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1 hour ago, The White Rabbit said:


Not necessarily (😟). The rules vary but while often the council tax does stop - it's a temporary suspension rather than a permanent one. I have an appointment to go to shortly so can't give chapter and verse but the rules on tax (not just council tax) while the estate is in administration are a bit involved and PRs and administrators can end up paying a whacking bill. Often due to other aspects of government - it took me many months to get probate (wanton delays by DoJ) and that led to several cheques being written for tax - and a smaller estate than it would have been if 'the state' had acted efficiently/speedily. Then grief from other beneficiaries about that... 


Rabbit going - I may be some time... 


“Dear beneficiaries,

If you don’t like it I could always hand the job over to a Solicitor to sort, for which they’ll charge £££”


A P1ssed Off Bunny

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30 minutes ago, polybear said:


“Dear beneficiaries,

If you don’t like it I could always hand the job over to a Solicitor to sort, for which they’ll charge £££”


A P1ssed Off Bunny

A friend did that. He had been appointed as executor to his wife’s aunt. He and his wife  had been caring for the aunt for years while she had dementia. John and his wife didn’t benefit from the will, but he was a retired accountant and was happy to deal with  it as it seemed simple. However relatives in Australia were not happy and kept querying everything ,especially valuations and basically John’s honesty. So  he handed it over to a solicitors and let them get on with it. 

Edited by Tony_S
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1 hour ago, TheQ said:


The Suttons would almost all have been just called Sutton,  till the postie came along wanting separate names, then they added "on  the hill" or "at Ashfield".


London Transport used a terminus in the Surrey hills they always referred to as “Holmbury St Mary - Sutton”. 

Holmbury and Sutton are two quite distinct villages a mile or so apart. As the bus route ended at the pub in a tradition time-honoured since horse-drawn coaching days logic suggests the destination should have been “Sutton - The Volunteer”. It wasn’t, they said, because the bus passed through Dorking which had buses going to another much bigger Sutton, that of GDB fame, nearby and they didn’t want to confuse people 


1 hour ago, TheQ said:

The exception were when you had two or more close villages with a similar name, they always had pre or affixes like Middle, Nether and Over Wallop.

What of Givviter Wallop?  Or Under Wallop?  Would the wider area be called Nether Region Wallop? 

Locally - and by no means peculiar to this area - multiple farms are distinguished by such means. Even when the three houses are in a single terrace. Historically these might have been built as families grew and more accommodation was needed. 

We have, in a very short distance, Lower, Middle and Higher Bodinnar then Lower and Upper Receven and Lower, Middle and Upper Tregerest of which the first two are separated by Tregerest Chapel. 

And as Cornish was seldom written backalong there are alternative spellings. “Bodina” sometimes appears as does “Tregerras” 

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3 hours ago, Peter Kazmierczak said:

Not wishing to blow my own trombone, but I'm something of an expert on all things asteroidological. Now early this morning there was a partial eclipse of the moon. Now for those of you less expertised than me, and, if you don't mind me saying, not quite my interlectorial level, this is when the sun passes between earth and the moon, blocking part of our view of it.

I know this because:

1. It was warmer yesterday; I was back to wearing shorts and a T-shirt

2. As I follow the wise words of the GOP president/vice-presidential candidates, I know if I say something it must be true

Anyway, here's a picture of it.



3 hours ago, BSW01 said:

The eclipse is caused when the ‘EARTHS SHADOW’ falls on the moon, caused when the Earth, moon and sun line up perfectly. The SUN can NEVER fall between the Earth and the moon!


2 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

If it did we'll all be toast, literally.


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Daring to speak of things that run on parallel strips of steel, I see that Rapido are doing "Ivor the Engine".


With or without sound.


And the sound version sounds are sourced from the original films.


Rule 1, here I come....


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I don’t want to make @polybear envious but for the last two days my delivery from Amazon has involved the driver ringing the bell and talking to me. What is my secret you may wonder? Actually it was due to including “bladed items “ in the orders. Today’s was a pair of tiny craft scissors and some craft knife blades. Such things have disappeared from eBay it seems. The driver today mentioned I was two years younger than his father!  

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8 hours ago, Barry O said:

As it is chloresterol  has a new toy to play with... triglycerides. Problem with these are.... you need a fasting blood test to check it out. Over the day these naturally get higher.. don't ask me how I know.

I’m fairly certain Triglycerides are not a new toy.   A very good friend has been having his tested/checked for the last 30 years. 

6 hours ago, Peter Kazmierczak said:

Not wishing to blow my own trombone, but I'm something of an expert on all things asteroidological. Now early this morning there was a partial eclipse of the moon. Now for those of you less expertised than me, and, if you don't mind me saying, not quite my interlectorial level, this is when the sun passes between earth and the moon, blocking part of our view of it.

I know this because:

1. It was warmer yesterday; I was back to wearing shorts and a T-shirt

2. As I follow the wise words of the GOP president/vice-presidential candidates, I know if I say something it must be true

Anyway, here's a picture of it.


I certainly hope not!   Is your name Trumpy by any chance?   How’s the election going?   Anyway, nice photo and better than my one but then I was asleep at the time.




Herpies has just made a delivery apparently.   I believe Bear has a phrase for the style and position chosen to leave it aka on display to all and sundry.





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My PC just decided it didn't want to do anything at all, i.e. it froze.  I think it was because the anti virus had decided to do a scan which I wanted to do at a different time so tried to stop it.  A restart seems to have solved it.


I went out this morning and took a few photos in area loosely described as "Longhorsley Moor", on a single track road.  The passing places are field gateways - it is not an important enough road to have signed pasing places.  If you really want more detail it is near these farms: Smallburn, Haredene and Beacon Hill - a bit under a mile from each of them so really not anywhere in particular.  All that assumes you have a large scale map handy.  Leaving I met a large artic which was a bit  wider than the road, fortunately there was a gateway which I was able to tuck my car into. 


A couple of photos of where I was and the road are below.


On the way back I visited a garden centre and bought obvious things - shoes and a new waterproof jacket.  The afternoon has involved a bit of gardening, some dozing and a bit of reading. 



View north east.  Longhorsley village is on the extreme left.  It is over a mile away - the zoom was used.



view north



Road looking north



Road looking south



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So an early start was wasted by....oh never mind, not important.


However, my car has been serviced (nowt wrong, thankfully) and we had a ride out on the bikes to see a chap that has been making a buckle-less leather belt for her indoors, who was actually outdoors, but never mind that.  Nice job, she's very pleased with it.  The old guy doing it used to fix the sort of planes Dave H used to fly, Fan-toms or something, maybe his rivets helped Dave defend the realm, who knows.  Nice old boy.


So car is collected, in the Manx way the garage chappie has not yet bothered with the bill, I'll pop in next week to settle up with him.  This relaxed attitude is one of the things that makes life here so pleasant - and people's basic honesty of course.


Better get on with making dinner I suppose, and worry about cholesterol, mine is always a bit high.  GP wants to try statins but a friend was crippled by them - I have doubts about how they are presented as a cure-all.  Jury currently out on that one.

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13 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Better get on with making dinner I suppose, and worry about cholesterol, mine is always a bit high.  GP wants to try statins but a friend was crippled by them - I have doubts about how they are presented as a cure-all.  Jury currently out on that one.


Not permanently I hope?

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Great day at Beamish. It warmed up through the morning which was nice. Trip behind a replica of puffing Billy, several tram rides and bus rides and then.. a trip to collect a fair bit of muddling stuff.


No need for tea tonight.. lots of food eaten during the day.


Hopefully my neighbours will be quieter tonight.. bit loud returning from the bar last night.




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Evening all from Estuary-Land. The next lot of washing has just finished but I leave it in the machine until morning. The reason being that the spin cycle compresses everything into a solid lump around the drum and it's best left to loosen up for a few hours. Now time for a cuppa and to tackle Farcebook.

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12 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:


Not necessarily (😟). The rules vary but while often the council tax does stop - it's a temporary suspension rather than a permanent one. I have an appointment to go to shortly so can't give chapter and verse but the rules on tax (not just council tax) while the estate is in administration are a bit involved and PRs and administrators can end up paying a whacking bill. Often due to other aspects of government - it took me many months to get probate (wanton delays by DoJ) and that led to several cheques being written for tax - and a smaller estate than it would have been if 'the state' had acted efficiently/speedily. Then grief from other beneficiaries about that... 


Rabbit going - I may be some time... 


When my Dad died I was told by the council that after six months I would have to pay council tax if I hadn't sold it.



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Bear here....


Another W/H day....all good fun.  Notta D-Day (the Boss is away 😢) but rumour has it that it may have been a C-Day instead 😁.

One or two useful minor Bin finds as well, so that's a result; the Book Man** also asked if A Certain Bear would be interested in a copy of "The Buntingford Branch" (Peter Paye) - all about a tree I think 🤣 - Bear already has a copy but a Neighbour 3 doors away (ex. Hornsey Shed Maintenance Man - maybe incl. Deltics I think - must ask) bit Bear's Paw off....that's a Tick.


(**The Book Man understands the difference between a "Coffee Table Book" and a specialist interest book....)


A van appeared at the W/H Donations Centre - they'd done a house clearance; Bear saw some of the stuff going in...and coming out again...it was filthy - bird sh1t (on furniture??), the lot.....

Whilst it seems they were "ok" I very much suspect they were a bit miffed that much was rejected - as they were driving a Van I also suspect they'd run into problems if they turned up at the local tip.


Conversely, Buddy & I did a house collection of a chair shortly afterwards (not something we normally do - it's usually only for a Hospice Supporter/Volunteer/known person etc.) - it was close by and turned out to be a very nice padded swivel chair in excellent condition; sadly I suspect it won't raise a huge amount though - the shops can't handle such things so it'll be the EBay Store (collect only - which of course depresses the price considerably).


I also spotted five boxes of these (not inspected but almost certainly unused) in one of the donation cages - contact A Certain Bear if you fancy doin' your bit with a fair offer for a good cause (Bear could post):




Bear knocked up a Crustyb0llokky Pizza for din dins - still very much a "work in progress" but it tasted pretty reasonable; C & M Pizza Base, a bit of a squirt (nottalot) of extra Tommy Puree in various places (including the crust - not needed there in future I think), Grated Mozzarella, Sliced Tommy & various lumps of Stilton throughout.  Oh yes, and a drizzle of Olive Oil on top.  Cooked on the Pizza Stone (a good buy I think) - not at the recommended 190C but 210C instead (another Tick).


edit:  I may try 220C next time as well - a bit of experimentation in the search for culinary perfection n' all that....




Future modifications?  Use Bear's home-made Chilli Oil instead (not used this time as I was going for a taste test) and also DON'T FORGET THE BLUDDY PESTO!!  Oh yes, and maybe bung some chopped tinned tommies on top, before the cheese.


However, I must admit my favourite at the moment is still the Dr. Oetker's Pizza Mozzarella - which normally gets a few additions in the process.




Bear has just discovered "The Zelensky Story" on BBC2 - only it was Part 3/3 😒.  It looks rather interesting, so I stopped watching it and have made a note to use some catchup thingy instead.


And Finally......


Do any Fellow Clever ER'ers know how many Ibs a circular cake tin measuring 20cm dia x 8cm deep would be?  Just askin' for a friend.....😉


Nearly time to climb the Little Wooden Hill.....



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25 minutes ago, polybear said:

Do any Fellow Clever ER'ers know how many Ibs a circular cake tin measuring 20cm dia x 8cm deep would be?  Just askin' for a friend.

Aditi will weigh a 20 cm by 8cm tin for you tomorrow. She thinks she has one, it has a spring fitting and loose bottom if that matters. 

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Good evening everyone 


Like yesterday, I’ve not done a great deal, made another dozen corridor connections, but still need to make more. This afternoon I went out to the garden and tested the apples and ended up picking 10 that were ready. There quite early this year, as I don’t usually get to pick them until late October! 

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2 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Aditi will weigh a 20 cm by 8cm tin for you tomorrow. She thinks she has one, it has a spring fitting and loose bottom if that matters. 


Thanks - Bear has the tin (one of today's Bin Dive finds - a Tefal jobbie that's like new) but was wondering how much cake mix is needed to fill it.

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37 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

This afternoon I went out to the garden and tested the apples and ended up picking 10 that were ready. There quite early this year, as I don’t usually get to pick them until late October! 

Our grape crop is very poor this year. In the past, we’ve got close to 60 pounds in a good year. We might make 60 grapes this year. The weather in the spring was not good.

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