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3 hours ago, Tony_S said:

 No idea if Danes go travelling to Australia nowadays. 


Going by the number of longlegged blondes in little shorts who man our stop/go signs at roadworks,  plenty of Scandinavian girls still do. Traffic Management companies love hiring them because motorists probably  get less impatient if they are held up by one of them..


Another popular hirer is outback pubs, though the culture there  compared to Northern Europe may be somewhat disconcerting.  If available, See the documentary "Hotel Coolgardie" about 2 Finnish girls who do a stint at one... (I think Amazon showed it here)

Edited by monkeysarefun
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48 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just checked outside, clear sky if a bit hazy. Should get a better view later when the moon isn't hiding behind some buildings.

It was visible in front of me on my way to work just now at 7AM.

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6 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

I kept telling my old GP that I was not over weight just under short, by about 5inches lol.

A physician once described me in a physical write-up as "well nourished".

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19 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

But is it a problem?



Your original quote referred to a political outsider with a different libretto. Not a new one, but a different one.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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10 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

But the music, the music! 

My endorsement of the 90s was not necessarily musically related. The Nirvana/Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails vibe wasn't what I was thinking of, but I concur with the spirit of the sentiment.


Having said what you said, you can't get away with the following without a cranky old git, "get orf my lawn" yellow card*. 

10 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

I cant think of anything as interesting that's  happened since, now it seems to be all ex-contestants of those screechy singing shows who sing all around a high note for 5 seconds instead of hitting it, releasing stuff that makes your ears bleed - Too many notes!

* It's a soccer thing. Someone here will explain it to you.


Here there be ereworms ..


And Ace of Base released "The Sign" in 1993 and Britney Spears released "... Baby, One More Time" in 1999.  And, of course, in 1996 there was "Wannabe" by, well, you know - they were Brit'ish.


Don't say I didn't warn you. 😉


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6 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

While I well understand that you are more a "Puppet On A String"/"Making Your Mind Up" kind of bear, just listen to  the lyrics, man....


The Message is a full on rant about urban life in New York at the time and like all great songs it is timeless. Change some location references and some slang and it could be one of your "anti-scrote/state of the UK today" rants  but with more street cred and better rhymes!


Listen to the Lyrics?  Bear gave up trying to do that long ago - most seem so undecipherable now that it's nigh-on impossible**  Actually knowing what the song is about seemed to become impossible after the 80's.


**Try many (all?) Leona Lewis songs, for example.  Nice tunes, shame about the words.....



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1 minute ago, polybear said:

  Actually knowing what the song is about seemed to become impossible after the 80's.

Nah, it’s pretty easy.

Pop and rock lyrics are always about (in no particular order)

  • sex
  • sex
  • drugs
  • bad behaviour
  • luv
  • sex
  • drugs
  • very bad behaviour 
  • sex
  • drugs
  • luv
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Bear here.....


I reckon this is about the first thing of any note that Bear has been p1ssed about since Br*xit happened:




Moan about "saving 7 Euros?"  Well I don't recall having to pay that when I went to Malta or Portugal earlier this year anyway (unless it was buried in air fares or summink).


Nope - that wouldn't have particularly bothered me anyway - it's lost in the noise.


This bit, however REALLY does p1ss a Bear off:


"She was speaking as she confirmed the Entry/Exit Scheme (EES) - which will require non-EU travellers to register fingerprints and a photo instead of having their passport stamped - will start on 10 November"


Why?  Well whilst Bear has never been a naughty Bear sorry, been caught so have nothing to worry about, the state of the legal system is such that I'd quite like "my options to remain open" in the event that someone close to me was the victim of some unspeakable crime 😉 where a blatantly guilty party got some derisory sentence (or even walked entirely) whilst at the same time maximise my chances of getting away with it.  It also suggests that those living in EU Countries are all good, law abiding citizens......

Most definitely a Huge, Huge Rant by the way.....


Conversely, the new scrotes running the Big House manage to come up with this:




"Plans for a register of foreign lobbyists aimed at protecting the UK's national security have been delayed.

The scheme would compel those working for a foreign power or body to declare their lobbying activities - failure to do so could be punishable by up to two years in prison."


Bear gone....

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

I kept telling my old GP that I was not over weight just under short, by about 5inches lol.


We were discussing BMI's with our house guests a couple of days ago.  Beth is not good at numbers and couldn't understand the fact that hers was higher than others. The fact that she is 6" shorter and the square of height factor doesn't seem to compute. 


8 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Indeed, Ipswich trolleybus # 44 which was displayed immaculately restored at the Clapham transport museum fifty years ago was stored there. It has been allowed to deteriorate to such an extent that scrapping it was considered. Fortunately the Ipswich Transport Museum* stepped in and it's now being restored for the second time.

*A proper transport museum, run by enthusiasts.  Well worth a visit if you're up that way.


And only a short distance away at Leiston is the Long Shop Museum.


I you do go, look at the former Cambridge Horse tram, ex Bath and Bradford. I made the running gear for it by adapting the running gear from our Leeds horse tram.  The museum is good and the guys there are a great bunch. 



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21 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Nah, it’s pretty easy.

Pop and rock lyrics are always about (in no particular order)

  • sex
  • sex
  • drugs
  • bad behaviour
  • luv
  • sex
  • drugs
  • very bad behaviour 
  • sex
  • drugs
  • luv


Has iD never heard "The Teddy Bear's Picnic" then?


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3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:



Your original quote referred to a political outsider with a different libretto. Not a new one, but a different one.


And what’s wrong with different?

Modern politics, well all politics throughout history really, is defined by who won the last war. Take Richard III - demonised by the Tudors (and beautifully so on their behalf by Shakespeare in his play Richard III ) by modern accounts he was a decent king who did much for poor people (such as The Court of Requests - a court to which poor people who could not afford legal representation could apply for their grievances to be heard). Had Richard III won the Battle of Bosworth, Britain’s history books would refer to his “great achievements” and to his being a “good king”.


As much as we might wish it were otherwise, I think that there are no moral absolutes. Take for examples the injunctions “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt not steal”, apart from the fact that they are often more honoured in the breach than the observance, realpolitik dictates that such injunctions invariably come with fine print - as “thou shalt not kill except for infidels, heathens, people not like us…..


Had the Roman Empire in its ancient form lasted until today, you’d have dangerous criminals crucified and most would think that, yes those scrotes deserve it. “That’s proper law and order, that is”


So our perceptions of right and wrong, or possibly more accurately “good” and “bad” (which are not necessarily interchangeable), are very much defined by realpolitik. and who the victors have been.


Edited by iL Dottore
Missng word
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Good moaning from the Charente.  We are having an outing today. The destinationa shop called Gateaux. It could get rather good but not for my improving BMI. 



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12 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:




But the music, the music!   From grunge and the Seattle Sound  to all that stuff that started in Manchester,  Happy Mondays, etc, to so much more. Was there a better time to own a Walkman? I cant think of anything as interesting that's  happened since, now it seems to be all ex-contestants of those screechy singing shows who sing all around a high note for 5 seconds instead of hitting it, releasing stuff that makes your ears bleed - Too many notes!


As to rap, "The Message" by Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five    probably ranks with the first Elvis song, early Beatles and Anarchy In The UK when it comes to the impact it had on music, I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when it first came on the radio and recall  being  completely blown away by how different to anything else it was!

I confess, I didn't understand a word of that.


I don't know anything about Manchester, never having been there. Same is true of Seattle. 


I never owned a Walkman. 


I find rap an insult to the ears. I don't listen to radio channels that might include it and I'm quite happy with that. 

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On fingerprints and being allowed into countries, unfortunately that now seems to be pretty much the norm. The first time people visit Singapore they provide finger prints and scans, and whenever I go to Japan, China and the US among other places they collect finger prints.

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14 hours ago, Two_sugars said:

Neither was it good for small businesses . . . . a lot went to the wall.

Some of these communities  are still struggling to recover.




Nor was it a good time to be a plate-layer; the Conservative Party's rushed and ill-conceived privatisation of the railways led to the collapse of the whole structure of p-way maintenance for commercial reasons. 


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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

And what’s wrong with different?

Modern politics, well all politics throughout history really, is defined by who won the last war. Take Richard III - demonised by the Tudors (and beautifully so on their behalf by Shakespeare in his play Richard III ) by modern accounts he was a decent king who did much for poor people (such as The Court of Requests - a court to which poor people who could not afford legal representation could apply for their grievances to be heard). Had Richard III won the Battle of Bosworth, Britain’s history books would refer to his “great achievements” and to his being a “good king”.


As much as we might wish it were otherwise, I think that there are no moral absolutes. Take for examples the injunctions “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt not steal”, apart from the fact that they are often more honoured in the breach than the observance, realpolitik dictates that such injunctions invariably come with fine print - as “thou shalt not kill except for infidels, heathens, people not like us…..


Had the Roman Empire in its ancient form lasted until today, you’d have dangerous criminals crucified and most would think that, yes those scrotes deserve it. “That’s proper law and order, that is”


So our perceptions of right and wrong, or possibly more accurately “good” and “bad” (which are not necessarily interchangeable), are very much defined by realpolitik. and who the victors have been.


Oh, I don't know. 


"Work hard when you must, play hard when you can and look after your own" works for me. It covers a lot of ground and once you grasp the concept that some things really aren't your problem, life becomes a lot simpler.



Did the Romans really  think much about law and order? I've always doubted it. Rome seemed to me to be a violent and lawless place where the general population had few rights, if any and such security as was available depended upon patronage from the powerful. They also seem to have originated the concept of the "unwanted population"; freed slaves seem to have enjoyed varying degrees of protection under the "client and patron" system but that doesn't seem to have extended to the free-born urban poor. 

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1 hour ago, polybear said:


Has iD never heard "The Teddy Bear's Picnic" then?


Sorry to dispell your innocence My Dear Bear but this song is about;


Drugs - cake


Violence - bears in the woods


I'll leave you to imagine the rest.

Edited by Winslow Boy
Damn beaten again.
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Ey up!

Great game yesterday with YorkshirecRidings chasing down 269 in 43.1 overs.. close...


As it happens I once went down the pit in the village where @Two_sugarslives. I was officially 6 days too young to do so. It ensured I never went down another deep coal mine ever again (especially the 15 inch seam.. ( @roundhouse  as in thev5 quarter weatherspoons in Peterlee).


I believe the BMI process is being reviewed as even the NHS has realised its incorrect and based on poor data.


@Ian Abel Oxempic jabs are good.. unfortunately the NHS can't source them for the people in the North of England until next year again. The replacement tablet is carp.. daily and does nothing.


Time to go to the Dentist TTFN


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Morning, from a Fraggle that struggled to arise, never mind early.  14c  dry and blowing a hoolie, though not as windy as it was overnight.


Off to take a ride on a 600v DC powered device this morning, Mrs NHN not supposed to work Wetkneesdays but needed to update her PTS certificate and the course is today.  I'll meet her at lunchtime and ride back to Ramsey (oops, Royal Ramsey) together.  Might stop off at Laxey for dindins on the way, and watch the other 600v DC things for a while.  The mountain climbing versions are likely to be cancelled, if its blowing a hoolie here, up on't hill will be mad, even the bow collectors (rather than trolleys) can get blown off the wire when it gets silly.

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