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11 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Thank you.  And no.  They spoke perfect if slightly Germanic-accented English, did not freely understand the information we have posted in German and French (acknowledging that Schweizerdeutsch can be slightly different) nor were they apparently Italian-speaking.   As they signed the visitor's book - with some very complimentary words - I did get their name which struck me as being of slightly farther eastern origin; perhaps from Austro-Hungarian background.  

Could have been native Rumansch speaker (the fourth official Swiss language, spoken by a mountain minority and with fewer native speakers than there are native English speakers in Switzerland 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A very good night last night no alarms from bladder control or Arthur Itis. Pollen count is low so if it stays dry there might be a bit of the G word done today, or maybe not.

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One thing I didn't mention yesterday was the very loud noises the dinosaurs were making at the garden centre, they are in a special fenced off area which you walk by on the way to the restaurant building.


As for prescriptions I usually do mine online, when you order one the date resets so the next time you look you know when the next one can be ordered.  Mine is every 8 weeks, I can order when I have about 4 weeks supply left.  It only takes a few minutes, then I print off the confirmation of the order and pick them up from the pharmacy three of four days later, or I can ring the pharmacy and they will deliver them, usually on the same day.  If the GP prescribes something new I can usually call at the pharmacy about 30 minutes later and pick up the medication.


So far today it is farily bright and pleasantly warm and dry.  Today's somewhat vague plan is to potter in the garden as it is time some of the perennial geraniums were cut down to try to get them to flower again and there is the never ending dead heading and weeding.  I also want to finish sorting out the seed packets to see which I may use and lose the rest - or give them to a neighbour.




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Good morning everyone 


The weather is looking good enough for me to repaint the cast flower stand today. So, my first task will be to dismantle the stand, give it a thorough clean and leave it to dry in the fresh air. Once dry, I’ll reassemble it and give it a couple of coats of paint. Whilst waiting for it to dry, I’ll get some weeding and planting done. 

Back later. 


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Weather: Just becoming sunny, expected to remain so until cloudy at 3pm.  High of 21C.  To be expected in mid-July, I suppose...




Just removed huge block of ice from fridge and left it to melt on the draining board.  Cleaned the interior of the fridge, I'll pull it out again and mop the floor before putting it back on and putting the towels in the washing machine for a quickie wash.




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Posted (edited)

'morning all from red dragon land.


@iL Dottore hope you get better soon.


Hot and sunny today yesterday.* 😎 Suited me down to the ground - in more ways than one!

* I started this yesterday evening and did not have time to sort the photos out.


I had both a mudgadecaf and lunch outside in the sun, yesterday. Then, while I was I trying out my new headphones listening to some music via the 'phone, I saw what looked like a teeny weeny ant dragging a ton o' bricks, as you might say.


It came towards me, did a left turn down the step...





and worked its way across the drain cover...



and along towards the house wall below the doorstep... Coming to an obstacle and getting stuck, it reversed



and went back onto the drain cover.

Then we have all the excitement of a TV murder series...



...the ant's cargo fell down through the drain cover, taking the ant with it, right into the grasp of a spider which suddenly appeared from below.*

After a few seconds, the spider <<Phew! That was close!>> reappeared and speedily ran off!


* ...and I failed to capture the moment! Just typical!


Making the most of the sun, I later made inroads on clearing out the weeds and some of the variegated grass surrounding the irises and encroaching on the shrubs. I will need at least another few sessions to complete the job...and it is going to rain, shortly. Better get a move on and see what I can do before it starts.


Take care.Be good. Keep an eye out...you never know what you might see next!



Edited by southern42
delete rogue photos...&, later, day clarification
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Just back from the GP. Everything is proceeding as expected, which means another 4 or 5 weeks of pain  - which I will generously ensure that my chums on ER can also share 🤣


Today is the last day of QID Tramadol and then it’s PRN. so all tickety-boo there. Still not 100% though, which means for the near future PB will be able to get away with culinary transgressions that would normally have iD land on The Bear like the proverbial “ton of….”


A light lunch awaits, then back to work (you know: that revenue producing activity that many ERs seem to shirk).


Well, I call it work, most wouldn’t. Especially as when you consider the Work-Effort Hour (WEH) to earnings ratio (a WEH unit is one hour of actual, hands on, really doing something work).  Whilst I have yet to reach the lofty height of  the politician’s work-effort hour/earnings ratio  (one politician WEH = about £75’000). I can’t complain (incidentally a µMEH is usually about 1 SD [Sound Deltic])

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2 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:





This was at the local car show, alternative bear transport..






 You are not thinking this through, he can only just get a motor bike in and out of the shed ,

so that is a definite non starter as i think he may of mentioned that he doesn't have a garage .

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I normally would have been getting on with contemplating the G word about now but the best laid plans etc. can go astray. The reason is that three comics arrived on the doormat this morning, not about items that run on two parallel strips of metal but interesting nevertheless. There was also a book about items that do run on parallel strips of steel. That will keep me occupied for the rest of the day.

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4 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

My surgery has now stated that if you want a repeat prescription then you are not to submit it until a week before it's required. Reasonable request you would surmise, however - you knew that was coming didn't you, as they allow themselves 72 hours to process it, it means you have only forty eight to submit it. Which when you factor in there online system, which they prefer you to use, restricts the number of requests..... you can see where I'm going with this can't you. Talk about making life stressful.

What p•sses me off is the Doc will take it right down to the wire before issuing a repeat - even for sweeties that Bear has been on for 30+ years and will be on forever

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@iL Dottore  Tramadol?  The Devils drug, as far as I'm concerned.  I did my back in once and was prescribed the big T, nausea and incomprehension for several days until I stopped taking the stuff. No wonder your Vogon poetry was so spaced out...


It might have been painkilling, but only because I was on a little fluffy cloud and daren't move in case I puked.


Other stuff was prescribed, with less unpleasantless, and my back gradually calmed down.


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I don't need tramadol to feel nauseous, SemaGlutide is doing that itself. Today's a bad day.... The worrying thing is  this only half dose, of which I have 3 more days. Then it's onto full dose, tying in with regatta week, bouncing around on the water.. if it gets worse on the full dose then maybe I'll have to give it a miss during the regatta.



It's been one of those days when working on something unmentionable, a little bit of work makes a huge difference.

Currently waiting for glue to dry.


Later we'll have ready made shepherds pie, ready made by me that is. Mash has been made, meat fried off, onions fried off, assembly soon.


Many items ordered from the bay of E, mostly unmentionable , surprisingly everything even the anti rat wire mesh is coming via Royal mail, they must have dropped their prices compared to herpes.


Not only is the barley being harvested, more beet washings have been delivered onto the concrete pan, there's a jcb shuffling it around at the moment.


Need to see if the dimensions for this bridge are online.



I know the central arch is available but if someone's measured the rest it would be a great help.

The other thing is I need a piccy of the other side.. me thinks I'll look for that first.


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8 minutes ago, TheQ said:

The worrying thing is  this only half dose, of which I have 3 more days.

Once upon a time I was prescribed a medication on a starter dose. It definitely worked but I had some side effects, everywhere itched. The doctor said that showed it worked and he said on the proper dose the unpleasant  effects would disappear. He was correct fortunately. 

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3 hours ago, DaveF said:

I've just re read my post above about dinosaurs at the garden centre.  Just in case any of you think I have taken leave of my senses I should clarify it.


The dinosaurs are large size replicas fitted with sound in the childrens play area. 



They must be breeding as there is 'posse' - not certain what the term is for a group on Dino's, in one of the parks that Boss permits me to take her. They also make noises and the Boss can't quite get her head round that as they are bigger than cattle and field ornaments which are the only other things she knows make noises.

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Total length 112 ft,

Central arch at normal tide, 20ft 8 inches wide,

Carriageway width 11ft 9 inches.

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11 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Years ago a colleague was on a conference call on speakerphone with Alexa listening. I did say "Alexa play Stairway to Heaven" but she didn't oblige.


Our daughter shouted something at her Alexa when we were on a video caland ours reacted



1 hour ago, TheQ said:



Need to see if the dimensions for this bridge are online.



I know the central arch is available but if someone's measured the rest it would be a great help.

The other thing is I need a piccy of the other side.. me thinks I'll look for that first.


I presume that from your next reply you took a dinghy out and measured it




Good afternoon from a rather warm Charente.  I was off out again this morning to get a panoramic tooth xray to help sort out a grumbling wisdom tooth that has lost a bit of itself and a large filling.   That went fine so then went to a specialist dentist to get it sorted.  I had to carry on to their other surgery in Angouleme and was given a slot in April 2025.  Fortunately it just grumbles every few days so isn't causing many problems. 


After lunch I've had some pool hoovering time.  The pool is 28 degrees. 


Off out for a meal tonight. 



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