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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Two_sugars said:
31 minutes ago, southern42 said:


Do shells of garden snails Down Under/S.Ameria/S.Africa spiral the same way or in the opposite direction? Or do they spiral both ways north and south?

I could google it, but I thought it might be more interesting to find out this way.


That qualifies as the best question asked on here this year . . . .

So far as I know shells normally spiral clockwise from centre to outer edge (i.e. in the direction of growth) when viewed with the occupant emerging to the right-hand side of ones' view with the exception of the humble Door Snail which goes the other way.  Perhaps curiously, perhaps random chance, most images of snails have them aligned to emerge on the right-hand side.  


Place the same creature the other way around and the shell appears to spiral anticlockwise.  


There are natural exceptions for reasons not fully understood.  In much the same way, broadly speaking, as many humans are right-handed but for no discernible reason some are left-handed.  Nature knows best.  


https://www.britannica.com/video/179985/Overview-snail-shells#:~:text=Most snails look as though,natural exceptions to the rule.

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  • RMweb Premium
12 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

So far as I know shells normally spiral clockwise from centre to outer edge (i.e. in the direction of growth) with the exception of the humble Door Snail which goes the other way.  


There are natural exceptions for reasons not fully understood.  In much the same way, broadly speaking, as many humans are right-handed but for no discernible reason some are left-handed.  Nature knows best.  


https://www.britannica.com/video/179985/Overview-snail-shells#:~:text=Most snails look as though,natural exceptions to the rule.


and it is "all down to one gene" (pbs.org) it seems.

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41 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

send them to the medical schools for the medical students to practice on

Without anaesthetic.


In other news the trek to MRC and back today was horrendous.  August traffic at its worst.  I took my normal traffic-jam avoidance route as the A30 was at its currently-customary standstill.  A few others had done the same but what traffic there was, was moving nicely.  I took the by-pass to the by-pass and reached Camborne via Carnhell Green.  That village which still sports a finger-post direction sign to "Gwinear Road Station" along Station Road.  


My return route is almost always through St. Hilary.  It is normally very quiet.  In five miles I might pass another two vehicles.  No today.  There were queues in both directions for the crossroads at Leedstown and that facing me tailed back for almost a half-mile.  Unheard of.  I kept meeting groups of cars; probably the result of getting themselves through the various pinch-points and "village gateways" which are single-lane.  Matters came to a standstill in Goldsithney where (legally-) parked cars are always an issue and there is another one-way-at-a-time pinch point.  I spotted a gap large enough for the Little Red Driving Box and deftly nipped through to the apparent consternation of numerous drivers of larger vehicles.  Too bad.  That's why we drive small cars here.  


In the end it took an hour against the usual 45 minutes to get home.  Not too bad?  That would qualify for Delay Repay on the trains.  And some more very tiny objects on minute wheels are now resident on the desk awaiting dirtying and the application of 12 volts.  Not in that order.  

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Posted (edited)

Good evening everyone 


Although we’ve had rain almost constantly, it was never more than a light drizzle, so work progressed in the garden this morning. Lots of geraniums have been dug up and put in the garden waste bin, but there are still lots more to go. In the areas that I’d cleared over the last few weeks, the plants that were being choked are now beginning to grow again, so that’s a positive. I filled my garden waste bag twice, which equates to one wheelbarrow load, so the garden waste bin is now almost full! 


After dinner, the rain was a little heavier, so I decamped to the workshop and continued working on the traverser plate. It’s now almost finished, the bridge track work has been glued and soldered. I’ve also glued the sides and stop block to the bridge and sides and end to the base plate. All that’s left is to fit support fillets to the sides and end. 

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Goodnight everyone 

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  • RMweb Premium

This week has reminded me of why I try and avoid the news and those splendid people that have an office next to Big Ben. Given the reports of England burning down I thought I should take an interest. 


The news has been full of stories about England burning down and piling in as it's a great story for them. Then there are stories about how the problems are localised and whinging about fear mongering. I have to say, as an outsider looking in I get why some people in other countries think England is on the verge of a civil war rather than another bout of the sort of nasty rioting that seems to rear it's ugly head in the summer months in England every few years and which tends to force the government to have a think about what went wrong.


Then we have our great leaders and the media making it all about social media and seeing a clamp down on social media as the answer. So nothing to do with decades of political mismanagement, a toxic political and media culture and both main political parties stoking nasty emotions for political gain. I hate most of the social media platforms, but I see their role as a symptom, not the cause. We could ban Twitter etc al but that wouldn't address the underlying problems.

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)



My personal assistant tells me its International cat day today. Our two furry friends from next door wont be happy as my other half is going into the office today. I will be meeting her later probably in our favourite Belgian bar in Clerkenwell. Its been three weeks since we were drinking Kriek etc in Brussels.

Of course this is all on the basis that there wont be any protests in the area. Last night appears to have been calmer than previous nights so finger crossed.

Edited by roundhouse
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This was major travel day.  Dayle was meeting two ladies she used to work with for lunch -- past the middle line of Toronto. 

We took advantage of this to take a heating pad that stopped working back to the company that had its name on the package.  The first one was returned to the shop; they wouldn't exchange a second one.  The second one stopped working the first day it was used.  The company exchanged it for another. They were maybe a mile off the highway.

After dropping Dayle off, I proceeded to my destination. The hamburger shop was closed for 2 weeks, so I found another place and had a bacon and eggs breakfast (with wedge fries, a large slice of melon, a bit of pineapple and a slice of orange).

My destinations were called George's Trains and Rapido.*  I came out with a calendar, glue, and a packet of people.

There was a noticeable slowdown on the return trip so we went off cross-country.

We'll see what the trip cost. We used the toll road (less traffic) but the toll to go past Toronto can be more than taking a motorhome across the New York state thruway.

* These two establishments are close enough together that I was tempted to use just one parking lot.


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10 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

I suspect if it were that Team GB might have something of an advantage. 

Don't overlook the Italian team:


Squadra di rotolamento del Parmigiano-Reggiano italiano


I bet the boys from Parma could give those Gloucester lads a roll for their money.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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7 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Yeah, and that horse "dancing" event whatever its called 

What kind of word is "dressage" anyway? Does one put it on la salade?


Sounds suspiciously foreign.  Etymology suggests the origin is "dresser". What does furniture have to do with horses? Or does it have something to do with tailors and not riding side saddle? ("How does one dress, sir?") etc.

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3 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

The news has been full of stories about England burning down and piling in as it's a great story for them. Then there are stories about how the problems are localised and whinging about fear mongering. I have to say, as an outsider looking in I get why some people in other countries think England is on the verge of a civil war rather than another bout of the sort of nasty rioting that seems to rear it's ugly head in the summer months in England every few years and which tends to force the government to have a think about what went wrong.

I've refrained from commenting on the "news" from England. I've seen that movie before. Different groups, motives, official response and targets but the essentially similar reporting that the whole city was burning down and had descended into chaos and post-apocalyptical dystopia.


In Portland's case, peaceful protests were escalated when the federal administration sent Border Patrol* officers in riot gear to "protect" the federal courthouse - making them the targets for the local anarchists who pointlessly aggravated the situation - as they do.


* Apparently the need to protect the courthouse from spray paint and dumpster fires was greater than the need to defend the border from the "border crisis".


The area in front of the courthouse was a mess, bad things happened and it was escalated by both sides, but it was represented nationally that the city had descended to mob rule.


Relative to events in England I must observe that upper case "@", quarterly, defacing the cross of St. George is a curious juxtaposition. I believe I know what they 'think it means', but does it, vexillologically speaking?


Like so:


Or is it "protest cosplay"?


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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

... Evidence of the calm with an arty-farty theme - in fact most of today’s pix are arty-farty. ...



Bear is working on being Arty-Farty.  I'm half-way there....


3 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

......and which tends to force the government to have a think about what went wrong.


Not drowning the scrotes at birth?


3 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

Then we have our great leaders and the media making it all about social media and seeing a clamp down on social media as the answer. So nothing to do with decades of political mismanagement, a toxic political and media culture and both main political parties stoking nasty emotions for political gain. I hate most of the social media platforms, but I see their role as a symptom, not the cause. We could ban Twitter etc al but that wouldn't address the underlying problems.


Bear's thought for the day:


If a scrote is under 18 (16?) then  presumably they're classed as a child - for which the Parents hold responsibility.  So if said scrote breaks the law then shouldn't the Adults be charged as well?

(As some in the US have recently discovered to their cost following gun shootings by a minor).


50 minutes ago, BR60103 said:

.......so I found another place and had a bacon and eggs breakfast (with wedge fries, a large slice of melon, a bit of pineapple and a slice of orange).



That's three of your 5-a-day covered already.  Good choice.

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11 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Evening orl.


Despite ER'ing no chance to post, since herself started not working Wetkneesdays.  Pah, it involved Tescos. Better than a Saturday I suppose.


This afternoon involved burning fingers while trying to solder bits of brass one-of-those-things.  It will need some cleaning up work!  Hopefully paint (and a bit of filler) will hide a multitude of sins.  Still stuck on colour to paint it, they were olive green, black, blue lined red, different blue lined yellow, white (yup - for NCB locos...great choice, not) and finally lightish green. 



Weathered white.. no chevrons..



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1 hour ago, polybear said:


Bear is working on being Arty-Farty.  I'm half-way there....


Given your baked bean consumption, I assume you’re referring to the farty part of arty-farty.

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9 hours ago, polybear said:

Bear here....


.....Warehouse.  Donuts were involved.....😁


It seems Bear is getting a bit of a reputation for skip diving.  Can't imagine why....🤔

Today's freebie finds included a tin mug (useful for mugs of Tea in the Garden/Sh*d etc.) and some very nice 2" x 1" x 8" long wooden blocks; finds to be paid for include a "skate" that is intended for Desktop PC Towers (so they can be hidden under a desk etc. but rolled out easily) - I've found them to be rather good for heavy cantilever toolboxes (on smooth surfaces) as well.  Also a rather nice glass "Lazy Susan" fitted with a roller bearing pivot - it'll make a rather good turntable for spray painting "certain items"....


The most unexpected skip dive prize came from one of the Ebay Skips, however - a couple of carrier bags containing items fitted with parallel lengths of steel as well as a large collection of blue boxes in very nice condition marked "Dublo" - with (I think) contents intact and expected to be in a similar condition; I'm hoping I can find a good home for the lot in exchange for a reasonable donation to TW's CRUK Fund.


A rather nice donation (and very unusual) was a Defibrilator - about twelve hundred quid's worth.  Unfortunately the battery is life expired, as are the pads - so about £300 to resurrect it 🙁.  Initial thoughts were to resurrect it (though the Boss was unaware of the cost) and keep it for use (hopefully not....) in the Warehouse - the Employees and Volunteers mostly range from late 50's right up to 80+ so there is scope for a possible need......


Right, a few piccies from Duxford yesterday:


The Tank in the middle was the one that pulled the giant Banner down that had a photo of Saddam Hussein on it (Gulf War 1):




Rumour has it that Baz helped design this one:





Yes, it really is Monty's Tank - as used in the Battle of El Alamein; the 37mm gun barrel is a wooden dummy to make way for extra comms. equipment:




British Scorpion Light Tank - apparently fitted with a de-tuned Jaguar Engine, but still good for 70mph.  Apparently the Army fitted a standard Jaguar engine to one of them and took it to the Utah(?) Salt Flats to see how quick it would go; it got to 112mph but then threw a track, causing it to roll and killed the crew in the process:




Captured off the Taliban in Afghanistan:




One for iD:  If Matt Black is good enough for the SR-71 Blackbird.....




A very nice picture of a Hawker Hunter in the Bookshop - signed by Neville Duke; unfortunately it has a £150 tag attached.....




The Museum received a Russian Self-Propelled Gun from Gulf War 1 - when they removed the batteries they found a brand-new AK47 still in it's wrapping underneath; possibly a naughty war souvenir (or worse) that someone was hoping to smuggle home.


They also have a Tiger Tank - or not; it's actually a T-34 disguised using plywood to make it look like a Tiger Tank - the flare dispensers are bean tins and the gun barrel is a lamp post.  It was used in the film "Saving Private Ryan" and was in the bridge scene.


As for "somewhat questionable decisions" by the Grown-ups at Duxford - try these for starters:

  • Close the D-Day Exhibition in Autumn 2023, despite 2024 being the 80th Anniversary.
  • The word is that the Comet Airliner and (*I think*) the Avro York (which is derived from the Lancaster) are to be moved outside for display.  The latter was used on the Berlin Airlift.  No worries there, then....😱



One more Gold Gong and GB will take 4th place off France.  Now wouldn't that be nice....


Bear gone....

@polybear  someone's being telling you porkies pies.. no gun Centurions went to Gulf War 1. They did take some cent Armoured vehicles Royal zengineers which were fitted with  a "gun" to fire demolition rounds.


One of my old bosses at Vickers used to work at RARDE at Chertsey.. he had a Jaguar Evtype.. and was involved in the design of the Combat Vehicle (reconnaissance) Tracked...  hence the Jag engine.. it has very low ground pressure.. all aluminium and not for nothing is it known as a "Dinky Toy"


Never heard about a trip to the americas to see how fast one could go.. official top speed.. 


It is a shame that the curators are getting away with daftness at Duxford..not sure where the Armoured Fighting vehicles will end up though.


It wasn't just the ex Russian vehicles that arrived back in the UK with extras.. the Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery vehicles came back to Leeds and Newcastle with added "booty" ( the Army lads thought they were going back to their base..



Ps no I didn't design that vehicle but I was very involved in the design of Challenger 2 and was Design Authority Thermal Imaging for Chieftain and Challenger 1 for a while..



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Watching the current UK situation through the prism of Swiss and German news broadcasts it is clear that there is a lot wrong going on in Britain that has been ignored (and swept under the carpet) by “the powers that be” and which has stoked resentments and frustrations now being exploited by (as they say) “bad actors” (internal and external) on both sides for their own political and personal ends.


Pretending everything is down to a bunch of boozed up hooligans egged on by soshul-meeja ain’t gonna fix things…

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The MAN museum in Augsburg (it's a corporate building but was open to visitors by appointment) had the transmission of a Leopard 2 tank on display, I have to say it's a very impressive gearbox and transmission. 

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Catch up Thorsday.


Herself is at moreasons and will then go to her sue ryder sorting (clothing for the resale of) office..


Me? I need to make use of the shark and swab down the non carpeted floors.. frabjoy!.. erm Pah!


Elon Musk needs to watch who he upsets..  could be some nasty hacker may just adjust X to keep him and his big gob.. shut..


Have a good day!



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4 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

50 years later the replacement for Scorpion is 4 or 5x heavier, that's progress🫣🤣

It's also VERY LOUD and physically huge.. 


Stealth vehicle? Recce vehicle ? Erm.. 



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