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Duplicate page again.  Good afternoon awl.   Domestic engineering this morning as some former part time neighbours arrived at 10.30.  We had a good natter.  After yesterday's day of funeral activities it was nice to be back to normal.  Then off to Niort to get a switch cover plate ready for some electrical work tomorrow.  Off out to some friends for pizza tonight. 



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1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:



I'm not on any @polybear list  and I know that I never will be  because I live on Spider Island and his threats of vengeance  due to  whatever I may do or say will  fall fallow if the alternative  means him coming down here to do  me in, so bring it on, teddy boy! 


My chief defence :   Sydney Funnel Web in angry mode. Those fangs mean almost  certain death if you cant get the anti-venom in time!  They'll pierce your finger nail, sports shoes and plastic containers.






I'll NEVER forget one time at my ex-in-laws holiday home on the waterfront  at St Georges Basin south of Sydney.


I was drying myself off after windsurfing and happened to glance down  and saw a Funnelweb about 3 inches from my foot in this exact pose.


I jumped back with what was later unfairly described as a  girly scream, which when I  then explained why it may have sounded somewhat like that   my then  Father-In_law replied  "just step on the bastard, you don't need to scream like a girl"




For the record, as I remember it I DIDN'T scream like a girl, instead I just swore like a true ANZAC would have when charging to certain death towards  the Turkish positions   at The Nek during the Gallipoli campaign.  



Could you append a scale to that photo of the brute, so we know exactly what we're dealing with?  I'd like to know what diameter pole would be needed to crush it with.


I'm thinking 3" by 4 ' would be adequate...🤔

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3 hours ago, Hroth said:

Speaking of my travails with clearing the junk out of the GARAGE, the other day I came across a stack of DVDs, given away by the Daily Wail.  Mainly films concerning WW2 ( Dambusters, Wooden Horse, Ice Cold In Alex, etc) but one was an unusual topic for the Wail, Fanny Hill, based on the 18th century epistolatory novel by John Cleland.  Having read the novel, I fear that the film is considerably abridged and bowdlerised compared with all the interesting situations lovingly described in the book...

That has happened to many books when they have been made into a film. A good example is "The first great train robbery." The brothel scene was nothing like what was in the book but if it was it would never have got past the censor.

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1 minute ago, PhilJ W said:

That has happened to many books when they have been made into a film. A good example is "The first great train robbery." The brothel scene was nothing like what was in the book but if it was it would never have got past the censor.


Yes, getting things past the classification board limits the accuracy of the adaptation.  This DVD is a 15 classification, so as modern TV warnings go, it would be accompanied by the rubric "This film contains scenes of a moderate sexual nature"...


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6 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

I think she's hedging her bets on whether VAT is going to be raised to 100 % to help fund a pay increase for teachers/railway conductors/dentists/roadsweepers/fire persons/hospital porters/social workers etc.


Many a true word .....


6 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

You have my sympathy as I used to have to do my mother's pills. Just wait till they vary the dosage so that it alternates between days. 


Yes, my take on it is tha I have several tablets that I take once a week but they must be kept clear of one and other.     Some daily jobs in the morning, some in the evening and some both.    Thank heavens for the spreadsheet!



3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

We cleared an estimated 120,000 from the Grand Prix by tram within an hour. The system has to be seen and is a supremely impressive display of what public transport can do. 

At one stage the queue to leave after the main race was estimated at 1.5kms (or a mile in English) long but at no point was anyone stood still - everyone was always moving slowly forwards. 

Those of us on loading and dispatch duties received large numbers of favourable comments for how well the trams got everyone there and away. 

Much the same can be said of the tennis with the Australian Open seeing huge crowds moved without undue delay. And likewise for most other large sporting and entertainment events. 

Moving people?  No problem. 


Ah, not like a good number of Brits on motorways then who have to be right up your axxx, undertaking, pushing in, swapping queues because obviously their journey is so much more important than everyone elses.   If only muppets on motorways would maintain a reasonable distance to the vehicle in front (i.e. as required to by the Highway Code and common sense) and be content with moving even if not at or above the speed limit the overall flow would be both smoother and quicker.   Shame that the muppets don't understand.   Must be an IQ (or lack of) thing.


2 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

What the stars look like in the southern hemisphere. Just a 4 minute  phone camera exposure taken from my front yard, street light drowning out much of the details. Nil post-processing other thanthe stacking and so on that  the Google Pixel 9 does inside its little mind.


For @PupCam, I've marked the tail of Scorpio  in faint red   so you can get your bearings.  To the right of that we are looking pretty much back into the central hub of our galaxy.





Thanks Chimpy.        Very unusually Astrometry.net failed me, both on your source image and a slightly processed version.     It's normally very good.






More railway meddling has been undertaken.    Only one brake lever and the brake safety loops to be fitted and I'll have a standard BR12T van to play with paint.


I've just had the two old Brit bikes out and got them started.    They've not been run for a few weeks and the AJ in particular had wet sumped.     It sounded like a wheezing Hippo when kicking it over with the de-compressor pulled in prior to trying to actually start it.   Never mind, I got there in the end.  Once you've at least had a cough out of it you know its going to go .......... eventually.   Otherwise you have to drain the sump which is a mucky, tedious and wasteful job.    There are some who collect the oil and put it back in the tank  afterwards but it's too easy to pick up some grit or whatever so IMO it's not worth the risk.


I will have to be a true ER tomorrow as I have to be on Hitchin station at ~7:30am.    A day on a long blue and white snake and some stunning scenery awaits.   Let's hope I hope I'll be able to see it.    









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7 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

What longitude are you, I am actually nearly on the Greenwich Meridian which is only a few minutes of a degree east of me. Ten miles. 

I'm close to 122.7° W.  Which is a considerable distance from the Prime Meridian. Not quite as far as possible, but most of the way.

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3 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I'm close to 122.7° W.  Which is a considerable distance from the Prime Meridian. Not quite as far as possible, but most of the way.


Given that, you may as well say I'm on Greenwich, being "only" about 3°W, though that's enough to screw up a railway timetable!  I


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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. My memory must be going, I opened the fridge this lunchtime and there in front of me was a bread pudding I had forgotten about completely. Some things are best forgotten but bread pudding isn't one of them.

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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. My memory must be going, I opened the fridge this lunchtime and there in front of me was a bread pudding I had forgotten about completely. Some things are best forgotten but bread pudding isn't one of them.


You'd better have it for tea!




Bangers and mash, with baked beans, for my tea....


Oh yes, and a pot of mango yoghurt with real fruit pieces!


Edited by Hroth
more food...
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6 hours ago, DaveF said:

At times it was quite hazy.

I suspect it is hazier here.


This is the air quality index - currently "unhealthy for sensitive groups". Sunrise was a deep orange. It's amazing just how big the disc of the sun looks when long wavelengths dominate.


It's not "terrible". We've seen much worse, but it is unpleasant and we are used to air in the "good" range. Apparently it was quite nasty at bed time last night.


6 hours ago, Hroth said:

Bright, sunny, calm and hints of v. warm so far today.

More than hints here. Yesterday set an all time record for September temperatures locally at 38.9°C. Forecast for today is just under 38°C.


Happily it drops from there. Wednesday is forecast to be 21°C.


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3 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Melbourne has it all over Sydney when it comes to this kind of thing.

Brisbane is in the middle of building a new underground railway line (CrossRiver Rail) to serve the 'Gabba for the 2032 games. The existence of this will be a net benefit of hosting the games. It will be a massive improvement for people attending events at the 'Gabba.


The site of the 'Gabba station will be underneath the location of the old Wooloongabba* yards and steam locomotive shed - all of which disappeared with southside steam at the end of the 1960s.


* Railway spelling. The Post office used "Woolloongabba"

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59 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

They always seem to appear when a page is full, either that or the thread disappears altogether.

Yes - when you create what would be post 26 - but goes to the start of a new page.


I think the page index file is very big.  Whenever a new post is made that file has to be re-indexed - no problem when on the last page and the number of posts are <25. If you are, for example, replying to a post while viewing the penultimate (or earlier) page and your reply would create a new page then nasty things often happen - page duplications, 504s, 503s, etc.


The duplication is sorted now by the way.

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The sun has now gone having been replaced by a layer of grey stuff and it is turning cooler, when I had my walk at the beach this morning it was almost warm enough not to wear a fleece, by lunchtime it was quite hot in the garden.


A number of jobs have been done, the inedible quince fruits have been picked and placed in the bin inside a black bag.  If I don't get rid of them small and slightly larger wild furry creatures visit to try to eat them - but they soon give up - they just leave the smaller fruits on the path and ground with teeth marks.  The quince and spirea have been trimmed, there will be a final tidy up in a few days.  The plants have been watered but the weeding got left for another day.  I also thoroughly cleaned cleaned the inside door mats, the cleaner does her best but...


In the house I have done some work on an area of model grass.  More importantly I have given the modelling table a good clean and tidy, a number of things have been put away - it's funny how tools accumulate on the table along with things that need making.


I also tried to do a hard Sudoku - I shall copy it onto a large piece of paper and try again later.  I'm not sure where I went wrong but one line had two 5s in it.


The beach this morning:


The beach. The wind turbines are hidden in the fog over the sea



A detectorist on the beach - he didn't find anything while I was there.



Edited by DaveF
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22 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

... I’ve joined the pensioners holiday brigade, although not on a coach trip to a seaside hotel and making a half a pint in the hotel bar last all night. ...



If you like Kathryn Tickell’s Rothbury Hills,  you will like her Lindisfarne too.  
That’s that way on as well.
Just a little bit further up.

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32 minutes ago, BoD said:

If you like Kathryn Tickell’s Rothbury Hills,  you will like her Lindisfarne too.  

I do like t, but have something different for Lindisfarne. If the weather clears enough to allow me to get there with some semblance of light when I can take pics 


Today would just have been grey

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23 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

I do like t, but have something different for Lindisfarne. If the weather clears enough to allow me to get there with some semblance of light when I can take pics 


Today would just have been grey


If you're crossing the causeway, check the tide tables...


I slightly misread them once and regained the mainland as the tide began to spill across the roadway.


Edited by Hroth
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6 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:



I'm not on any @polybear list  and I know that I never will be  because I live on Spider Island and his threats of vengeance  due to  whatever I may do or say will  fall fallow if the alternative  means him coming down here to do  me in, so bring it on, teddy boy! 


My chief defence :   Sydney Funnel Web in angry mode. Those fangs mean almost  certain death if you cant get the anti-venom in time!  They'll pierce your finger nail, sports shoes and plastic containers.






I'll NEVER forget one time at my ex-in-laws holiday home on the waterfront  at St Georges Basin south of Sydney.


I was drying myself off after windsurfing and happened to glance down  and saw a Funnelweb about 3 inches from my foot in this exact pose.


I jumped back with what was later unfairly described as a  girly scream, which when I  then explained why it may have sounded somewhat like that   my then  Father-In_law replied  "just step on the bastard, you don't need to scream like a girl"




For the record, as I remember it I DIDN'T scream like a girl, instead I just swore like a true ANZAC would have when charging to certain death towards  the Turkish positions   at The Nek during the Gallipoli campaign.  


Just for the record - did you stamp on it?

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1 minute ago, polybear said:

Just for the record - did you stamp on it?


Says Bear as he sharpens his pencil .....



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just finished watching the test match highlights. Looks like another England win (if the English weather lets them). Are England that good? or is the opposition that bad?

Edited by PhilJ W
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