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34 minutes ago, Hroth said:

Speaking of the US Presidential election, I got an email from Joe Biden this morning, endorsing Kamala Harris as the next President. 


Not a clue WHY!


Do you use AOL with a .com address? I get lots of American spam from US farmers, publications saying I've got a free subscription, deals in dollars, stuff from Walmart etc...

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Afternoon All,


Not a great deal to report here - just slowly getting there.  Discovered last evening to my chagrin that the box of hearing aid batteries that Specsavers sent are the wrong ones and of course they're closed now until Tuesday, and there's nowhere to get any sooner.  And both are completely dead.


Regards to All


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Grizz said:

You could even add a voting system whereby the populous could text in their most favoured method, footwear and person to carry out justice. 

My vote would be a 20 stone rugby player with steel toe capped boots. 


Bear's vote would be for spiked mountain climbing boots - with external steel toe caps.

I'd think of something spiteful...but as it's a Sunday.....




Lotsalotsa piccies transferred from Izzy the iphone to Larry the Laptop.  Tick #1.

Then Bertie the Bosch was taken for a drive.  Tick #2.

Then a bluddy great lump of 3/4" Marine Ply was cut** in order to make it a lot easier to store in Sidney the Sh*d.  Tick #3. 

**I was even unnaturally thoughtful and cut it by hand (Sunday n' all that).

Sidney the Sh*d hasn't been this "user friendly" for, er, 30+ years.  Tick #4.

The washing has all been dangled as well.  Tick #5.

Oh yes, and Bear's subscription for a certain Journal has just been renewed for the next four issues....I notice they've jacked the price up - must be to cover Red Leader's @Dave Hunt's fees for yet another published article....he'll be charging for Autographs next....🤣

That makes Tick #6.


Right, what's next?  Bear's on a roll....



Edited by polybear
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Posted (edited)

Good morning afternoon everyone


I've been a bit busy this weekend, but I've managed to keep up with all the post, so nothing has been missed. Yesterday was tidying up the workshop, dirtying a small item that runs on parallel rails and trying to sort out an old scanner, see below. This morning I've defrosted the freezer in the cellar, as it was getting difficult to open the drawers, it's all sorted now and the ability to open the drawers has been greatly improved.


Yesterday morning, a package arrived from Canada, it contained over 100 slides that my Dad had taken when we lived there back in the late '60s. My sister, she's actually my half sister, as we only share the same father, but she's more of a sister to me than both of my other sisters who live no more than 3 miles from here. We correspond regularly, via email and keep up with how are own families are doing. I've only meet her and her husband once, when they were over here and were visiting my uncle (dads brother). My uncle called and asked if I'd like to meet her. It was a little awkward at first, as although we were related, we were complete strangers, but after the ice had been broken, we got on really well and have been keeping in touch ever since. Must be well over 20 years now! Apart from my brother, (same parents), he emigrated in the late '90s, who also lives in Canada, I only speak to my other siblings (1 brother, 2 sisters) when we bump into each other, which is very rarely.


I was hoping to start scanning them, but when I switched on my negative/slide scanner, it failed to work, so it's looking like I'll need to get another one, pah😓. I've had a quick look at them and remember some of the outings. But some were definitely taken during the couple of times he came over to see us. Visits stopped when he remarried and started a second family. My mother destroyed all photos on which my dad on, so I don't have many of him, just a few that my cousins have given me over the years, so it'll be nice to have a few more to add to my meagre collection.


Back later  



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I had a Japan themed day today. 


We had dinner with a Japanese lady and her children with Mrs JJB cooking fritata and Spanish food (which is considered splendidly exotic in these parts). Given Mrs JJB was busy preparing all sorts of Spanish food for dinner the daughter and I were tasked with getting something reasonably light for lunch as take away and ended up in a Japanese supermarket here which does very good cooked meals for takeaway, Don Don Donki, the wife and daughter ended up with takoyaki octopus balls while the boy and I had chicken curry rice gratin which they do really well. Seeing as we were there we couldn't resist some wagyu kushi, skewers of grilled beef which they do extremely well. Grilled to order, they're not cheap but they're extremely good.


Then tonight I bought (I don't like saying 'won' when I have to pay for the item) a rather nice looking 1/80 scale EF66 by Endo from Yahoo Auctions Japan. The sensible option would be the superb Tomix model, second sensible option the also superb Tenshodo Quantum model, but I like brass. I happily admit it's a very personal subjective preference and rather irrational given the alternatives are cheaper, lower maintenance and easier to use as operating models (though in fairness Endo MP drive mechanisms are as good as it gets in my experience), but I just like brass.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

If it was from Basildon Hospital, they usually post one copy to the GP and one to the patient. It is the same letter. Most likely scenario is that the envelope hadn't sealed properly. You probably won't get any more. Now letters from Basildon are online as well. So I would expect letters to disappear completely. 

It was sealed properly but it was one of those envelopes with a tear off strip to open it and the strip had been opened. Also it was obviously folded with the GP's name and the surgery on the front page. It had been folded on the top corner where the staple holding the two sheets together is and reversing the pages.

Edited by PhilJ W
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2 hours ago, Peter Kazmierczak said:

I've been following both the PO Horizon Inquiry and the US Presidential Election.

I'm beginning to feel sorry for members of the GOP in the US; their party seems to have been hijacked by a personality cult. 

By someone with little or no personality.

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

It was sealed properly but it was one of those envelopes with a tear off strip to open it and the strip had been opened. Also it was obviously folded with the GP's name and the surgery on the front page. It had been folded on the top corner where the staple holding the two sheets together and reversing the pages.

I still suspect it had happened at the hospital post room. I have never ever had a letter from Basikdon hospital sent via my GP and I don’t think I would be making an issue about it with the surgery admin, if somehow it had ended up in the out tray to you. At our practice , everything gets scanned, and then shredded. 

Edited by Tony_S
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5 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Not certain you're still allowed it in France Jamie but about the only thing left here is glyphosate. I think the EU banned it's use because of cancer risks.

Perhaps a more organic method would be to introduce goats into the garden. 

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8 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I still suspect it had happened at the hospital post room. I have never ever had a letter from Basikdon hospital sent via my GP and I don’t think I would be making an issue about it with the surgery admin, if somehow it had ended up in the out tray to you. At our practice , everything gets scanned, and then shredded. 

It was obviously sent to my GP and not to me. I just checked and it is dated 22nd of April so I suspect it was supposed to be filed but somehow got mixed up with the outgoing post in the surgery office.

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D'afternoon one and all.


The season has definitely turned.  We are close to admitting that it may be time to turn the heating on.  And I am bored with the Sunday afternoon movie on TV.  


In other news when the US has elected their new person-in-charge later this year there is a distinct possibility that the acronym FLOTUS will no longer be of use.  FGOTUS - which of course has never been used yet - just doesn't have the same alliteration about it.  

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Grizz said:

I met up with a friend who very kindly escorted me around to take some photos of a few of the Viking Rail fleet of diesel locos. Viking Rail are a fantastic Danish company, who have taken older locos, overhauled and rebuilt them. 

Such as this ex DSB ‘MY’ 1146





Looks almost exactly (apart from the colour) like a Triang Transcontinental Double-ended Diesel!


In fact....


Either paint the real thing with the yellow bits, or paint over the yellow bits on the Triang loco!


2 hours ago, Peter Kazmierczak said:



And you look as if you'll get a fat lip off someone....


42 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

The season has definitely turned.  We are close to admitting that it may be time to turn the heating on.


My thought exactly.  Just got in from visiting a press photography exhibition and it was so cool that I've put the CH on to test that its still working after it's summer hols (it is) and I'll turn it off in half an hour, which should be soon...




Edited by Hroth
Compare and contrast!
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2 hours ago, Peter Kazmierczak said:


I did the reverse on one holiday last year. My hearing aids enable me to have conversations with people on the same table without being overwhelmed by noise from other diners. However one person on a nearby dining table had such a loud voice, I adjusted the hearing aids from my phone. Aditi wondered what I was doing and I explained I was turning the right hand aid off, but leaving the hearing aid in like ear plugs. 

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Posted (edited)

After Robbie the Spaniel arrived I was a bit concerned how he might respond to our artificial Christmas tree in the lounge. I thought he would be ok but I said don’t put any pine scented stuff on it. Unlike cats are alleged to do , he left it completely alone and didn’t wreck it.  

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Posted (edited)

A dull cool day but it hasn't really rained, just fine droplets going by now and then in the wind.  The e mails and phone calls got done. I also went to see how some neighbours are getting on as they have recently developed health issues, hopefully they are only temporary.  They didn't need anything doing.


While I was making coffee I looked out of the window and noticed all the Crocosmia flower heads were standing up well and not blowing about much in the wind.  Then on the far side of them I saw a tallish plant, which I am sure wasn't there yesterday.  It was moving about so much that it looked as though it was waving.  I had a quick look at and removed it before it set seed, it is redshank (Persicaria maculosa), a weed which is good at spreading itself by seed.  Goodness knows where it had come from.  It was quite easy to identify but for once I used the "Seek" app on my phone which is supposed to name plants and animals.  It got it nearly right but not quite.  I did check using a book and then looked it up in "Flora of Northumberland", a book which weighs a ton.  It is quite common in my part of the county.


After a simple lunch I watched the Grand Prix, I'll say no more in case some of you missed it.  Then I watched part of the Bournemouth v Newcastle match.


The evening will hopefully be spent doing quiet things.


I too am wondering how long it will be before I need the heating on.



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6 hours ago, Peter Kazmierczak said:

I'm beginning to feel sorry for members of the GOP in the US; their party seems to have been hijacked by a personality cult. 

They did it to themselves. I'll spare you the details (inappropriate here) but I think you can draw a pretty straight line from an unintended consequence of the 2008 campaign. I would say some aspects of the changes date back to things that were happening on what was then the sidelines in the 1980s.


My first years in the US were spent in (then) deeply politically conservative Orange County, California. It is quite stunning how the trajectory has changed in almost 40 years.


They're not the only ones who have flirted with farcical personalities.

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Like @Hroth remarked yesterday in posting the above I got a 503:


503 Service Unavailable ERROR

The request could not be satisfied.

We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner.
If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.

Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront) HTTP3 Server

As is evident - RMweb is fine. It's mostly Early Risers transactions that are affected.


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Evening All.


A day of mostly doing unmentionables.   I'll risk saying that the DCC test track is now a non-scenic 5-3-3 shunting puzzle layout.    Just need to build some things to shunt and another dedicated Motive Power Control Box


I have to go and cook some lamb chops now apparently.





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We are back from MiL’s. No traffic problems, M25 was quiet, no silly driving observed. 
MiL enjoyed the lunch we took over and  ate well. The rest of the afternoon was quite wearing. Her memory seems stuck in a cycle of unpleasant or critical memories. Every attempt to get on to a more cheerful subject was rebuffed. 
My only job this evening now we are home is to water our hanging basket. I think the wind has dried  it out despite recent rain. 

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, PupCam said:

....   I'll risk saying that the DCC test track is now a non-scenic 5-3-3 shunting puzzle layout.    .... 


They can be a lot of fun. I'm working on one (not a 5-3-3!) at the moment. 


If anyone wants to waste some time/be distracted/exercise their grey matter, then: https://beaver.games/shunting/#1708 is an online version. 



Edited by The White Rabbit
extra thought
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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I've spent the afternoon watching the dodgem cars the British touring car championships, very exciting as the races are of short duration.  A darn sight better than F1 which it makes look like Scaletrix. 

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