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2 hours ago, PupCam said:

Nope, Horses for Courses and all that.   All those mentioned still have a part to play - try 3d printing  thin-walled, compound curved, optically clear windows or if we expand modelling to aircraft as well,  cockpit canopies for flying model aircraft.




Same with cars, I've drawn up and printed many a car but printing windows in clear resin  is an impossible task in any scale - vacuum forming (over a 3D printed former....) is the only sensible option.



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had to take an eyelid inspection after the exertions of shopping this afternoon. It's still hot and sticky, outside temperature 18C. I'll leave having a bath until the morning when it should be a bit cooler. Now to peruse the other parts of RMweb and to tackle Farcebook. 

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8 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

sailing vessel Thalassa makes her way leisurely north through the Inshore Traffic Zone bound for Douglas, Kingdom of Fraggle Rock


She's a regular visitor, comes for TT every year and was 'slipped' while she was here in June at Ramsey Shipyard.  I presume they're working their way up here for the MGP next month.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

Bear here....


Having just surfaced from a Wallow I discovered the telly was showing Coronation Street (NO - I DON'T WATCH IT!!).  There was a scene that went like this though:


"We've created a special ten-course tasting menu for you".

- followed by lot's of "what's this?" questions relating to the namby pamby names on the menu....


"Now look - STOP asking questions - it's ART......"


"But I don't want Art - I want food......."


"Can't I just have Steak n' Chips??"





They've obviously been spying on you.


Next they'll be serving curly fries and pizza.

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@TheQ  semiglutide,, erm.. I avoid rich or creamy food and also greasy foods... consequences of not doing this means a trip to see a big white telephone...



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Good evening everyone 


Another busy day outside again today, but I didn’t get any gardening done, the plant stand took a lot longer to clean than anticipated. However, it was repainted and looks soooooo much better, Sheila  is delighted, so more brownie points earned again today. As I was bringing it back inside late this afternoon, it started to rain! So I definitely got the packing up time right this afternoon! 


In between the stand drying and painting etc, I did a bit more work on the small locomotive I’ve been working on recently. The boiler modifications are now complete, I’ve had to widen the gap between the bottom of the saddle tank, so the motor can fit. I’ve also modified the cab and footplate, fitted new cylinders too! 

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Goodnight everyone 

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10 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

Well, a couple of houses up for sale in the neighborhood it anyone is interested in moving to Minnesnowta :) 

This one is on for $625,000 --> 4801 Westbrook Lane


10 hours ago, 4630 said:

Just by way of comparison $625k equates to £480,000 ish so a quick search around this part of West Yorkshire yields these two in that sort of ball park.


Haigh House Hill, Huddersfield


Toothill Lane South, Brighouse

$209 / sq ft in suburban Minnesnowta is considerably less than some local listings. I see one for almost $300 / sq ft and another (reduced) at around $266 / sq ft.


$300 / sq ft is about £3,228 / sq m. 



The Huddersfield listing says "ask agent" for area - but I counted around 115 m^2 for the listed rooms. If we called it 125 m^2 that would give us about:


£3,840 / sq m.


Not so very far apart - though 125 m^2 is about 1,345 sq ft.


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4 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

I visited the Udvar Hazy centre of the Smithsonian Museum on the edge of Dulles airport with a colleague from Singapore, and it was interesting when we got to the Enola Gay.

There was a lot of talk about putting that aircraft on display. It has historical significance and I think is worth being shared. 


Relatively few ever talk about Bockscar or the "Fat Man" plutonium weapon dropped on Nagasaki - original intended target was Kokura. Bockscar is on display at the USAF museum in Dayton. The untested "Little Boy" uranium weapon was dropped on Hiroshima.


Nor are the other B-29s during the raid really ever discussed - though they were just as much part of the mission. Six completed the mission to Hiroshima and five to Nagasaki (including Enola Gay which flew both missions).


Perhaps 25,000 people died from air raids in Dresden. (Other larger numbers are available.) 100,000 people died in the firebombing of Tokyo during Operation Meetinghouse over March 9-10 in 1945. The latter saw more immediate deaths than either Hiroshima (70,000*) or Nagasaki (60,000*).


* Immediate deaths - more died later from radiation-related illnesses. 


Excess deaths are hard to compute. For the Vietnam war:


Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000 to 65,000. Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000. American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants.

It's an ugly business whether or not nuclear weapons are involved.


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3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:


$209 / sq ft in suburban Minnesnowta is considerably less than some local listings. I see one for almost $300 / sq ft and another (reduced) at around $266 / sq ft.


$300 / sq ft is about £3,228 / sq m. 



The Huddersfield listing says "ask agent" for area - but I counted around 115 m^2 for the listed rooms. If we called it 125 m^2 that would give us about:


£3,840 / sq m.


Not so very far apart - though 125 m^2 is about 1,345 sq ft.


This fairly basic 2 bed 2 bath 923 square foot apartment in our local town centre:


works out (if my math is correct) at 5630 GBP per square metre. 

Greater Vancouver is in the top three most expensive (often quoted as the most expensive) city in North America for housing, relative to average wage. Our town is by no means the most expensive area in Greater Vancouver!


Edit - my wife has just told me about an article in the local paper about the costs of houses in a fashionable part of the city of Vancouver, and of apartments in downtown Vancouver. The costs translate to over 6600 GBP per square metre.

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29 minutes ago, pH said:

This fairly basic 2 bed 2 bath 923 square foot apartment in our local town centre:

US$674 / sq ft. - >2X suburban Portland.


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10 minutes ago, polybear said:

We need a Team Visit there.....

And the USAF Museum in Dayton (Wright Patterson Air Force Base), and home of the Wright Brothers.


I had cause to conduct business on the base. I was always in a rush to get home and drove by the museum several times. I would look at the collection (like the B-36 Peacemaker, then outdoors) as I drove by. I kick myself over that now.


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Those reports of wildfires are terrible.  I can't imagine the pain of seeing your house and neighbourhood burnt out. 


Here it's sunny again and we will be dog sitting for the day.  There are many small jobs lined up for me as I am also waiting for some fly screen kits to be delivered.  



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Posted (edited)

Ey up!


I godda cold...pah!


I happened across the National Museum of Nuclear (bombs) in Albuquerque while on a visit a long time ago. Fascinating place including various bombs, missiles and a B52 on display. It covers the physics around what happens in a fission bomb as well as how its harnessed for power generation.


@The Q.. it should just help a bit by making you less hungry so can still eat normally but be aware of the side affects. I lost weight and my blood sugars went down from 55 to about 41 while on my clinical trial.


its a bit grey outside. Hopefully this will mean I can get various outdoor tasks completed today.


Meanwhile in my old home village..


You want a cheap house?


These are ex miners homes. A lot were bought by speculators when the mine closed. Some have been modernised.. others haven't  but the villagebis due for a lotnof regeneration work so the people who bought them (some for £1 apparently) have realised that not all of them will be compulsorily purchased. A great shame...


Time to finish my tea and gerronwithit..


Have a good day!





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Some thoughts on your erudite and informative post…

12 hours ago, PupCam said:


You'd need the 4th axis option for the Carvera but still no substitute for a proper lathe and a proper mill IMHO.   

I should have been clearer, but to me it’s selbstverständlich that you would get the 4th axis option.


As to replacing a “proper” lathe and mill, the new generation machines (of which the Carvera is an “entry level” example) are getting to the point where they can make a stand alone lathes and milling machines (mostly) redundant.


But as you point out later “horses for courses” - it very much depends on what you are doing with the machinery.

12 hours ago, PupCam said:

I think  "hands on machines free form" still have a very big part to play and should not be cast aside.

Hitting it with a hammer?


12 hours ago, PupCam said:

You've also missed out rolling, folding, guillotine and a proper drill press machines.

And not forgetting the BIG hammer

Again, it all depends upon what you’re wanting to do (and let’s not forget you can multipurpose some tools: e.g.s a decent vice, some suitably thick and strong wood strips and you can fold sheet metal)

12 hours ago, PupCam said:

Nope, Horses for Courses and all that.   All those mentioned still have a part to play - try 3d printing  thin-walled, compound curved, optically clear windows or if we expand modelling to aircraft as well,  cockpit canopies for flying model aircraft.

Most definitely! I firmly believe in using the right tool for the right job – much to Mrs IDs annoyance, who asks me why I need so many different tools (my reply to her is “you wouldn’t expect me to do open-heart surgery without a chest-spreader, would you?”).


As to your second point, I wouldn’t underestimate what professional 3-D printers can do. (these are the 3-D printers - such as the EPlus3D EP-M1550 - that can cost up to $1 million each and are customised by the manufacturer to the needs of the purchaser).


Many of these advanced 3-D printers are used to create engineering prototypes in metal, replacing the lathe and the milling machine.


12 hours ago, PupCam said:

Don't go chucking out those old tools and techniques for shiny new stuff; there is a place still for both.

I would agree (in my neck of the woods just because you can staple surgical incisions closed, doesn’t mean you can neglect your suturing skills).

However, I do think, because you are such a skilled and multitalented craftsman, you overestimate both the skill level and the modelling needs of most people for the level of r****** m******** they are likely to do.

If you were building a modern r****** m******** workshop from scratch, I think that my proposed list of “toys“ would be more than sufficient to cover their modelling needs 


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Good morning everyone 


The sky is grey and cloudy, not a bit of blue to be seen anywhere, in fact it looks like it could chuckitdarn at any minute, although there is no rain forecast by my phone app! Sheila is busy getting herself ready for her Zumba class, so I’ve decamped to the dining room to keep out of the way. My chauffeuring services will be required to get her to the church hall, but after that the rest of the day is mine, although I do have to be on door answering duties, as Sheila is expecting a package this week. So, once back home, I’ll potter about in the cellar and start organising the recently cut wood into stacks ready for sanding. I’m not sure if Charlie is calling round today, as he said something about going out with some mates last week, so it’ll be just me in the workshop this afternoon. 

Back later. 


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Morning, from a once again dull but dry rock, 17c looks a bit better though.


A trip to the Bright Lights of Royal Ramsey this morning to do some bank stuff and then see a pal, the one that is launching into the MR hobby with a heap of old 3 Rail HD.  He's having fun with it, it's actually hard to envisage how little a 76 year old man knows about the hobby, when most of my friends are well experienced.  It is interesting to go back to absolute basics to explain some things, and gives me respect for teachers starting out with children in the sciences, as an example.  it has been quite thought provoking.

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47 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Ey up!


I godda cold...pah!


I happened across the National Museum of Nuclear (bombs) in Albuquerque while on a visit a long time ago. Fascinating place including various bombs, missiles and a B52 on display. It covers the physics around what happens in a fission bomb as well as how its harnessed for power generation.


@The Q.. it should just help a bit by making you less hungry so can still eat but be aware of the side addicts. I lost weight and my blood sugars went down from 55 to about 41 while on my clinical trial.


its a bit grey outside. Hopefully this will mean I can get various outdoor tasks completed today.


Meanwhile in my old home village..


You want a cheap house?


These are ex miners homes. A lot were bought by speculators when the mine closed. Some have been modernised.. others haven't  but the villagebis due for a lotnof regeneration work so the people who bought them (some for £1 apparently) have realised that not all of them will be compulsorily purchased. A great shame...


Time to finish my tea and gerronwithit..


Have a good day!





Side addicts?, is that PB and the Hippo coming for what food I have left to eat?


Housing here,

I tried to find the price of flats in the area, but I couldn't find the sqm of the tiny new build shoe boxes.

A newish build detached 4 bed on a tiny plot, £2777 per sqm

A couple of centuries old ex 6 bed  farm house , £3250 per sqm in two acres 

A hundred year old, modernized internally 3 bed thatched chalet / bungalow, 1/2 acre plot, on the river in Horning, moorings on two sides £9821 per sqm


Once inside the NOT a national park, broads area, prices increase, river side villages are an increase again, hit the rivers or broads edges and the prices go silly.


Mooring Awl, 

5 hours sleep, looong awake, an hours sleep.


Swmbo picked up an immaculate Ashford drop spindle from a charity shop for £2.50, got home looked it up , almost £28!!.


I'm off to the mrc shortly, more 304mm to the foot painting...


Time to finish this muggacoffee..




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