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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I used to walk three quarters of a mile to infants school with my elder brother, but that was over 70 years ago. We hardly ever saw a car and several of my classmates did the same. An interesting fact, the school run in London has dropped considerably since the introduction of ULEZ. 

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School "transport";


Infants/Junior school was just under a half-mile walk through town. Via the sweet shop sometimes on the way, used to be accompanied by mum the first couple of years, then on my own with friends mostly.

Via grandmas house after school for tea. She lived about 500 yds. from our house so mum was usually over there after school.


Grammar school we had the luxury of a bus pass all the time I was there.

Two London transport busses to get there. 461/462 2 miles to Walton-on-Thames then the 218 to the school another 1 1/2 miles.

If the weather was "reasonable" we'd actually bicycle instead of use the bus, that was most of the time, seems back then rain wasn't considered unreasonable to be out in!!

That was until 6th form, when several of us obtained Vespas/Lambrettas/motor-bike and use those.

Edited by Ian Abel
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9 hours ago, PupCam said:

I think I'll go and get a coffee and eat that last Cherry Bakewell .....






Would that be the same UPF-laded monstrosity that you tried (unsuccessfully) to foist on A Certain ("my body is a Temple") Bear a couple of days back?  How was it?

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... Today it’s three months to a certain date in the calendar. Yesterday I passed a sign offering Christmas lunch at a pub. It said £67.99 for 3 courses. The Yorkshire in me said “‘OW MUCH???” ...



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2 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

... Today it’s three months to a certain date in the calendar. Yesterday I passed a sign offering Christmas lunch at a pub. It said £67.99 for 3 courses. The Yorkshire in me said “‘OW MUCH???” ...



There's always this "handy helper" -> How long!!! When I was still out at the client site I'd take much pleasure - as I was usually first into their office - of posting the countdown daily on a main whiteboard at the head of the finance department area 😀😲

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. The parcels I was expecting today will not now be delivered until tomorrow. As they are in the hands of the *post office hopefully they will arrive before lunch. Another package has been in the hands of Yodel since Friday, about time they pulled their bloody finger out. 

*Not blaming the post office, the vendors only sent them out yesterday.

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  • RMweb Gold
35 minutes ago, polybear said:


Would that be the same UPF-laded monstrosity that you tried (unsuccessfully) to foist on A Certain ("my body is a Temple") Bear a couple of days back?  How was it?


Is that the Temple of Bel-Shamharoth? 🤔


Just wondering.....  😀


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15 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

You really are addicted to cheap, quick, synthetic UPF “food”, aren’t you?



Bear's din dins tonight consisted of a 1/4 of a Co-op Quiche (ok, so that's UPF naughty) with Broccoli**, Carrots**, Cauli**, a tommy** and some sliced onion**.

Oh yes, and an apple.


**All "the real deal" - and not frozen etc.


That's the norm, by the way.  There's a stash of frozen chips etc. in the freezer feeling pretty unloved....😢


13 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Some of us, however, enjoy constructing food from quality materials, We know exactly what's going in it.


So does Bear - it's all on the ingredients list on the box 😀.  And if I do struggle then I know I can rely on iD to come to the rescue.....🤣


However, Bear's legendary ready-use Cake Cupboard has been TOTALLY bereft of cake for literally months now; any naughtiness is limited to perhaps a couple of bikkies a day plus the odd Donut (and maybe a bikky) at the Warehouse - usually on a Wednesday.

Today just happens to be a Wednesday, by the way.....😁


12 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Good Luck!


Assuming that you are having a Holter Monitor (or similar) fitted, I do hope you are not a hairy person. The electrodes have to be affixed firmly to the body - which can mean they whip out the disposable razor and give you an unexpected shave - in order to get hairless skin they can attach the electrodes to.


I do recall seeing one particular hirsute gent just after he had his Holter Monitor electrodes removed - his chest was like a wheat field full of crop circles.


We await a status report upon your return


I must say iD, your calm, reassuring bedside manner needs some work.....🤣


58 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

... Today it’s three months to a certain date in the calendar. Yesterday I passed a sign offering Christmas lunch at a pub. It said £67.99 for 3 courses. The Yorkshire in me said “‘OW MUCH???” ...




They want ninety five quid at Bear's local.....😱

I've a sneaky feeling that Bear's usual Chrimbo Pizza Special (+ side orders) costs a tad less than that....


10 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Technically true. But when you can only eat a limited number of calories each day, you don’t want to waste calories on rubbish. 191 calories (one Mr K’s Bakewell Tart with Cherries) is about twice the calories of my homemade egg mayo (and about the same if on a toasted muffin).


Homemade egg mayo without additives & enhancers or commercial chemical concoction? Decisions, decisions….


Not exactly playing fair, that - how many calories in an iD Bakewell Tart?


8 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Don't get me wrong, I am all for self-indulgence, sometimes it is extremely necessary! 😁 And yes, I know how to "titrate" my diet.


But if you are going to indulge why do it with substandard items? Why have a chemical concoction from an UPF factory over the same thing made properly from a local business?


Is it cost?

Do you really begrudge yourself a few pennies that a good quality non-UPF version will cost over the factory version?


A "few pennies"?

A Co-op LDC is £3.45.....how much for a "real" LDC in a local business I wonder?  A tad more than a few pennies I'll wager - more like a (good) few quid.

Now here's a Beary challenge to fellow ER'ers:  How much is an LDC in your local Artisinal Bakers?**


**I'm not exactly sure where I'd even find such a Bakers anywhere near Bear Towers.....

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11 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Until you go to a country where convenience and UPF fast food a rarity, you don’t realise the extent of obesity amongst the UK population.



Weather and lifestyle play a part too. Many  kids here play some kind of organised sport and most still spend daylight hours outside doing active stuff other than hanging around the local shops vaping (banned) and  looking threatening. Check any of the youtube " Why  we moved to Australia" videos and one comment is always how their children now are active and outside rather than sitting inside on the Xbox.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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3 minutes ago, Peter Kazmierczak said:

Just watched the first episode of "Ludwig" on BBC1. My wife says I'm very like the main character; I'll take that as a compliment...


But is it any good/worth watching?


In fact, is it better than Nightsleeper???


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  • RMweb Gold
7 minutes ago, Peter Kazmierczak said:

Just watched the first episode of "Ludwig" on BBC1. My wife says I'm very like the main character; I'll take that as a compliment...

Which Ludwig does she think you are like?


Ludwig Van Beethoven?

Ludwig Wittgenstein?

Ludwig Knopfellknocker?

Ludwig the worm?


We need to know.


ps. I made that last one up.

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Good evening everyone 


It’s pithing it down out there, has been for several hours now, I’m glad I’m not out in it, that’s all I can say! 


I’ve not done a great deal today, built some more corridor connections, 14 were done, until I’d run out of folded sides. I then made some more with the paper that was cut ready to fold, there was enough for another 45. I also cut some more ends, 1 sheet of A4 paper made 119 ends. So I’ve enough bits to keep me going tomorrow.


My ‘MEDICAL ALERT’ bracelet arrived this morning, so I immediately checked it and then put it on, this is something I’ll have to wear 24/7 now. It’ll take a bit of getting used to, as I generally don’t wear jewellery of any sort, when I’m working in the garden or workshop, mainly for safety reasons. 


My package has been dispatched from TMC, I’ve just had an email from Royal Mail saying that they will deliver it tomorrow, yahooooo.

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  • RMweb Premium

I recently had some photos given to me by my half sister in Canada, that my dad took when we lived there, back in ‘68 or 69’. Could anyone identify this building please?


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  • RMweb Premium

Goodnight everyone 

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