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2 hours ago, Hroth said:

@iL Dottore  Tramadol?  The Devils drug, as far as I'm concerned.  I did my back in once and was prescribed the big T, nausea and incomprehension for several days until I stopped taking the stuff. No wonder your Vogon poetry was so spaced out...

Tramadol really doesn't do too much for me, unfortunately. Still it's much better than ibuprofen (which they love to prescribe around here). I'm getting Tramadol in combination with paracetamol (Zaldiar) and whilst it doesn't help against acute pain (such as when I move in a way that it places some stress on my Erector spinae and latissimus dorsi muscle groups), it keeps me comfortable at other times.


I tend to be a bit unusual when it comes to many drugs - some of the very very common adverse events that show up regularly in most patients (such as gastric discomfort, or worse with NSAID and aspirin use) never effect me.


Another factor, I think, is that I am not an "addictive personality": someone who once starts taking alcohol/tobacco/narcotics/psychoactives can't give them up. Post knee surgery, once I  was quite comfortable, I just stopped taking the narcotic analgesic off my own bat without any problems.


p.s. I don't need mind altering substances to write Vogon Poetry, it comes natural....

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I've cut back on Nurofen although I didn't have any problems that others have reported. The net result is that the arthritis is less troublesome than when I was taking it. I'll have to visit Tess Coes now as  the usual consumables, bread, milk and eggs are running low. 

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Posted (edited)

Performed some eyelid inspection while the towels were abluting, now they're hung out to dry.  Time to think about the evening meal!


Fridge is now back on line, and the little one turned off. Huge block of ice is still noticable, though half of what it was.


I did say I procrastinated about defrosting... 🙃


10:30pm Iceblock all gone now!

Edited by Hroth
Update, Update 2
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HUMP day...


Yesterday and today appear to be repeating the first day of the week. Pretty much NOTHING of note going on.

So what to report I ask myself...


Well, a couple of houses up for sale in the neighborhood it anyone is interested in moving to Minnesnowta :) 

This one is on for $625,000 --> 4801 Westbrook Lane

The second one hasn't been listed yet, they were "staging" it yesterday. Last sold in 2019 for $564,000, owners now have two kids and looking for larger the 2,200 sq ft.!!!


Sunny, a light breeze and generally pleasant at 15c first thing, forecast for 26c high later.


Carry on.

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5 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

... This afternoon stocking the caravan and finding out what I’ve missed. Plenty, as it turns out. ...


A bit like a current TV advert for something soothing uses Enola Gay by OMD. 



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The front garden has been tidied with the perennial geraniums cut back.  Some of them already had new leaves developing beneath the old flower stems.  Some more "almost" dead lavender has been further pruned, I think they will have to be taken out in the autumn and something new planted.  I'm not sure whether to have lavender again or to try something else for a change.  Some dead wood has been taken out of the roses and weeds dealt with.


Since coffee time I've spent sometime reading a novel sitting in the garden which was nice.  There were a number of swifts flying overhead along with the usual assorted seagulls (three species) and pigeons 


Then I went to see some friends nearby, we had a good chat and a cup of tea.  The rest of the day will probably be more reading.



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12 minutes ago, DaveF said:

I'm not sure whether to have lavender again or to try something else for a change.

You have just given me an idea for the setting for the rose bush - rose surrounded by lavenders, plenty of pongs and bee food



Edited by Coombe Barton
Removed autocorrect apostrophe
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10 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:



Well, a couple of houses up for sale in the neighborhood it anyone is interested in moving to Minnesnowta :) 

This one is on for $625,000 --> 4801 Westbrook Lane




It's always interesting to see what you get for your money when looking to move house.


Just by way of comparison $625k equates to £480,000 ish so a quick search around this part of West Yorkshire yields these two in that sort of ball park.


Haigh House Hill, Huddersfield


Toothill Lane South, Brighouse


Both close to the M62, but also both close to open countryside.




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No I didn't go measuring the bridge in a dinghy, but someone did as it's a listed monument, so I found the info on a historic bridge website. Having drawn up on plasticard the given dimensions, it's very apparent that all they've measured is the bridge section itself, not all the stone and brick work either side .

Although the bridge has a listed date of 1385,  you'll note the centre section is arched while the outer sections are pointed, it's thought they are of an earlier version of the bridge dating over a hundred years before.


Tramadol Just looked it up, it appears not to be on my banned list of drugs, however opioids are known to rarely cause Hyperpyrexia events, so I feel I should steer clear of it.


We've not been to a garden centre since I retired, we have enough trouble fighting the jungle we have.


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5 hours ago, TheQ said:

Many items ordered from the bay of E, mostly unmentionable , surprisingly everything even the anti rat wire mesh is coming via Royal mail, they must have dropped their prices compared to herpes.



Bear has noticed that - especially when sending things requiring insurance; RM coverage is often thrown in, but Herpes want more money for it - meaning the difference (if any) is minor.


1 hour ago, 4630 said:

It's always interesting to see what you get for your money when looking to move house.


Just by way of comparison $625k equates to £480,000 ish so a quick search around this part of West Yorkshire yields these two in that sort of ball park.


Haigh House Hill, Huddersfield


Toothill Lane South, Brighouse


Both close to the M62, but also both close to open countryside.





That's pretty much/only just above the value of Bear Towers - a 3 bed 1920's ex-council terraced house with no Garage (have I mentioned that?)

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On 23/07/2024 at 13:28, iL Dottore said:

Thinking about all the gear that is now available to the hobbyist (or can be simply built by a skilled hobbyist) got me thinking about what would a modern state-of-the-art workshop for modelling the unspeakable (M**** R*******) contain?


I would suggest

  • 3-D printer (resin)
  • 3-D printer (filament)
  • Laser cutter/engraver
  • Micro CNC milling machine (such as The Carvera from Makera [no, really, that’s the name)
  • “Tabletop“ table saw*
  • “Tabletop“ chop saw*
  • “Tabletop“ mini disc sander*


You'd need the 4th axis option for the Carvera but still no substitute for a proper lathe and a proper mill IMHO.    I would also need the PCB fabrication option but that's a bit esoteric for most I would have thought.


Whilst far from being a "3D Printers should be banned because it's not 'proper' modelling"* I think  "hands on machines free form" still have a very big part to play and should not be cast aside.


You've also missed out rolling, folding, guillotine and a proper drill press machines.


* Complete and utter nonsense, it's just a different skill set and very useful indeed


On 23/07/2024 at 13:28, iL Dottore said:

Notable by their absence or photo-etching, resin casting and vacuum forming; the reason being, they all have been superseded by newer technologies (specifically the first three bullet points


Nope, Horses for Courses and all that.   All those mentioned still have a part to play - try 3d printing  thin-walled, compound curved, optically clear windows or if we expand modelling to aircraft as well,  cockpit canopies for flying model aircraft.


While we're broadening out to aircraft (if only to keep the Awls at bay) here's one of friend Phil's latest commissions; a 1/6 scale Fokker 70.   You may recall his recent 1/3 scale Spitfire.  I don't think Phil has got a 3D printer or CNC machine.   You should see the work that went into the masters and molds for this!




4 hours ago, polybear said:

What p•sses me off is the Doc will take it right down to the wire before issuing a repeat - even for sweeties that Bear has been on for 30+ years and will be on forever


Absolutely.  The trouble is they are "Practice Centric" when they should be "Patient Centric"!


4 hours ago, TheQ said:

Need to see if the dimensions for this bridge are online.



I know the central arch is available but if someone's measured the rest it would be a great help.

The other thing is I need a piccy of the other side.. me thinks I'll look for that first.



I was going to say "Well, you've got a boat and a tape measure ....."   but Jamie beat me to it!


2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

p.s. I don't need mind altering substances to write Vogon Poetry, it comes natural....


But still in need of practice by the look of your last offering 🤪




My exercise regime has been exceedingly poor of late so in an attempt to put that right I'm trying to get back to at least a good walk each day.   As we were moderately ERs today I thought I'd do the easterly lap of the village (~2.5 miles) straight after breakfast and get it done with.   A walk was therefore walked.


On my return I investigated Shed #1 (formerly the Techno Shed now reduced in status to the wood and junk store aka The Tip).  I was looking for a length of 2" x 3" and a similar length of 2" x 1" timber to make a new back gate mounting.   The 3" x 2" bolts to the concrete gate post and the gate hinges are screwed onto it.   The 2" x 1" is just for cosmetic purposes.    I searched in vain so a trip to the local building supplies emporium  had to be made.    Unexpectedly I managed to get two bits of timber which were spot on in terms of both dimension and quality if a little too long to fit in Monty.


After scoffing lunch (A Mozzarella, tomato and Pesto Wrap if you're asking) the gate repair was undertaken.   It was a bit of a struggle to get all of the very rusty screws and bolts out despite most of the wood being very rotten but I got there in the end and got it all back together and the new wood and the front of the gate Creocoated.    By the time I was finished and stashed the heavy Workmate back in Shed #1 I was completely kerknackered so I'll be doing no more today other than sitting on my bottom.


Right I hear a G&T calling.   I'll go and peruse the copy of this that the Post Man delivered at lunchtime.   The Tank Museum were flogging it for £4.99 so it would have been rude to miss it.




It would have come in very useful when I built my 1/3 scale version a few years ago.




As we were discussing modelling tools earlier.  Here's the press tool I made to form the corrugations in the litho plate barrel.    Bits of piano wire soldered to bits of sheet steel, seemed to work. 




And the spring cover - panel beaten Litho plate over a simple wood former.  Not easy but the number one rule is anneal, anneal, anneal.    And then when you've done that anneal it 🤣




Don't go chucking out those old tools and techniques for shiny new stuff; there is a place still for both.






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That's funny for a Wednesday evening ...


4 warbirds flying towards Duxford (2 Hurricanes and 2 P51s maybe?) flew over followed a couple of minutes after by the Bristol Blenheim and another single engined warbird. 


Looks like Sally B is going in the same general direction but a bit further south over Hatfield (Note,  it did a sharpish turn to avoid Bear airspace!)




Well, it's much better viewing  than East Enders!



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2 hours ago, polybear said:


That's pretty much/only just above the value of Bear Towers - a 3 bed 1920's ex-council terraced house with no Garage (have I mentioned that?)

And has Bear seen the ground floor layout of the Brighouse property?

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1 hour ago, PupCam said:

You've also missed out rolling, folding, guillotine and a proper drill press machines.



Plus an Airbrush Spray booth....


1 hour ago, PupCam said:

That's funny for a Wednesday evening ...


4 warbirds flying towards Duxford (2 Hurricanes and 2 P51s maybe?) flew over followed a couple of minutes after by the Bristol Blenheim and another single engined warbird. 


Looks like Sally B is going in the same general direction but a bit further south over Hatfield (Note,  it did a sharpish turn to avoid Bear airspace!)




Well, it's much better viewing  than East Enders!




There's a Duxford Flying Day on Friday - "The Americans"


33 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

And has Bear seen the ground floor layout of the Brighouse property?


A very nice place - but far too close to the M62 for my liking - there's no way you don't get a lot of road noise when you're in the garden (or windows open).

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2 minutes ago, polybear said:


A very nice place - but far too close to the M62 for my liking - there's no way you don't get a lot of road noise when you're in the garden (or windows open).

Yes but with a garage and all those other rooms(indoor sheds) you’d never be outside.

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