizza eating people [posh or otherwise] …….…….…..and most importantly incitement to misappropriate Southern European heritage and cultural cuisine, using malicious electronic communications)…..I have searched high and low…for a least 5 minutes and found all of these…….



So if anyone were to order all of these E numbers and preservatives in bulk then they would be free to make a bespoke pizza from scratch, using fresh and natural ingredients…..but chuck in as many emulsified, concentrated junk cr@p as they liked. 


Follow me for more world shattering solutions…@lookslikeGrizzhasbeenonthesaucesince04:00again.com 😎

Edited by Grizz
Spelling yet again….stupid predictable text
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  • RMweb Gold
9 hours ago, Chris Snowdon said:

David - those are very good photographs indeed.

Sorry to everyone who knows me but to those who don't, I thought that the chaffinch was a nuthatch (I am hopeless with birds).

Love the shot of Seaton Sluice - was that taken from the footpath on the road-bridge?  Good shot of the turbine at Blyth - my guess is that it's almost three miles - the much wider view of the whole array, from the drive past SD Hall, takes me back to the 1980s, when it was classed as "experimental offshore", despite being in tidal waters...




Looking at it again it could well be a nuthatch, I used to know birds......


I must get out my books again.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl,

3 hours sleep, woke with pain to forepaws, right ankle and back... Pink pills long awake while they took effect..

3.5 hours sleep..


Running late as I had to stay clear of SWMBO, as she bustled about, she has now been picked up and is away to the Trosh.


Feeling absolutely knackered, 400 miles driving followed by a day at the museum has taken it out of me..

Shortly I've got some clearing up to do, then fetch some wood off cuts from the shed to start the first fire of the season.

What happens after that depends on how I feel.



Time for a muggacoffee.


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A sunny cold morning, 4°C when I got up.  


Breakfast has been eaten, small jobs done, now it is what to do next.  I may go out later on.


I thought I didn't have a good night's sleep, but when I woke I remembered a dream in which I was working in the garden so I must have been asleep.



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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, Grizz said:


If these self important protesters continue to decide to delay traffic by supergluing themselves to the road surface then I can suggest a good super glue removal product that will help to focus people’s minds, particularly those glued to the road, in an ironic way.



 Germany found a good way to stop this , they dug the road up and sent them home like this .







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 Today is a big day for me , it's the 50th anniversary of my wedding , BUT , it's not

my 50th wedding anniversary .    😎


 Please no sympathy markers , but funny accepted ,   I think it turned out best for both of us to part ,

and it was 40 years ago so all forgotten about .



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A very good night last night 4 + 2 + 1 hours sleep, the interruptions were natural and not caused by bladder control or joints. The last parcel I was expecting arrived this morning and I received a message that another parcel will be here shortly. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


Another bright and sunny start to the day here in England’s northwest corner. I’d love to get out and do a bit of gardening, but I’m still following doctor’s orders and not doing anything that could be regarded as energetic. So, once again, I’ll be swapping between the dining room table, the cellar or the workshop. Still, it keeps me busy and gets some small repetitive jobs done! I’m hoping to be able to get a little bit done outside next weekend, weather permitting. 

Back later. 


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3 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

Good morning everyone 


Another bright and sunny start to the day here in England’s northwest corner. I’d love to get out and do a bit of gardening, but I’m still following doctor’s orders and not doing anything that could be regarded as energetic.

So that does leave serious drinking as a GP Approved Activity?

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Along the lines of @Sidecar Racer post. I read, a while back, about some eco-protesters that glued themselves to the floor of a car dealership somewhere in Germany. They were studiously ignored and then, at closing time, the staff did what they normally did: turn off the heating, the lighting and locking the doors (trapping the eco protesters IN). Apparently after a few hours of getting colder and colder in the dark, one of the eco-protesters managed to get free enough to call the police on his mobile, begging them to come and arrest them…


As the Italians say “se non è vero è ben trovato


As far as I know, no action was taken against the car dealership, I suspect that the British Police and the CPS would find a way to arrest and prosecute the car dealership staff if this would have happened in the UK - or am I being over cynical here?

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  • RMweb Gold
18 hours ago, DaveF said:


Seaton Sluice harbour entrance in a strong NE wind.


That's a great photograph


16 hours ago, BoD said:

Has ID set sail yet?

Is it safe to break out the  Mr Kipling cakes, beans and curly fries?


I do hope he hasn’t left CC behind with special instructions.


Not yet ....


15 hours ago, Sidecar Racer said:

 I hope your good lady remembers to congratulate him on his promotion .    😎


And a pay rise!


3 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

I am a tree hugger myself and advocate much more actual action by countries to reduce emissions (as opposed to flying huge delegation to COP meetings to make promises with a low expectation of ever being delivered) but wilfully peeling off a majority who find vandalism and preventing wage earners getting to work profoundly annoying at best and thoroughly reprehensible at worst does little positive for the environment.


23 minutes ago, Sidecar Racer said:


 Germany found a good way to stop this , they dug the road up and sent them home like this .






Yes that's an excellent solution.   Even if it did slightly increase the cost of the road repair material I'd be tempted to be more generous and let the offenders have a bigger chunk of the road to stick to.  You know, sufficient to make moving around really difficult (ideally impossible) to actually move around once they'd been deposited back at home or maybe on the village green or town square.  That reminds me, I must look up the WiKi on "Village Stocks".


Misguided Muppets idiots the lot of them!


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

That’s some seriously good stuff. I know it as pizza al metro (it goes by other names) and it’s a lot closer to the original pizza (leftover bread dough, baked with a few scant toppings) than what we now think of as “pizza”  And with pizza al metro, the sky’s the limit when it comes to toppings (although I have yet to see any kind of potato topping).


Yipee!   Where's the pineapple?




Yesterday was spent trying to sort out / clear the garage (Whoops, I mentioned the G word) of a deceased good friend with a view to enabling another good friend to purchase his old but serviceable lathe and vertical mill.   @polybear will be shocked to learn that in comparison my garage looks like a well ordered, tidy and clean work place.     Anyway, good work was done and a large CNC flatbed router destined for other pastures was uncovered and moved right out of the way.    Numerous boxes of useful, possibly useful and complete and utter carp were filled.   Another 3 or 4 hour trip should see sufficient access to the two machines for removal, which will be performed by professionals - a proper floor standing, vertical mill  is not going to be lifted into the back of a Transit by Fred and his boy!


Motorcycling friends suggested going out on the bikes today.  Some were heading off to Woburn.   As Woburn was on the news yesterday as the wettest part of the UK and for the last few days the swimming pool that is the  A421 south of Bedford  has also featured heavily I decided to give it a miss.      


My road and surrounding lanes have been flooded (absolutely terrible for those with water ingressin to their homes) and the fields have been converted to lakes.







And now a quest to go and purchase some small tinlets of paint.   I wish I could pop into a time machine and go back 40+ years into the local well-stocked m*d*l sh*p and pick-up some tins of proper Humbrol enamel from the complete, authentic r**lw*y paint range.  Oh well.









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2 minutes ago, PupCam said:

And now a quest to go and purchase some small tinlets of paint.   I wish I could pop into a time machine and go back 40+ years into the local well-stocked m*d*l sh*p and pick-up some tins of proper Humbrol enamel from the complete, authentic r**lw*y paint range.  Oh well.




Oooooooooo ooooooooo can I come?…… Can I come?……..Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease..? 

Whilst we are there, back in time, can we please just pop across to Randers in Denmark and prevent the Thor Brewery from being sold off to a big brewing corp…..


Ooooooo also, if we get a moment, please can we pop back to 1991 and shout at my grandpa “WATCH OUT FOR THAT BUS!!!!!!!!!”

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