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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:


Many there seem to think there are only two Healthcare models available, the NHS (yay!") and the US one ("boo!"). 


Weirdly a large proportion in the US (the other country where healthcare is currently a big political issue)  apparently  think the same - theres  the US free market model , ("yay!")  or  communism!


 That reminds me of a comment I saw on one of those 'we are the best ' sites , an American boasting

that the USA is the best by saying ' who's got a flag on the moon ' .


The snarky answer was , ' let me know when your moon flag pays your medical bills ' .


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Overslept this morning, didn't get up until gone eight. A good nights sleep nevertheless.This morning I found an enormous* spider sitting in the bath, so I encouraged it onto a cleaning cloth and then released it onto the floor where it scuttled away.  

* the thorax was as big as an old half crown.


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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:


My Funnel Web experience is based on the Sydney Funnel web - they don't call it Atrax Robusta for nothing!



That said though the biggest one I've seen was while jogging in the bush at work, I assume it  would have been  the  Blue Mountains version of the Funnel Web.... (there are 36 species of Funnel webs here, typically locality based)

I thought that there are so many Australian species that are harmful that at least the butterflies can be safely encountered. Just out out interest I did a Google search and there are TOXIC butterflies too. Fortunately humans are not in their food chain!

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Captain Cynical's (ahem) "Special Surveillance Unit" has just reported back from LDC Island*- PB's training camp for Team Bear and they sent on a photo - taken clandestinely - of PB actually being nice to his recruits...



* like Parris Island, but much, much tougher...

Ah, but what you’ve got there is a piccy of The Bear Team undergoing training in Survival Training & Interrogation Techniques.  As for CC’s “SSU”……well we knew you were there all along - and you only saw what we wanted you to see….


4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Many European countries use a variant of the Bismarck Model for the provision of health services and whilst by no means perfect, generally provide better access, better treatment and better outcomes than the NHS


The NHS has many superb clinicians and many outstanding patient-facing and scientific staff, but they are let down by its 1948 Nationalised Industry ethos. Many posters on ER have complained about the various "check-point Charlenes" who are neither helpful or flexible. This is definitely a hallmark of a nationalised industry: whether you are good or bad, patient friendly or indifferent - your job is secure - no matter how the patients may feel about your performance and helpfulness. Another problem is that for the NHS - every test, every scan is an expense, whereas in the Bismark Model every test, every scan is income. For the NHS, there is no financial incentive to run labs, scanners, radiology services outside of "office hours" (9 to 5, Monday to Friday). Of course you have a degree of out of hours emergency service, but it's often a case of "hurry up and wait" - even for "during business hours" assessments.


In the Bismark model, if you - as a medical practitioner or hospital - do not provide a patient centric service, then patients can and will go elsewhere and suddenly you have no income, whereas with the NHS model you get paid, no matter how good or how bad your performance.


There is also a social aspect to the differences between the NHS and the Bismark models. In the Bismark model as you are paying directly for your medical care (via a Mutuel or a Krankenkasse), there is a greater impetus to keep to a healthier lifestyle.


Certainly, the NHS would benefit from more investment, but it also needs qualified staff. I have a radical idea on staffing: how about removing the cap on the number of medical school places (sorry, BMA) and paying people (through bursaries) to study medicine, nursing (and other clinical roles).


Isn’t there a risk that Docs send patients for unnecessary tests in order to jack up their income?


3 hours ago, PupCam said:

Our transport for the day 


For a moment there I thought it might be something special …..like a Deltic…..

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  • RMweb Gold
32 minutes ago, polybear said:

For a moment there I thought it might be something special …..like a Deltic…..

But it is a nice shade of blue. 
I finished off my artistic work in the garden before midday by sloshing the compost bin ( looks like a beehive) with Cuprinol Purple Pansy. That was after applying Barrettine Summer Tan to three garden buildings and a gate. Aditi got  up early to go and paint but I said I would do it. It is quicker for me as I don’t need stepladders.  
I must be in a painting mood as I painted some little people to dot around my layouts last night


Edited by Tony_S
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34 minutes ago, polybear said:

Ah, but what you’ve got there is a piccy of The Bear Team undergoing training in Survival Training & Interrogation Techniques.  As for CC’s “SSU”……well we knew you were there all along - and you only saw what we wanted you to see….

Of course you knew we were there, we wanted you to see the SSU - not only did you waste time and resources trying to fool the SSU, but this also allowed other units to work undetected.

Captain Cynical is always one step ahead of The Bear.


p.s. CC reckons that calling the recruits "maggots" is a pretty wimpy kind of Survival Training...

37 minutes ago, polybear said:

Isn’t there a risk that Docs send patients for unnecessary tests in order to jack up their income?

No. Firstly, apart from in-house lab work and basic diagnostic radiology and ECGs at your GP (something more GPs in the UK should have. Results of important lab work/basic diagnostic X-rays and 12-Lead ECGs available not just the same day, but within the same half-hour of ordering the test/x-ray/ECG), the referring physician will not earn anything whether he send patients for 1 CT Scan or 10 CT scans. Besides, there are equivalents of an Office of Professional Standards for each therapeutic specialty which defines what is and what isn't acceptable practice.

44 minutes ago, polybear said:

For a moment there I thought it might be something special …..like a Deltic…..

Jeez, what is it with you and Deltics? They were good locomotives for their time, but a small non-standard fleet with high running costs meant that they were for the scrapheap (a service life of 20 years according to Wiki, versus a service life of almost 50 years [including refurbished units] of the Intercity 125s)

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  • RMweb Premium

Mrs JJB made a lemon drizzle chiffon cake today (no, I have no idea what a chiffon cake is either, but they're obsessed with the things in SE Asia). 


Had a most excellent lunch of curry mee with crispy pork belly, the Malay auntie who runs the stall wields a cleaver in a way which made me make a note in case I ever need a good person to dismember a few bodies for disposal (you never know, always be prepared for any eventuality).

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I didn't intend to go out today but I'm running short of bread and milk so I'll have to. Also a chance to rummage through the reduced to clear shelves. Last time I did so I snaffled some sausage rolls of the 'Jolly Hog' brand and I'd like to try some more.

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  • RMweb Premium

Gorsedh Kernow hedhyw


We have been watching our friend, fellow towns-person and artist Kurt Jackson joining the ranks of the bards.  His bardic name - chosen by the same friend (and bard) who has translated Sharon's songs into Cornish - is "Lymner Bardh an West"  Painter and Poet of the West.  


Onen Hag Oll

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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, pgcroc said:

On cakes.


Some on here may be interested in this.





To show that to PB is cruelly insensitive!


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  • RMweb Premium

Road tax paid on " little red driving machine" © Gwiwer, £0, I suspect it will.be somewhat more next time. At least we'll get 11 months free before they start grabbing more money.

Registered to vote.. 

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, pgcroc said:

On cakes.


Some on here may be interested in this.




Someone break out the Smelling Salts for iD - I think he’s having one of his “turns”……

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8 hours ago, Sidecar Racer said:

That reminds me of a comment I saw on one of those 'we are the best ' sites , an American boasting

that the USA is the best by saying ' who's got a flag on the moon ' .


The snarky answer was , ' let me know when your moon flag pays your medical bills ' .

The plaque on the LM "Eagle" says "WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND".


You won't find many people saying "who's got a flag on the moon?" these days. There are at least five nations with appliances (in various states of intactness) on the lunar surface.

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Today is supposed to be less hot. It is still very hazy but air quality is back in the moderate range. Hopefully this trend will continue.


Out on my walk the local constabulary were keeping the town clear of "riff-raff", having pulled over a woman who perhaps lived in her car. She was busy yelling a them (clearly in distress) about "harassing the homeless" as I walked past and they were doing their best to get her to calm down a bit. I've no idea what the outcome would be. I didn't stay.


College football is on. Televised tennis will take place in the early afternoon. More college football later. There is a comic book convention on downtown. Doubtless the local stormtrooper legion will be there along with cosplayers of every conceivable shape.

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  • RMweb Gold
46 minutes ago, polybear said:

Someone break out the Smelling Salts for iD - I think he’s having one of his “turns”……

I thought he always advised us to buy the equipment the professionals use…

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium
12 hours ago, TheQ said:

Full muggacoffee just  knocked on floor, not good. 

Now surrounded by cloths soaking up. Waterproof floor luckily.


Sorry, I laughed out loud when I read that as you may recall I did exactly the same thing when we visited Neatishead last month - except mine was two cups of coffee across the table, chairs, and floor. Mrs B thought the coffee was heading in her direction and managed to get out of the way in time. Your staff were very quick and efficient clearing up the mess and wouldn't take any cash for the replacements so a fiver was dropped in their donation box.


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9 hours ago, polybear said:

Isn’t there a risk that Docs send patients for unnecessary tests in order to jack up their income?




I reckon they are damned if they do and dammed if they dont.


Populist Current Affairs shows here have two favourite doctor bashing themes that they love to do stories on.


1) "Doctor is accused of wasting money by sending a  patient to do a whole battery of tests on the off-chance that one of them will reveal what is wrong with him!" 


2) "Man diagnosed with extremely rare fatal disease claims doctor didn't  order the test that could have diagnosed it in time!"


Edited by monkeysarefun
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Rayleigh toy fair tomorrow so I collected some modelling tokens this afternoon, it depends now on if there's anything of interest to me for sale.

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  • RMweb Gold

Earlier today I mentioned seeing a rather nice house for sale.  I've just looked up the details.


From outside it looks a bit "drab", from the agent's photos it has clearly been updated, doubled glazed etc.   It has 4 beds and 3 reception.  In other words much better than I thought.  The price - only £650,000.


I can dream.



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