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  • RMweb Gold

Sensible precautions.



I'm very lucky here, we now get the early early warning from Pete and the "It's on its way now" warning from Gordon when the weather is coming from the west. If from the east atthis time of year it is just cold.

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  • RMweb Gold

50 - 55mph (and up) serious tree damage,


Would I be unkind if I hoped for some serious tree damage to the nearby Leylandii? The person who owns the offending tree (nice chap, just hasn't got round to pruning recently) has just put his house up for sale. I've offered to buy part of the garden if any potential buyers are put off buying such a large plot. Matthew can wind the lecturer (who doesn't like him) up by telling her that his father is a land speculator now.

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Afternoon all! Lazy day for me today, burning off the odd day's leave before the end of the leave year. Needed it though, after a weekend at Mum and Dad's where they were fighting like cat and dog over the heating (or lack thereof) in the house...


Going to write the Christmas cards now, and wrap some presents.


Tony, you could always give the leylandii a bit of help...

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  • RMweb Gold

I remember the 1987 storms very well. My parents greenhouse took off luckily up the garden and a very large tree blew over but it was right at the back of the garden and only fell onto the lawn. I had to build them another greenhouse, this time well and truly fixed down to its new base!!



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For those in the windy zones I suggest that if you have a felted shed roof , half a dozen strategically place bricks/broken slabs/ large rocks on top of it will possibly prevent you standing out in the cold, wind and rain trying to get a tarpaulin over it when it vanishes! - I promise you this is one of those "prevention is better than cure" times

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  • RMweb Gold

For those in the windy zones I suggest that if you have a felted shed roof ,

We have just had the garage roof felt replaced, I'd better see if the guarantee covers wind damage! The old roof was traditional felt and stones, the new one is an allegedly superior product. So far it hasn't leaked onto the toy trains.


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Not much predicted for the boring borough as far as weather goes. Auntie Beeb says 8c heavy rain and gusts of 22mph. Whoopie.


Some excitement here as scumbags have decided our alleyway is perfect for flytipping their building waste. Waiting for the council to come around and check it out. Not sure if we're going to have to pay to have it removed or not. Next door is livid as the crap left contained nails and its cost him a tyre already. Previous attempts to get the rest of the home owners to stump up for a gate to be fitted failed but hopefully with several new people having moved in we can look at getting a buy in toward gating the alleyway. Part of the problem is out of the 11 properties, 6 of them are rented out so hunting down the landlords is going to be an issue.

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  • RMweb Gold

Was in a cafe today where the soup of the day was "Highland vegetable"

Spent a few moments imagining what a highland vegetable looks like and wondering if it wears a kilt.

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  • RMweb Premium

Was in a cafe today where the soup of the day was "Highland vegetable"

Spent a few moments imagining what a highland vegetable looks like and wondering if it wears a kilt.


Perhaps it was a vegetarian kind of haggis?

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  • RMweb Gold


Spent a few moments imagining what a highland vegetable looks like ...

We went to Scotland (before Matthew!) and camped at Rosemarkie. There was lovely scenery, good food, lots of cultural stuff. Only problem was that it was very cold and damp. We had decided that if we got desperate enough to go on the Baxters soup factory tour it was probably time to head south. We never did the soup tour so I never found out what a Highland vegetable was or even what one would put in his broth.

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Was in a cafe today where the soup of the day was "Highland vegetable"

Spent a few moments imagining what a highland vegetable looks like and wondering if it wears a kilt.

I'm sure I worked with a few "Highland vegetables" when I was in Inverness the other week. To call them muppets would be an insult to the memory of Jim Henson.

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Thanks for all the good wishes and hopes for an optimistic outcome. They worked! :) .

My foot was badly infected and the Doc was worried that the infection had spread to the bone.

So spent three days with an IV tube in my arm.


Never seen the following in print so here is a first.

The hospital food was good, varied well cooked and tasty! A catering staff member came round each day with a menu of available choices to take one's order for the next day..


I now have to wear a special shoe permanently, even for overnight visits to the toilet,


Whilst I was in hospital Tim cleared the last of the train tables so I came home to a bedroom. Large and bare. (When I had the built-in cupboards/ward robe/dressing table fitted I disposed of all the furniture except the bed)

I liked to say I didn't have a bedroom but a train room with a bed in it!


I really must write up a hospital check list!

Going I forgot soap and towel. Coming home I left my face cloth and ALL mediation in my room.

Tim went back (9 miles) to get my medication but I didn't miss the face cloth until this morning.


It was Thabo's 16th birthday yesterday (remember him?) but due to the haste with which I was sent to hospital I missed it. I don't have a phone number for him.


Any way, until next this computer gives up the ghost or there is another medical emergency, I am back! :D

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Morning all,


Well I have seen advertised here (hand written sign that say's "food is read") dog pepper soup.............but apparently it doesn't contain man's best friend. But pepper soups are almost indigestible, makes hot curry seem quite bland! .

Have a good un.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Glad to see you're back, Don, and that things are improving by the sound of it :) .


Still too dark to see much of anything outside, but rain has been forecast. One course at uni later this morning, and in the afternoon the rabbits will have to be taken to the vet for their jabs. I wonder if they're afraid of needles?


If they could talk, I'm sure I would have many questions for them about what it is like to be a rabbit...


Have a good one everyone...

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Morning All,


Nice to see you back Don - wishing you all the best for a swift recovery.


The weather is rather blustery today - I've got a meeting in Karlsruhe at 09:30, so I will shortly be heading off for a run down the Autobahn.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Fairly warm but wet here this morning. I didn't go out, I just stood by the open back door while Robbie did his morning tour of the garden.

Trev, perhaps the meal is read in the same way people claim to read tea-leaves!

Don, glad you are home. Aditi has diabetes and I know she is very careful about foot problems

Dominick, Robbie doesn't seem bothered by injections, he doesn't like his temperature being taken though.


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Morning all....Very wet and windy down here.


Glad to hear all went well Don. Just take it easy and enjoy the rest.


It would seem my love affair with closed cell foam is waning. Most adhesives seem to cause some minor damage and the care needed is offsetting any gains so far. Wasted a whole day yesterday painting and ballasting a couple of pieces of pointwork only to have to soak it all off last night and start again today. I weakened last night and ordered some 3mm cork tiles, just in case.


Hey ho, the joys of modelling...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, the weather changed last night for the better the rain cleared the cold wind dropped and a warmer wind replaced it. Nothing stormy at all. Glad to see you back Don. Some councils were persuaded by the savings to themselves to gate alleyways is it worth a try Andrew?

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  • RMweb Gold

Good grief!!

I've never seen (and heard!) so much rain and wind as I did last night. Started raining about 6pm I think - was fairly steady but winds started to pick up. Went to sleep at about 11pm and was awoken by a violent storm in the early hours! Rain was absolutely hammering at the window making a lot of noise. I'm very rarely woken up by rain and wind, but last night was certainly not the norm. It's now about 9am and the there is no rain and very little wind - even the sun is trying to shine...


Good to see you back, Don! I am glad you are well.

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