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What an ungodly hour!


I'm only here because I had an odd and disturbing dream about a curious restaurant.  Think I'll read a book until I doze off again....  🙂


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I can't get page 13314.

We walked past a cricket game between the boat and Kew Gardens.


Today we went to the Scottish Festival (highland Games). Major traffic holdup. The last mile took the better part of an hour. There was an old truck in front of us (1942 plate) and the girl driving got out of it 3 times to take things out of the container -- they may have included bagpipes.  She also had time to plait her hair. WE found parking in the farthest corner of the field.

Couldn't find pie and peas, but they did have traditional Scottish pierogies,


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My grandmother used to make great stories, a good Scottish way of cooking tatties bur unfortunately the recipe died with her. I have never had stories since which got close, though the memory effect is no doubt a big part of that.

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35 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

My grandmother used to make great stories, a good Scottish way of cooking tatties bur unfortunately the recipe died with her. I have never had stories since which got close, though the memory effect is no doubt a big part of that.

Stories ? Surely those were whit she telt ye ? I think you mean stovies ?

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12 minutes ago, zarniwhoop said:

Stories ? Surely those were whit she telt ye ? I think you mean stovies ?


Auto correct strikes again, sorry!

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17 hours ago, polybear said:

So what was it?  Three of Bear's Five-A-Day, that's what.  🙁  The Cauli was even "Organic" FFS 😱

Ferchrissake's don't go telling Doc Doom whatever you do - I'll never hear the last of it....

(Actually I reckon DD has somehow zapped/hypnotised/slipped Bear a Mickey Finn - I've not even had Oven Chips etc. in WEEKS.  That's scary.  No wonder Bear is wasting away.....)

You are stone.


I am water.


I have time….

I have patience….

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Tonight sees the closing ceremonies of the French Olympics. I cannot begin to contain my indifference!.


However, I might just tune in just to see what sort of “car crash TV“ spectacle they put on. It can’t be any weirder than their opening ceremony.


Or could it? 

Apart from the opening ceremonies, the only things I have seen of the French Olympics is when I turned on the TV and the BBC were showing some Olympic event or another, so I got a few seconds of “Sport“ as I changed the  channel to something more interesting and entertaining – like watching grass grow.


I’ve never seen the point of watching Sport – either live or on television. There are some sports I have done, simply because they were fun to do, but to watch them? I can think of better things to do with my limited spare time.


I really wonder what the founders of the modern Olympics would make of the so-called “sports” that now regularly turn up in the Olympics. Breakdancing? Really? I think they would be horrified.



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I haven't watched any of the Olympics. It's not that I wish ill on them or am avoiding them, but I don't have broadcast TV and am not that interested in sports. I saw the opening ceremony appeared to upset a few people and there have been the usual gossip type stories around competitors (some which seem rather unpleasant) but it's really not my thing. I enjoy watching cricket. Funnily enough some of the events I enjoy if I do see them on a monitor are the newer ones like skateboarding. I have no idea what it's all about but I enjoy the combination of skill and nerve to do the crazy stuff.

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11 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Tonight sees the closing ceremonies of the French Olympics. I cannot begin to contain my indifference!.


However, I might just tune in just to see what sort of “car crash TV“ spectacle they put on. It can’t be any weirder than their opening ceremony.


Or could it? 

Apart from the opening ceremonies, the only things I have seen of the French Olympics is when I turned on the TV and the BBC were showing some Olympic event or another, so I got a few seconds of “Sport“ as I changed the  channel to something more interesting and entertaining – like watching grass grow.


I’ve never seen the point of watching Sport – either live or on television. There are some sports I have done, simply because they were fun to do, but to watch them? I can think of better things to do with my limited spare time.


I really wonder what the founders of the modern Olympics would make of the so-called “sports” that now regularly turn up in the Olympics. Breakdancing? Really? I think they would be horrified.




Brace yourself.


The Paralympics take place from the 28th August to the 11th September.  While some of the disability classes (to ensure fair competition) are confusing to the casual onlooker, the performances of the athletes are inspiring.  Luckily, in the UK, coverage is on Ch4 so the sport is more readily avoidable if sport is not your thing.


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11 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Because frisbee golf and ultimate frisbee players have a big chip on their shoulder that their pastime is not considered a "real sport" instead of something to pass the time at a church picnic.


They have a "Pinocchio" (not a real boy) complex and want recognition, so do a lot of lobbying.



Cycling used to be terrible for that in Britain. It's different now but I remember when I was quite a keen cyclist in my college and young days many cyclists had a colossal chip that most British people were utterly indifferent to their sport and cyclists were never at risk of winning the BBC sports person of the year prize. 

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8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:


Your "all medals are equal" method?



If we use 3 points for gold, 2 for silver 1 for bronze, per capita with a minimum requirement of 50 medals and penalise the host 12% for home advantage, Britain wins the Olympics again.

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Had a wander round recipes for stovies..

Most have way more meat than I remember stovies, and some are just weird..

Beetroot? Celery?

Stovies as I remember them had thin sliced spuds, not cubed.


As for pierogies I've never come across them, but after WW2 there were many Polish in Scotland who didn't go home,  they ( and their descendants ) with incomers during EU time have now reached 62,000, the largest non native group.

Whereas pierogies appear to be a small pasty boiled not baked, I can remember in England in the 1960s filled dumplings basically pieces of veg and meat wrapped in a small handful dumpling dough.


Mooring Awl,

3.5 hours sleep long awake, 3 hours sleep..


Sailing today, not a lot of wind forecast today, and it's a down river race. I suspect we will be towed down river for a fair way to shorten the course . We are only catching the end of the outgoing tide, on the way down . But it will be in full flowing mode on the way in coming back.


Paralympic sailing was dropped for the 2024 games and is not included for the 2028 games. Which is a great shame, it's a sport the disabled can compete in well.




And finally about radar station security, during the IRA bombings in the UK, we patrolled radar stations armed with a pickaxe handle and a whistle.

The IRA did prepare an attack on RAF Neatishead, but their preparations were discovered.


Time I got breaky..







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A fine bright morning again with a noticeabley cool breeze.  It should get warmer later, though not as hot as the south - probably about 19°C here as a sea breeze is expected.


So far I've had breakfast, put photos on the web and sortyed out the things I need to take to church.  Next will be the usual phone calls and e mails which hopefully will be started soon and finished after church.


After that it will depend on how energetic I feel.  The weather must be changing as I have a few aches so I'll probably not be moving about too much.


I have enjoyed bits of the Olympics but will be quite pleased when it is over.



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Wot chance does a Bear stand?




What chance does a Bear stand when up against the deviousness of a Hippo - especially when the Cake Tin is empty?




I see yet another fella has won a Women's Boxing Gold.  Hey, wottasurprise......


Today?  Well Buddy over the road sent an SOS last night, seeking the help of a Bear to remove a Data SIM from an iPad.  No idea what's involved so I'll take me big lump 'ammer and best Molegrips.  That should sort it.


Other than that it's MIUABGAD; yesterday was far too quiet (= nottalott achieved at all) so hopefully today will be a little more productive - I've STILL not achieved any recent brass wranglin', despite mentioning it "numerous times".....



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Ey up!


Great result in the kickball yesterday @Smiffy2will be pleased!


Lads team finally won a league match yesterday.. and did it at a canter. Great!


As it happens I have volunteered to umpire some cricket today.. it will be nice to catch up with some of the players!


Spent a lot of time yesterday in the loft storage area. Eventually I found what I was looking for.. along with my Grandads Victory medal (WW1), his wound medal and my grandma's younger brothers medal.. he died in December 1915.


Other family mementos have been identified and " put somewhere safe" according to her indoors.


Time to finish my mugatea and geronwithit 

Have a great day here on Planet Earth!



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10 hours ago, Sidecar Racer said:


 So @monkeysarefun , something you've been hiding .




When I was commuting by car that sort of thing was quite common. I would never let them in because a) I practiced bangernomics and another scrape or dent didn't matter, b) as in the case above they usually end up in the sh!t. (though my sympathies are with the driver and passengers of the car he collided with). 

On one occasion someone did force his way in on me only to collide with the car in front of  me. Instant karma as it was an unmarked police car.

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Hjem igen. 

Ah den fred og ro.....ah den friske luft.....ah øl og kager....og i eftermiddag er vi i håndboldfinalen med Tyskland.


Home again..


Oh the peace and quiet…..oh the fresh air….oh the beer and cakes….and this afternoon we are in the hand ball final with Germany.




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Morning all from Estuary-Land. My usual Sunday lay in this morning until nine. The outside temperature is already 22C. and rising so I'm staying indoors where it's cooler. Now time for muggatee # 3.

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11 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

When a margin between gold and silver is measured in single digit milliseconds, (5 ms in the men's 100m) surely the silver medal matters.

That can mean, for example, that the difference between gold and silver is determined by the length of your fingers (who touches first in the pool) or the girth of your chest (whose crosses the electronic line first on the track) as much as it does on athletic ability 


I understand that it theoretically possible for a more ample woman to beat a less well-endowed one by such means in a very close finish. 


In former times such close calls might well have been given as a dead-heat and two of the same (the higher option) grade medals duly awarded.  That would have changed the medal tables when ranked by “most gold” though not by “total medals” 



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