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Someone say Muddle and Go Nowhere girder bridge..

A little something I'm working on at the moment.



Though it was one they took over and had to reinforce....




800ft down river is this one.


Also to be muddled.



Surprisingly emails adding to this tablet went well, though Facebook and YouTube threw wobblies and blocked SWMBOs access on her tablet!!


Unfortunately except for what was on the SD card, what was on the old tablet appears to have gone, when accessed by USB it's memory appears to be empty. Though I'll do more research on that.


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4 hours ago, polybear said:

Bear has one - in the Shed, third drawer down....

Sounds like a really offal place to keep your Thymus. 

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I did go to the Shoebury exhibition. I was there around lunchtime, I didn’t see Phil J W but he was outed as being there by someone who seemed keen to get me to join their railway society. 
There was a bit of a situation developing when I got home. A neighbours teenage daughter who doesn’t go anywhere by herself decided to go to the shops. When she hadn’t returned , her Gran (lives there too)  got distressed. Some other neighbours asked if we had contact numbers for all the girls parents and siblings. I do but my phone had dropped down the side of the seat , but Aditi had a number for the Mum, who phoned the Dad to come home. Various neighbours had set off to various shops to look for her.I was just off to one when her Dad had found her there. She hadn’t done this before. 

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5 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Poké was certainly an item on our shipboard menus recently. We hadn’t heard of it before but the description explained all. I did suggest it may have  been a Pikachu burger but Aditi just thought I was being silly. All the Hawaiian words Aditi knows are to do with lava.

I thought everyone knew that a "poke" is a sack for putting pigs into...😅


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Posted (edited)

As planned this morning I did a bit of shopping in Lidl and came back with the things I wanted.  The only extra item was an aerosol of primer I had been going to go elsewhere to buy, so that has saved a trip.  After that I went into town, parked very easily as usual and had a walk around.  There was quite a nice paperweight in one charity shop but on close examination it had too many scratches so it stayed in the shop.  I did buy a few things at the greengrocers.  The only thing of note was the seagull in the car park which refused to move as my car approached it.  In the end I had to drive round it


Next was a vist to the Quayside where I had a walk and saw a ship unloading alumina at the terminal across the river and the local tall ship, Williams II, moored in her usual place.  This must be a weekend when she is not doing trips.  I also had a pleasant walk watching the water go by.  Photos below.  Blyth Tall Ship look after Williams II, they also have a very well equipped workshop so they can build and repair boats and offer training, including NVQs as well as short courses and opportunities for volunteers.


Back home then for coffee, a look at more new and old photos and lunch.   I had thawed some farm shop sausages I froze last week and found there were 3 not 2, then I decided I would like a fried egg with them and found there were only 2 left in the box.  So I ate rather more than usual.


This afternoon I've potted up the new sempervivums and managed to squeeze them onto the greenhouse staging, done some weeding and deadheading and scattered foxglove seeds all over the place as it was time to cut down the dead flower stalks.


I've even visited the friends' house to water their tub and pots.  At first I though they must have not gone away as their car was on the drive but then remembered that when they visit their daughter in London they go by train.


I wonder why I now feel a bit tired.



Wilson Nice unloading alumina



Williams II



Edited by DaveF
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56 minutes ago, Barry O said:

I thought everyone knew that a "poke" is a sack for putting pigs into...😅


Animals other than pigs. Buying a pig in a poke comes from being sold something other than the expected piglet in a sack, like rabbit or a cat. 

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Bear here....


As Puppers has already reported, we had a most excellent (but tiring) day yesterday playing choo choos with Tony Wright and Little Bytham......it was a tough job, but the dynamic duo were up to the task....🤣.  Lunch (kindly provided by Puppers) was rather good too, with rather nice Cake featuring in proceedings. 

*We* may also have been relieved of Deltic Tokens during proceedings as well, since Tony had numerous items of RTR to dispose of on behalf of a family/CRUK.  Oops.


 FFWD to today and Bear has definitely been in laid back, snoozybear mode** - meaning just ticking over whilst doing numerous dross tasks that involved very little movement on behalf of Bear.


**The result of the previous three days starting at 04sillyo'clock plus 185 miles in the Bearmobile yesterday - it's been a long time since I've driven any distance.


Bear gone....

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9 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

I hear from amputees that the pain doesn't really go away in many cases, they then getting 'ghost' pain due to the damaged nerves.

Yes. A colleague lost the end of a finger at the first joint due to an accident with a branch lopper. The 'ghost' pain was very unsettling.

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This is hilarious:




If it helps (and I know a joke isn't "good" if it has to be explained) the map is of Wisconsin "America's Dairyland" aka the "Eat Cheese or Die" state. Wisconsinites, including fans of the Green Bay Packers are called "Cheeseheads" and have the headgear to prove it.

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8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

no matter what Outback Steakhouse reckons!

There's one not far from me. The chain is based in Florida - which should be explanation enough.


The old menu was really egregious. "Surfers Paradise Shrimp" anyone? (Coconut prawns.)


They would at least go on Flavio's ( @iL Dottore ) deep fried crunchy things list as would the bloomin' onion.

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7 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

According to my orthopod colleagues shoulders, ankles and feet are absolute b****** to fix (it has to do with articulation and the various ways joints can move and should move).


Yes, I have been told this, with the heel also being very slow and poor to heal, due to poor blood supply.  I was told a harrowing tale of a window cleaner falling off a ladder and smashing both his heels to mush - they never heal properly, and just try walking without putting weight on your heels....eeuuw.


One thing is for sure, 'don't hurt your feet' is good advice!

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8 hours ago, PupCam said:




They look jolly fine Chimpy!




An excellent day was had yesterday with a certain Bear "up the A1" visiting Tony & Mo and playing with Little Bytham.       What a fabulous model railway that is!      The M&GN girder bridge was given another, especially thick, coat of looking at.    Exquisite design work Jamie and the implementation is excellent too - a real work of art.



That's about it and a MIUAYGA day I fancy.   This may involve a run to one or even two model shops (how extravagant!).   One may be able to provide suitable batteries for the Tiger Moth the other will be able to provide a couple of lengths of Peco Streamline.   Following yesterday's visit I seem to have a secondhand Hornby loco and a few wagons.   Looks like I'll be building a small boy's first 'proper' model railway 😀







Thanks for that, especially coming to an amateur from a professional.  


Have fun with the little layout.  I may be putting some finishing touches to the one that I'm building for Emily and Mummy Laura, this afternoon after some grass cutting. 


4 hours ago, TheQ said:

Someone say Muddle and Go Nowhere girder bridge..

A little something I'm working on at the moment.



Though it was one they took over and had to reinforce....




800ft down river is this one.


Also to be muddled.



Surprisingly emails adding to this tablet went well, though Facebook and YouTube threw wobblies and blocked SWMBOs access on her tablet!!


Unfortunately except for what was on the SD card, what was on the old tablet appears to have gone, when accessed by USB it's memory appears to be empty. Though I'll do more research on that.


That bridge looks very much the same design as the Little Bytham one.  I have the artwork for the etchings on my laptop. PM me if that would be any help to you. The X in the centre truss is the giveaway. 




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6 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

That bridge looks very much the same design as the Little Bytham one.  I have the artwork for the etchings on my laptop. PM me if that would be any help to you. The X in the centre truss is the giveaway.


@TheQ:  Here's a shot from yesterday of the Little Bytham one (with Bear's latest acquisition about to go underneath it):




Right, I'm off - I hear an inbound Awl approaching 😱......

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Pity I missed @Tony_S at the exhibition, when he arrived I was in search of a cup of tea*. On the way I kept bumping into people I know (and one or two that seemed to know me that I couldn't recall) and having a good old chinwag. I must admit that I couldn't put a name to many of the familiar faces I bumped into but they all seemed to know me, I must be notorious.

*Which was a paper cup with a teabag and hot water in it for £2!.

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On 01/08/2024 at 21:56, polybear said:

It seems a deal has been done to get some "prisoners" out of Poo Land in exchange for some of theirs.  Now is it just Bear, or does anyone else feel that at least some (if not all) of those coming from Poo Land were just asking for trouble simply by being their in the first place, or by their (in fairness reasonable) actions whilst there?  Meanwhile, those going back to Poo Land are some very naughty people indeed.  Ever get the feeling that Poo Tin has shafted the West?

10 hours ago, polybear said:

Anyone recall (or even read?) Bear's recent post on a certain Prisoner Swap? 

Read and noted. I'm hearing echoes of a certain candidate in your comments. (I'm not sure you are a fan of his.)

What is the pragmatic alternative? Let them rot in the gulag?


There were complaints that those brought home this week were "ignored" when the WNBA star was repatriated some time back. Similar complaints are being made now that others were "ignored".


Unless you propose something like this. (The still image is not as funny as the video.)  It's from an episode of "Get Smart: A Spy for a Spy" where KAOS captures all the Control agents (except Max) and vice versa (except Siegfried).

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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

This is hilarious:




If it helps (and I know a joke isn't "good" if it has to be explained) the map is of Wisconsin "America's Dairyland" aka the "Eat Cheese or Die" state. Wisconsinites, including fans of the Green Bay Packers are called "Cheeseheads" and have the headgear to prove it.


Has a Kath And Kim vibe!



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1 hour ago, polybear said:

with Bear's latest acquisition about to go underneath it):

You only bought one of the Twins! Won’t it be lonely?

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Thanks for that, especially coming to an amateur  somebody who has achieved a lot from a professional  an amateur with very little to show for his modelling efforts over the last 40 years. 


Whoo there Jamie!  I'm no professional.   There I've corrected it for you.




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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, TheQ said:

Someone say Muddle and Go Nowhere girder bridge..

A little something I'm working on at the moment.




Do you have any detailed photographs of the construction of the track and its supporting structures on the bridge @The Q?   


I understood from Tony yesterday (and perhaps @jamie92208   can confirm) that those details were a bit of a mystery on the Little Bytham bridge.  

Of course, who knows if any such details are typical or unique to each site but it might be useful.



Edited by PupCam
Put the text in the correct place!
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2 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

One thing is for sure, 'don't hurt your feet' is good advice!



Suffer from gout and they will hurt all by themselves.  Ask me how I know.  

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6 hours ago, TheQ said:

Someone say Muddle and Go Nowhere girder bridge..

A little something I'm working on at the moment.



Though it was one they took over and had to reinforce....



Isn't that the old Airfix/Dapol kit X 3? 

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Despite the forecast that it will be cooler it's still 18C outside and very humid. Apparently the toy fair tomorrow has been cancelled, not surprising as three of the regular traders at the toy fair were attending the exhibition.

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