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12 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

The last I heard a gofundme set up by the Trump campaign for the shooting victims was at about $6.5 million, by Trump standards he has showed great respect and warmth to the victims. I get that people hate him, and he's certainly not a person I want to see as President,  but I do think some of the stuff about the assassination attempt is crossing a line. 


 But this just shows how loyal his base is . 


 Quote ,  not from Trump but in a report .


  As I understand it, Helen Comperatore turned down the call from Joe Biden because her slain husband was a staunch Trump supporter and she believed refusing the call would be what her husband would have wanted her to do. So, she has said she was respecting his memory.

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57 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Morning....just. Nope, it's gone, spent too long reading the thread!


Was out early doors to Royal Ramsey, as we have a Royal visitor - well, the Lieutenant Governor, being the (UK) King's Representative here.  He was driven to Ramsey by friend John, the item in the background that was the conveyance in question......well let's hope the Awl isn't too critical today.




The last day of transport week, and a fete day in Ramsey with a Victorian theme, showery weather but the Governor's connections kept it dry for his visit.


He's a really good chap, gets stuck in to all sorts of things, and is pleasant to speak to.  Note no FBI or police security, although they did manage to get a senior manager to be stationmaster for the day.






I must come for a visit, the Governor may not have his own parking space ...

But I have 😀..


Carburetor replaced on mower, the mower now runs continuously if not perfectly, it's hunting a bit. The old carb will be stripped cleaned and reassembled as a spare.


Some mowing done with difficulty due to its depth, after a central channel was slowly cleared, I could gradually widen the cleared area, all on the mowers highest cut. However rain has stopped play.


While searching for a particular spanner, ( odd size on mower) found a paper bag containing humbrol paints and various other items muddling for the use of in the gardening shed, how it got there i have no idea.


I'm off down to a under construction 2mm to the foot model of said bridge, 

2 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

I remember the railway bridge, but not the station halt at Potter, used to have holidays on the Broads in the 1950's and 60's.


Bridge halt was opened 1933, closed 1939, reopened 1948, closed along with the whole line 1959. The main station was just 1/2 a mile to the north. It was from bridge halt to the main boat yard, Herbert Woods ( formerly Applegates) 0.1 of a mile 


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@DaveF  happy birthday!

@Two_sugars same for me.. no idea why.


GDB is alive but having a break from ERs at the moment @polybear and @PhilJ W.. it amazing how people can keep in touch away from RMWeb.


Haven't heard from Dom or Robert for a while...


No idea what  @Dave Hunt is doing but will try and find out via mutual acquaintances. 


Youngest Herbert is.. to say the least.. unhappy with someone at the game he was playing in yesterday. I am seeking clarification on a couple of the points he has raised.


Mugadecaf awaits so TTFN



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7 minutes ago, Hroth said:

Hard times for fast food?



Should cheer @iL Dottore up no end! 😃




Having none of the major players in town and being beyond the reach of any delivery service hasn’t changed our habits much. If at all. 

It’s a 9-mile drive to the Golden Arches. The same to KFC or slightly less to Greggs. But why go that far when we have what we need locally?  

Warrens, Moomaids, the pizza shop and the Co-op offer hot takeaway breakfast items. Not breakfast pizzas but they are known as the pizza shop despite doing breakfasty things in the morning and lunchy things midday. Pizzas start at 4pm. 

Three cafés offer sit-down breakfasts though not all are open every day. 

All of the above also cater for the lunch trade with the addition of McFaddens (and other) pasties. The two larger pubs open for lunch as well. 

Evening faster food?  Fish & Chips, Chinese or Pizzas for the lower end of the iL Dottore scale. Two pubs both with reasonable food. The Co-op is open until

10pm every night so you can buy the ingredients for your burger or fried-chicken, take them home and cook them is less time than it takes to drive to those places aforementioned, park, order and be served. 

If, on the other hand, you crave kebab or Indian-style food then Penzance is the nearest with multiple choice on both. I can get my takeaway and get home quite quickly. It’s on the table less than 20 minutes from being collected and still adequately warm.  That cannot be said for the chicken and burger franchises. 

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5 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Haven't heard from Dom or Robert for a while...

IIRC Dom is managing a loss in the family. 

GDB does take breaks at times as I sometimes do myself. 

Anyone wishing to enquire or find me can always send a private message. Those will get through even if I don’t appear active on the site. 

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1 hour ago, Hroth said:

One wonders what The Faithful would have done if a substantial portion of ear had actually been removed


Or maybe a more significant injury?   After all, they've got plenty of the necessary tools to show their support by replicating the deed 😁

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sprayed some weedkiller on the bramble runners making a break for it over the fence, they will probably need another dose next week as well. Now after that effort a bit of eyelid inspection calls. 

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4 hours ago, polybear said:


I'd love a look/tour around the Ajin Factory in ROK - if indeed it's still going?

(Ajin made the FIA Trains Locos - and no doubt others as well).




VHBBW's to @Dave F 🎂🎂


Ajin morphed into ATM, they manufactured for all sorts of names. Probably their most famous and important relationship was with Overland of the US. They make most of Musashino's models, Musashino are high end even by the standards of Japanese brass and rocked the boat by deciding to work with Korean factories (they were followed by others sch as More and Fomras).

Their big rival was Samhongsa, which morphed into Sam Tech and who also supplied many companies,  including European brass outfits.

Ajin/ATM people were partnered with the factory in China producing brass for N27 and XingXing, the Chinese models were to the same standard and beautifully done.

The odd one is Tenshodo. Tenshodo were famous in US outline and supplied many importers, most famously Pacific Fast Mail/PFM. However Tenshodo were themselves a commissioner and worked with manufacturers such as Fukushima. Lately they went to the Republic of Korea for brass and China for plastic and die-cast.

There's still an active brass segment in Japan.  Endo are still manufacturing brass, Katsumi/KTM still have an active program though I am not sure if they still use Endo. More are still going, as is Musashino. Tenshodo still do some brass stuff and there are small high end producers like Imon.

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5 hours ago, TheQ said:

Thanks for the offer Jamie, but I can see from the model it's too different to use. I'm building a temporary version using cut down to length by removing two panels from each of peco 00 bridge sides , on an N gauge layout, it makes a surprisingly close match except the lattice sections are solid.


As for the bridge deck this might help.



As you can see an etch for this is going to be considerably more complicated, hence the temporary version.

I suspect the box on the left is carrying the local water supply pipe north from Trinity Broads, which are now owned by Anglian water.


As for the bridge supports this is the best I've got, which isn't much, though it confirms they were brick in this case.

It appears to have been, round brick piers, that match the drawings, which makes you wonder how they were supported in the soft peat ground of the broads.


On the side of the bridge you can see three "pipes", actually they are the 3 phase power supply installed 1931, from Great Yarmouth power station also heading north. 


The gate and path lead up to Potter Heigham bridge halt, which was this.



Just one carriage long...

The bridge was knocked down in 1968, and then in 1973 this was opened.


The A149 which follows the old track bed north to Stalham, removing traffic from the medieval bridge pictured earlier.


Mooring Awl,

Bit late on parade, why? 

1 hours sleep, short Awake, 2 hours sleep. Short awake. 3 hours sleep,short awake, 4 hours sleep, yep 10 hours sleep without the help of pills...


And when I opened this new tablet up it went into update mode for 1/2 an hour..


Plans for today, 

More work on the mower then...


Time to Mow.




Thanks for that Q.  The cross girders under the deck look very familiar to me. 



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Afternoon awl,


Birthday salutations to Dave F. Hope all goes well. 


Bridges have always been of interest to me, indeed a nickname of mine referred to this. More to do with childhood log bridges in the woods two roads away than steel trestle girders though! I had an article published in a 'mucky magazine' once about adapting a 1:76 kit into a version more realistic from an engineering PoV. And three more projects beckon within the next 2-3 years. Though any drivelling will be more for TNM or elsewhere as they involve some of those parallel strips of metal. . 


One matter which has struck me over the last fortnight or so - whenever I'm expecting a delivery, posting on ERs seems to cause them to arrive (within the minute)! Admittedly, I do sometimes wander through RMW more than usual when waiting for a delivery but of the last 5/6 deliveries - everything from groceries to building supplies and books - all but one have arrived either literally a minute after I clicked 'post' or when rounding up the last sentence or so of my post. Peculiar... 


Not much else going on, a couple of emails sent to friends, catching up a bit. A bit of G word stuff done yesterday. This morning was spent on 'The first big distraction' (from a project the awl would not approve of). A combination of joinery and metalwork. Lunch cooked. Something for the garden collected from a friend. Now feeling a bit drained, so an eyelid inspection beckons. 

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21 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:


Ajin morphed into ATM, they manufactured for all sorts of names. Probably their most famous and important relationship was with Overland of the US. They make most of Musashino's models, Musashino are high end even by the standards of Japanese brass and rocked the boat by deciding to work with Korean factories (they were followed by others sch as More and Fomras).

Their big rival was Samhongsa, which morphed into Sam Tech and who also supplied many companies,  including European brass outfits.

Ajin/ATM people were partnered with the factory in China producing brass for N27 and XingXing, the Chinese models were to the same standard and beautifully done.

The odd one is Tenshodo. Tenshodo were famous in US outline and supplied many importers, most famously Pacific Fast Mail/PFM. However Tenshodo were themselves a commissioner and worked with manufacturers such as Fukushima. Lately they went to the Republic of Korea for brass and China for plastic and die-cast.

There's still an active brass segment in Japan.  Endo are still manufacturing brass, Katsumi/KTM still have an active program though I am not sure if they still use Endo. More are still going, as is Musashino. Tenshodo still do some brass stuff and there are small high end producers like Imon.


Many thanks JJ; out of interest what do you think something like the LMS 10000 would cost new now if it were available?

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Sister Mary went to see Mother Superior.
“What can I do to you my child?”
“Well Mother Superior I was playing a round of golf this morning and I blasphemed badly I’m afraid”
“Oh. What happened?”
“I was on the second tee and put a beautiful shot straight down the fairway. About two hundred yards down the ball hit an overhead power line and fell onto the ground”
“And you blasphemed?”
“No. A rabbit ran out and took the ball in his mouth and ran off.”
“And you then blasphemed?”
“No. An eagle flew down and picked up the rabbit and flew away”
“So that’s when you blasphemed my child?”
“No. The rabbit was so scared it dropped the ball which rolled and stopped two feet from the hole”
Mother Superior closed her eyes, put her head in her hands and said
“You missed the f*cking putt didn’t you”



John F Kennedy, Indira Gandhi, John Lennon.
History shows us that if you don't want your child assassinated, don't name them after an airport.



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Jamie, that's not surprising as the lower girders are part of the reinforcement added during Muddle and Go Nowhere time. Between them and the bridge deck you can see the older slim deck girders.


Of which.


My starting attempt at the bridge, perched on the humbrol tins which happened to be about the right height. You can see the basic foam embankments either end, and below the outer bridge sections a raised section of river bank, with lower land either side. The river bed in the middle is about the correct level for the river surface, so excavation will be required. Left of the river is the Repps with Bastwick ( South ) side, to the right is the Heigham (north)  side. The medieval bridge will be hard against the back scene board.


Above the bridge sitting on a table loom , is the woven model made by swmbo for her weaving club competition, complete with a needle felted Ben, by the arch.

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IMG_4746.jpeg.cf6cf72a4cd74d3ef9c6682ac555d74d.jpegEXPLODING SEATS

I was pondering earlier whether or not to turn my 1/18 scale chopper kit into an "executive helicopter"  or a CCI GmbH "Corporate Security" Gunship.


Events, unfortunately, have forced my hand and CCI GmbH will get another addition to its fleet of black helicopters.


Every single last one of my 3D resin printed "executive seats" had exploded in the box containing all the interior details for the "executive helicopter", ruining most of them.. This means I will have to build it as a more spartanly appointed, but more heavily armed "black helicopter" of CCI GmbH's notorious "Department of Corporate Security"


@polybear had a good suggestion about having a satin as opposed to a high gloss finish. I will have to look in how best to apply both finishes (and also I'll have to figure out how to best to print the CCI GmbH logo and their corporate security emblem using white decal paper for printing the transfers – which  I already have. 

In honour of this good suggestion from the bear, I will have a small row of little white polar bears painted underneath the  copilot/gunner's window. Although I have yet to decide if it will be The Emasculator (Schotty) or The Throat-Ripper (Lucy) as pilot



Edited by iL Dottore
Accidentally hit the post button too early
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2 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

What on Earth has one had for lunch?

I had accidentally posted the header before I had even begun to enter text. This has been amended - as you’ll see when you refresh the page

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Oh, forgot to wish @DaveF a happy birthday earlier - manners, Neil.


Happy Birthday, Dave!


Spent the afternoon burning my fingers soldering bits to one of those things, bit stuck on how to do one bit so have e mailed the proprietor for advice, which he has freely given before - and I need it!


Pleased with progress though, it had been stalled (why do so many kit builds do that) but it is now progressing well.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks to everyone for the birthday good wishes.


So far it has been an enjoyable day.  A friend sent me a nice hamper from Bettys, the contents will gradually get eaten.  I admit to buying presents for myself, which is what my relatives and I have agreed to do so I have a New Naturalist series book on Ponds and Puddles and the life therin, some old novels republished by the British Library and some nice but not expensive paperweights to add to the collection - plus a few modelling sundries which I will get round to using one day.


Church went well this morning, I managed to get the things ready for the communion service which the churchwarden usually does - he doesn't like people doing things for him when he is there.  The service went well.


I had a good chicken dinner with the required sausage, stuffing and so on followed by apple pie and custard.  I ended up drinking a German Dornfelder rosé which I always like.


This afternoon passed quietly finishing a detective story with an unexpected ending, far too complicated and to be honest very unbelievable. The enforcer for a gang was shot by his barrister, a woman, who made it look like a suicide.  The barrister's lover was killed by a girl she didn't really know but she tried to incriminate the barrister so the barrister and a friend killed her and disposed of the body in a cavern in Derbyshire.  Two men who were killers but didn't kill the barristers lover were jailed for doing it.  The girl the barrister and her friend killed had been abused by the enforcer when she was young.  Simple!


It has stayed dull and cooler all day as forecast.  Shortly it will be time for tea, if I can manage to eat anything  more as since lunch I have had a mug of tea and some chocolate cake.



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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, polybear said:


Many thanks JJ; out of interest what do you think something like the LMS 10000 would cost new now if it were available?

Most of the rare diesel prototypes have been produced now in rtr plastic so people who wanted the model may well be content with the Bachmann and Heljan models, especially if they want to play with them on their layouts. It would as you say be interesting to know what for instance a run of 500 brass diesels would cost each for now. Collectors markets where words like limited edition mean something have quite different prices. For instance will a £20000 special edition wristwatch tell the time better than my Casio plastic watch? 

Edited by Tony_S
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37 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:


Last year we went in a cruise to the Mediterranean. For the formal evenings I had taken along a pair of black shoes I hadn’t worn for a few years. As I had injured my foot earlier that year they were the only pair of black formal shoes that I could get on. Anyway when  I put them on the heels just crumbled and burst like iD’s helicopter seats. Except there were black bits everywhere. I then had to ask Aditi’s opinion what went best with a dinner suit , black flip flops or brown shoes? Fortunately shoes didn’t seem to be a reason to be excluded by dress code failure. I didn’t even bother to buy a replacement pair when we were in A Spanish port full of shoe shops. 

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