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2 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Mystery haddock 

 the piece of cod that passeth all understanding.

Hands up all those who have never - I mean never ever - been in the House of Prayer and uttered the words "The piece of cod which passeth all understanding".  Even if innocently in extreme youth.  Guilty as charged.  Also guilty of mishearing - and therefore repeating aloud - "Holy Moley Mother of Cod".  


As for Mystery Haddock that rather sounds like something the cheap-end Euro supermarkets might sell.  Along with I Can't Believe They're Not Oysters and Wonder Chicken.

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5 hours ago, polybear said:

 Bear never thought he’d have to say this to Puppers…..but…..


You’re on the List….. 🤣

Is that just the List or the Special List?


Asking for a friend.

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Good evening everyone 


My movement is still improving, but because the swelling is also reducing, the pain has increased slightly, so I’ve been taking painkillers as a precaution. 


Despite that, I’ve had quite a productive day today making bits for the corridor connectors. However, the first thing I made was a former out of scrap 1mm grey card. I’ve just posted more details of this on TNM. 


This afternoon, I’ve booked a flu and Covid fab for both Sheila and I, the earliest date was 10th October! 

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Goodnight everyone 

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3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

What is "freezing cold"? 10°C? 😉


Or actual "freezing"?





I checked the observations on the Bureau Of Met site and its says that at the time the apparent temperature was 4 degrees with 40kmh winds gusting to 70kmh, so while not literally freezing, it was too uncomfortable to stand around waiting for 4 minute camera exposures to run their course!

9 hours ago, TheQ said:

Afternoon Awl,

I suspect another disrupter to bus and railway services will be the driverless car. It's a obvious they are not that far off.






...Once they work out how to stop wags coming up with ways to prank them!




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Evening all . . .I had my follow-up  Shingles jab today. While I was at the surgery I asked about  a "recovery pack"  (antibiotic followed by steroid) because I have a chest infection. . . 

I was told I would have a 'phone call within the hour.   .   .When I got home, I had a call from a Practitioner who asked a few questions and the prescription will be ready in the morning . . 

That'll do . . .Happy with that.


Weather-wise it's been a bit of a dull day with bits of mist hanging around wondering what to do . . . 


Goodnight all . . . .sleep well.







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1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:

...Once they work out how to stop wags coming up with ways to prank them!

Funny - but shows how well the image recognition works. That is 'fail safe' behaviour.


They have to adapt to temporary stop signs in construction zones that are not placed at the 'standard' height on 'standard' poles.

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3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Hands up all those who have never - I mean never ever - been in the House of Prayer and uttered the words "The piece of cod which passeth all understanding".  Even if innocently in extreme youth.  Guilty as charged.  Also guilty of mishearing - and therefore repeating aloud - "Holy Moley Mother of Cod".  


As for Mystery Haddock that rather sounds like something the cheap-end Euro supermarkets might sell.  Along with I Can't Believe They're Not Oysters and Wonder Chicken.

It's a hands up from me, especially the second statement as the correct words would never have been used in the majority of churches and especially chapels in the UK.

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Maybe it's the power of suggestion, ( @PupCam ) but I'm watching the (men's) round of 16 tennis in New York and I hear my door bell - loud and clear. (It wasn't the annoying Uber Eats commercial with a door bell sound - it was during a game.)


So I stagger up off the sofa, and open the door (this takes a little while) and there is no one to be seen. I asked my son (who was upstairs) if he had heard the doorbell - he had not.


And I have not been ingesting Psilocybin, or cannabis, etc.

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13 hours ago, PupCam said:


I think I'd rather have the fish ...


12 hours ago, polybear said:

 Bear never thought he’d have to say this to Puppers…..but…..


You’re on the List….. 🤣

Ignore him, Puppers.

He gets twitchy when he doesn’t get enough food chemicals in his diet. As he is (or claims to be) on a diet, his serumUPC* is likely to be incredibly low and thus he is probably going “cold tinned beanz” - which is like going “cold turkey” but much, much worse….


* Ultra Processed Chemicals, a major component of UPF

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7 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Is that just the List or the Special List?


Asking for a friend.

Neither, it’s the Special Special List for all those who challenge, disagree with, or even ridicule “The Wisdom Of The Bear” .


I’m on it, you’re on it, Puppers is on it - amongst many others. We’re in excellent company.


There’s also rumours that PB has a very secret list called das Todesstraferegister des Bären reserved for those who dare suggest that cheap frozen curly fries on a cheap frozen pizza is utterly unhealthy garbage.


Now, I wonder who could be on that list…



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2 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Neither, it’s the Special Special List for all those who challenge, disagree with, or even ridicule “The Wisdom Of The Bear” .




I like the cut of his jib, do you have any more of his wisdom, I'm taking notes.

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Reading the posts about how Jesse Owens and other Black American Olympians were treated upon their return to the US, brought to mind two anecdotal stories from WWII.


The first was an account from a Black GI who had been captured by the SS in Normandy, who claimed that he was treated better by his SS captors than by his fellow GIs. 

The second was from another Black GI who, with a few other Black GIs, was attacked in a small English town by a group of white GIs (from the southern states?) The white GIs were quite shocked when the locals and some Tommies weighed in… on the side of the outnumbered Black GIs


Given how virulent racism was in the 40s in the US*,  these anecdotes ring true.


* and well into the 80s

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There is the story of the person asked by a journalist what they thought of the American soldiers quartered in their village: they were full of praise except, they didn't much care for these white men they'd brought with them.

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10 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

An aspect of full autonomy not discussed much now (though it used to be) is the inter-vehicle negotiation/arbitration possible to reduce vehicle-to-vehicle distances at speed - optimizing highway density/speed performance.


Right now it's all about autonomous vehicles having to adapt to a mix of human and autonomous drivers and signage intended for humans.


With all vehicles communicating with each other there's far less concertina stopping that is the plague of highways with human operators.


Full autonomy has the potential to obsolete not only taxicabs, but rental car companies (in their current form) individual ownership, and car insurance. It is quite the stuff of science fiction - only it's not fictional.

Somehow the thought of sitting 10ft off the ar5e-end of the car in front at 70mph isn’t something I’d be keen on - driver or no driver.  

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There are numerous stories of black GIs being served in pubs and getting on with locals. Many British had never seen a before, and to meet them in the context of being soldiers of the US Army triggered a different set of responses. 



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Ey up!


Fluu injections and covid injections.. Marie Celeste hasn't got them pencilled in yet..,so much for the NATIONAL Health Service.. pah! Missed the Shingles jab by a year.. as in when they said 65 to 70 year olds could have it..  I was 66.., absolute rabble! Perhaps the problem is.. the doctors?


Today I am off to Higham near Barnsley to umpire an Over 60s cricket semi final. Final should be played next Tuesday.


Teas will be provided...


Stay safe!



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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

Reading the posts about how Jesse Owens and other Black American Olympians were treated upon their return to the US, brought to mind two anecdotal stories from WWII.


The first was an account from a Black GI who had been captured by the SS in Normandy, who claimed that he was treated better by his SS captors than by his fellow GIs. 

The second was from another Black GI who, with a few other Black GIs, was attacked in a small English town by a group of white GIs (from the southern states?) The white GIs were quite shocked when the locals and some Tommies weighed in… on the side of the outnumbered Black GIs


Given how virulent racism was in the 40s in the US*,  these anecdotes ring true.


* and well into the 80s

Indeed Nevil Shute based part of the novel Chequerboard around such an incident. 



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Mooring Awl,

2 hours sleep, woke with a head ache, pink pills taken, couldn't get back to sleep for ages, 1 .5 hours sleep.. .. woke with forepaws pain and slight headache.. confirmed cause, raining outside.


During awake time, brain sorted plans for modifying trestles that support the unmentionable. I have a stock of old wooden trestles, they came with the tops from a village hall that went over to modern folding tables. They went to the MRC who used them for many years at a hall that didn't have tables. Now both show venues do have tables, several tops have been cutup for various purposes. I've gained 8 trestles.


Two are needed for the current project, they need to be narrowed by 3 inches, and a six inch gain in height is required. The other part of the problem is the need for two 10 ft long beams to lock into unmentionable and trestles. But the beams need to be light weight and folding for transport. The extra height might get incorporated into the beams...


SWMBO wants the new gates finished, soggyness precludes that this morning at least.


Time for brekky.









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Another fine bright cool morning but there was a sharp shower about 07.30.


The groceries have come with no drastic changes, anyway I'll be going past a shop later today as I have a blood test at the surgery for prostate etc just after lunch.  Apart from that there is a bit of ironing then the rest of the day seems to be mine to do what I please.


Sometime I need to pay my model railway insurance but that should only take a few minutes online.


I've just cleaned some bird mess off the bedroom window.  I often wonder how the birds manage to get it on the glass as the eaves overhang the window by 15".  Having done that I've noticed that the inside of the windows could all do with a clean, I prefer to do that on a cloudy day as I get fewer streaks then.



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6 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Maybe it's the power of suggestion, ( @PupCam ) but I'm watching the (men's) round of 16 tennis in New York and I hear my door bell - loud and clear. (It wasn't the annoying Uber Eats commercial with a door bell sound - it was during a game.)


So I stagger up off the sofa, and open the door (this takes a little while) and there is no one to be seen. I asked my son (who was upstairs) if he had heard the doorbell - he had not.


In my case there was no TV, no PC playing videos and no music.  Nothing, nada, zilch and all the rest of the terms.    The doorbell I heard was the doorbell mounted in our hallway.    By the time I got downstairs there was no one at the door, no one walking down the road, and no cars parked in the road.   It will remain one of life's great mysteries.    I can't say I've lost any sleep over it.


6 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

And I have not been ingesting Psilocybin, or cannabis, etc.


Personally, I've never had any interest whatsoever in ingesting, absorbing, injecting any such or related substances.   I suppose I could try a cigarette on my death bed just so I don't miss out but there seems little point.  No, I think I'll stick with one last G&T.


2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Neither, it’s the Special Special List for all those who challenge, disagree with, or even ridicule “The Wisdom Of The Bear” .


I’m on it, you’re on it, Puppers is on it - amongst many others. We’re in excellent company.


I've got a sneaky suspicion that PB is actually on that list!


1 hour ago, Barry O said:

Ey up!


Fluu injections and covid injections.. Marie Celeste hasn't got them pencilled in yet..,so much for the NATIONAL Health Service.. pah! Missed the Shingles jab by a year.. as in when they said 65 to 70 year olds could have it..  I was 66.., absolute rabble! Perhaps the problem is.. the doctors?



Now, now Baz there's your mistake thinking there is a National Health Service.   Never mind I've fixed it for you.       There are a multitude of health authorities loosely  connected who share the same branding and occasionally but by no means regularly important patient data.     


I think I'm correct is saying that our GP has NEVER done Covid jabs.  Certainly all of mine have been done elsewhere.




It's a damp but drying Moanday.       Now, what to do?






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8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:





I checked the observations on the Bureau Of Met site and its says that at the time the apparent temperature was 4 degrees with 40kmh winds gusting to 70kmh, so while not literally freezing, it was too uncomfortable to stand around waiting for 4 minute camera exposures to run their course!



...Once they work out how to stop wags coming up with ways to prank them!




What an idiot! What if the passenger in the car was going to an urgent appointment or an expectant mother in labour?

2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Reading the posts about how Jesse Owens and other Black American Olympians were treated upon their return to the US, brought to mind two anecdotal stories from WWII.


The first was an account from a Black GI who had been captured by the SS in Normandy, who claimed that he was treated better by his SS captors than by his fellow GIs. 

The second was from another Black GI who, with a few other Black GIs, was attacked in a small English town by a group of white GIs (from the southern states?) The white GIs were quite shocked when the locals and some Tommies weighed in… on the side of the outnumbered Black GIs


Given how virulent racism was in the 40s in the US*,  these anecdotes ring true.


* and well into the 80s

During WW2 the US army was racially segregated.

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