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The Beeb tells us that we are going to be snowed under later tonight but that it will clear (of falling snow) by early morning.

I shan't stay up to see it.


Have a safe trip Trev - and all others that have to move about.

No In Law emergencies of which I'm aware so not expecting much travel necessary in the next couple of days.


Good news about your foot, Don.

The postage on your backscene might be prohibitive.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mornig all, quite bright here and so is my mood as I only have one more night on call out. According to the Beeb we're only getting moderate winds tonight, although heavy rain is forecast from midnight onwards.


I hope I'm not out too much as it's suited and booted from 09-00 tomorrow and off to Middle Wallop for SiL's graduation ceremony followed by the, um, festivities.


Have a good one.

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Talking about blankets on the ground, I see that Billy Jo Spiers has died aged 73.

I must be older than I thought to remember such things.


In other news, a 2' mechanical Elf has been stolen from a garden centre.

Phil Barnden, manager of Woodcote Green Garden Centre in Wallington, Surrey, said: "I was particularly shocked that someone could stoop so low".

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Morning all. Nice clear skys & 7c in the boring borough this morning.


Finally heard back from the council regarding the flytipping in our alleyway. "tough luck" is basically how it is summed up. If it had been items that attract vermin they would have removed it and charged us for the honour. As it is, we're looking at around £100 to get it hauled away. Also found out that my man with a cage truck is no longer in business.


Had a strange thing happen last evening. Looking out of the office window (home office that is) there was a red transit parked in next door's space & 2 blokes with torches wandering about loading stuff. At first I thought the neighbour had called someone to remove his old furniture that had been sitting there. Turns out the pikeys came and nicked the lot. They also grabbed my dead aircon unit which had been sitting out until I could get it to the recycling centre. I guess you can call this reverse flytipping. Too bad they didn't take the rubbish with them as well. Just one more bit of ammunition to help convince the rest about getting the alley gated I suppose.


Last day of work on this project then 6 days of self-taught coursework and off until Jan.

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In other news, a 2' mechanical Elf has been stolen from a garden centre.

Phil Barnden, manager of Woodcote Green Garden Centre in Wallington, Surrey, said: "I was particularly shocked that someone could stoop so low".


I worked at a Garden Centre when I was at school, and later Uni. It was astounding what people would steal.


One of the more humourous, was spotting a man walking out of the shop one Sunday afternoon. I went to my boss and said "This is going to sound funny, but I am sure that Man didn't have a limp when he came in".


The heavily limping man was apprehended outside the shop, and a Metpost was found stuffed down his trouser leg. He was treated to a free ride in a police car.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Latest on the Met Office is that the main problem will be wet stuff - warning is changed to heavy rain:

An area of heavy rain is expected to move quickly eastwards across southern counties of England during Thursday evening and during the first part of Friday. The rain will be accompanied by fresh to strong winds with a low risk of gales or severe gales near coasts in the far southeast early on Friday.

Seems that Chris Evans and the Daily Depress scaremongering has been to no avail on this one.


Next good one is snow for tomorrow in mid Wales - DD beware.


Regards to All


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Missed a couple of days so been catching up on life as we know it.


'Stoop so low' made me chuckle Peter....


I've no doubt you'll be chuffed at your SiL's ceremony, Phil. A very proud moment for all.


Does this mean you'll get lifts back from the pub?


Just spent the last day or so redoing the work I did earlier in the week. I just can't continue when I know something is wrong or isn't going to work properly and have to do it again.


Maybe that's why I never complete anything....

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

I'm back from Bart's (Hospital, not the naughty Simpson). Quite relieved that the new consultant is happy with existing methods of treatment. So keep taking tablets, come back in six months and some time during that time they will arrange a routine investigation of the bits of me that don't work properly. Consultant said they have a new technique that reduces the number of biopsies required. Good news but the biopsy taking doesn't hurt, it is the route the biopsy device takes!

Anyway I'm OK.

I returned and found Robbie was fine and no bowel problems. I think this may have solved itself this morning. Forensic analysis this morning showed that he had passed another complete sock, (Ladies knee-high) Now that this is out he does seem fine. If he continues to be OK I'll forgetthe vet appointment, if he does still have problems, we'll be round there.

I think after the previous illness that required a vet visit, he was not really satisfied by the light diet although he loved it and so started eating other things. Aditi feels guilty about dropping socks now. I suspect it was on one of middle of the night trips to load the washing machine.



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  • RMweb Premium

Gordon you are a perfectionist by now you should have accepted this and work with it, you produce baseboards other people would kill for... now just accept that you will get your track right then you will stun us with completed trackwork.

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Stewart, thanks for confirming what I was musing about earlier. I don't blame anyone for getting the forecast wrong because of the many variables with this one. It could still change even now (though i doubt it).


I've been spraying out some more Superman Themes as they are released from the web cast. Here is the updated version of my Daily Planet Suite. I was going for a early fifties feel and was influenced by the use of music in early BTF's. So this represents a manual typewriter/typesetting Newspaper office when things were getting exciting (in a bygone age):


Daily P. 3.1 (humdrum).mp3


It was recorded at twice CD sampling rate but this is an Mp3 file - such is life, quality goes backwards.......


If someone played this to me ten years ago and said this is what you'd be doing ten years on I would have laughed at them.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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