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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, polybear said:

Well there's been moanin' about how slow ER'ers often is for months....so do we carry on moanin' for more months or does someone try to fix it (and the idea of starting a new ER thread suggested by many seems as sensible as any) - so why not give it a go?

And who's "station" would it be exactly??

It might work, it might not.  And @Andy Y might agree it's a good idea - or not.  In which case nothing's been lost.  But at least someone will've tried to do something about it.

I've been into ER's 2 but coming out of it I encountered the delays and buffering but I was coming to this thread. Could not a solution be to partially archive it, just the posts over a year old? Perhaps @Andy Y could look into it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. At the moment I'm sticking to the original ER's. As you can see I've put in a suggestion in the post above and I'll just look in on ER's 2 but keep posting here.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have posted on many pages including the first page of the current incarnation of this thread. I do have an opinion too!

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  • RMweb Premium

I dont find ERs slow to load except occasionally when the rest of RMW is also affected. 

The rain arrived as forecast and by now is probably falling on a bridge in Winchester.


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2 hours ago, Barry O said:

Not  for me.. I will have words with Andy Y.  I find @polybear to be acting well above his station.. thank god for the Drivellers!




1 hour ago, polybear said:


Well there's been moanin' about how slow ER'ers often is for months....so do we carry on moanin' for more months or does someone try to fix it (and the idea of starting a new ER thread suggested by many seems as sensible as any) - so why not give it a go?

And who's "station" would it be exactly??


It might work, it might not.  And @Andy Y might agree it's a good idea - or not.  In which case nothing's been lost.  But at least someone will've tried to do something about it.


Bears should be seen and not heard??????

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

I'm going to post in both places for the present*, just to cheer Bear up!




Just got Yetis insurance update this morning.  its actually 50 quid cheaper than last year, so I think I'll stick with the money-grabbing leeches** for the next 12 months!


* Unless Mk2 gets locked.  It got locked, before I duplicated the post....  :-(

** Who apparently have gone on a diet!


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2 hours ago, polybear said:

And @Andy Y might agree it's a good idea - or not.


Any issues aren't system related and it'll just cause confusion.

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, AY Mod said:

Any issues aren't system related and it'll just cause confusion.


Which begs the question;  Why is ER (in particular) often so painful to use then if it's not related to the size of the thread @Andy Y?









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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Which begs the question;  Why is ER (in particular) often so painful to use then if it's not related to the size of the thread @Andy Y?



Keep your head down, don't question, or you might get discouraged too.... 🫢


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  • RMweb Premium
2 minutes ago, Hroth said:

See Bear, I told you it might get locked....


❤️ = Friendly/supportive )



Well I did try - I've not seen too many others do the same.  I'd also be interested to know what the issue is if it isn't "system related"?

I would've thought that confusion, if any would've been very short-lived - and if ER'ers "Part 1" were locked with a final post pointing to Part 2 then that would (a) be straightforward enough, and (b) "Part 1" (i.e. this thread) would still be preserved as an archive.

The Boss has spoken, however - so be it.



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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, polybear said:

I'd also be interested to know what the issue is if it isn't "system related"?


Depends on how you define "The System".

  1. Hardware related?
  2. Forum Framework?
  3. RMweb code that uses the framework?

Whatever it is, its something that occasionally baulks at serving 13227 pages of comment in a timely manner.  It sometimes has no problem, sometimes displays the same page twice or temporarily loses a page, sometimes takes some time to accomplish the task, or just times out and displays the infamous error page.


I wouldn't like to have the job of ferreting out the glitch!


Edited by Hroth
missed out a word
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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Oh yes, You may remember that I mentioned that I had avoided buying any "parallel metal related objects" earlier?


Pride cometh before a fall and all that....  I've just invested in stuff for a little layout* not unadjacent to a CJ Freezer Rabbit Warren scheme.


Mea culpa.  Mea Maxima Culpa!!!


* I've already got O-16.5, its going to be smaller...


Edited by Hroth
missed out a word...
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I'm trying to support students with their resits.


They're due on Friday


Of my three online sessions this morning

  • First had done things and needed guidance
  • Second one didn't show up
  • Third one hadn't found the correct brief and had just written a load of carp. I told them where to go what to do. (Which is - start again from week 1 - they've only had six months.)
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Bear here....


First mission of the day was to play bullsh1t bingo with the Doc - got on at No. 7 in the queue....on a Monday morning.....that's gotta be a Big Tick.

Well I obviously said the right (or should that be wrong?) things cos' it resulted in a face-to-face at half ten; I also used the wander to collect sweeties from the drug dealer at the same time - another Tick.


One concern was that Postie Pat was due to collect two parcels from Bear Towers between half ten and half two - I was sure he'd turn up when I was down the Docs....but I was wrong - he arrived at 0945 so that was a result 🙂


Other missions?  Well I added some smoke to the recently acquired choo choo earlier and all appears well, so that's a result.  Happy Bear.



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After two and a half years, treerats have found the birdfeeder!


Now where did I put the Nerf gonne? 🤔 


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  • RMweb Premium

As you were, Ladies and Gentlefolk.  I see Andy has spoken.  I shall continue to be a slightly erratic visitor if this thread refuses to behave nicely simply because I cannot reliably get in to read, post or rate anything.  Sometimes it's easy.  Sometimes "Computer Says No".  

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  • RMweb Premium
3 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

As you were, Ladies and Gentlefolk.  I see Andy has spoken.  I shall continue to be a slightly erratic visitor if this thread refuses to behave nicely simply because I cannot reliably get in to read, post or rate anything.  Sometimes it's easy.  Sometimes "Computer Says No".  

Very rarely have a problem.. try clearing your cache and checking out your local Internet. Very rarely do I have a problem.. mainly its when others are trying to post..



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  • RMweb Gold

I've found that if its stalling, cancel the request and go and look in another thread. Then return to ER and it'll proceed as planned.


Of course, this isn't an option when posting a reply!


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These days if I'm replying or posting, I usually copy my ramblings onto the clipboard in case of IT wobbles and that is some insurance against losing a post. 


I've tried the usual fixes and usually clear cookies and caches regularly anyway but that seems to have no relation to the problems I've experienced. As per my last post, it's not a massive or constant or even frequent issue, just now and then, sometimes when someone else is posting but often when there's no-one else. What puzzles me is when there is an issue with rating posts, at least half the time, it's usually the same people's posts and there's a considerable delay. So I could for example rate one of Bear's posts, scroll down, read and click on one of Rick's - no immediate error message, scroll down and read one from Brian (BSW), click on that, ditto one from Hroth and be halfway through reading Dave's when an error message pops up for Rick's post. And that is the only error message I get but Hroth's post didn't get a rating left either. Yet the one I gave Brian registered. I don't understand. It's not the end of the world but it does seem rather peculiar some register and some don't during the same few seconds/minutes time period of [IT problems]. 


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  • RMweb Gold
26 minutes ago, Barry O said:

try clearing your cache and checking out your local Internet.

That has definitely got something to do the slow response. If it hangs I go to my browser(Edge)  system menu and delete cached image  files, and return and the delay disappears.  So does the “system”  when trying to open a page on a user device , check for cached files first and then get stuck looking? 
As @Hroth mentioned earlier what is a system? Fortunately I no longer work supporting systems (school based networks) , I think one has to be some sort of system specialist with certificates now. 

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