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Good evening everyone 


We’ve had a very enjoyable and fairly relaxing day. This only the second time we’ve eaten Spanish food, but we really enjoyed it and would definitely go back. We arranged to met up again in 3 weeks when it’s James’s birthday, but this time at a Spanish restaurant near to where he lives. Whilst there, we meet James’s new girlfriend for the first time today and she seems to be a very nice girl, she’s certainly having a very positive influence on James, as he appears to be a lot happier than he’s been for some time. We’re both hoping it’ll last. Amelia was her usual self, initially giving the impression that she didn’t really want to be at the restaurant, but when they came back to ours afterwards, she was like a different person completely, very happy and chatty. 

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Goodnight all 

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

They are all called Mésange here,  á longue queue, noire, blue, charbonnière,  and huppée. 


Would the Queens and senator that you are talking about be Bob somebody who is into Rugby League. If so we met him in a cafe in a park in Brisbane.  I'll dig out a photo. 





Bob Katter is who you are thinking of.  Its funny, he used to be considered way off the scale when it comes to wackiness  but now seems like the sensible centre given events of the past few years. He's renowned for quotable quotes:




No, Pauline Hanson, our version of MAGA but pre-dated them by almost 20 years is who I think @Ozexpatriate is thinking of. Her maiden speech to the house of representatives where she was elected  in 1996 was one long racist rant. She ran as a Liberal in the 1996 election but got kicked out due to her statements on Aboriginal benefits and land rights during the campaign and entered the house as an independent.


At the next election she lost her seat, went to jail for election fraud, went on the telly as a go-to racist when ever anyone wanted a xenophobic quote or as a novelty act on Reality TV shows  then returned to politics like some undead Zombie a couple of years later and is now in the Senate.



Does notorious stunts, most notable was when she wore a Burqa into the senate chamber and then dramatically uncovered herself to reveal  "Surprise! Its actually Me!!"  in an effort to prove that she could have been anyone and therefore islamic dress should be banned.








Edited by monkeysarefun
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We have barley around us this year, looking at the colour I suspect harvest is imminent.


Mooring Awl,

6 hours near solid sleep. Might try for more shortly.


Going to the motorboat today to do more work, mostly To do with repairing window leaks.. Also looking at way of collecting condensation that other wise drips from the glass.


On the way back picking up various stuff from the big orange shed including wire mesh to stop rats getting into the muddling shed. With the harvest due soon I need to get that done quickly.

Also need timber for the driveway gate rebuild.


Pill taken, await eating time..


100% blue welkin out there, but everything is dripping wet... Several showers overnight, but no more of Thor's antics.



Time head for the kitchen.






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  • RMweb Premium

Bear here.....


Today's fun includes taking Bertie the Bosch for a drive; Mickey is also due to be collected at some point by Team Fixit, with Team Enterprise delivering a Hire Car at some point too (I'm hoping it happens in that order as the driveway at Bear Towers is only big enough for one brum brum).

I'll keep as distant as is possible in the process whilst wearing a medical grade face mask too; I'll be doing yet another Wooflu test shortly (using the out-of-date test kit - they at least seem to be telling the truth at the moment and I want to get them used up; the down side is they are of the "down yer gob** then up yer snoogle" flavour.....).  I only have one in-date test left (I'll save that for tonight) so need to get a friend to visit the drug dealer today for some more - that'll be three LDC's down the drain.....Turdycurses.


**I really, REALLY hate that bit.......


After that and it's pretty much MIUABGAD - I suspect an order for some Metal Black for Brass may be on the cards (Carrs, Hobby Holidays or maybe Birchwood Casey? - decisions, decisions.....), after which I may well do some more muddlin'.....Puppers will be impressed stunned, I'm sure....... 


Right, time to get the furry ar5e a-wrigglin'.....



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3 minutes ago, TheQ said:

On the way back picking up various stuff from the big orange shed including wire mesh to stop rats getting into the muddling shed.


Connecting it to the mains (or even better 3-ph) could be fun....when the lights flicker during Corrie you'll know that "Ol' Sparkie" has scored yet another victim.  You could even start stencilling Ratty symbols on the shed door for each one claimed.....

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Morning, from a sunny but cool rock, 10c.  So much for global warming, never known such a cool summer.  Yes, yes I know, just making fun.


A pal coming around this morning (Erichill's friend) with some garden railway constructional goodies, then shopping unfortunately.  Such is life, the good and bad balance.


Nice to hear good news from Dom too.



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Posted (edited)

Only 28 miles from Lanark, north northeast over the hills to Bo'ness, my old home town, where there's some interesting pieces of parallel metal I helped lay. Drove a ride on pavement roller on the platforms too, doubt elf and safety would allow that now.

Once outside the towns the sceneries nice on the way, and the rollercoaster of a road on the way ...

Then there's the kelpies just a couple of miles from there..

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)



A much more pleasant one to yesterday as it is warmer and not raining. Even our new boiler switched the heating on as it was quite chilly in the house. Still getting used to the controls though but finally got the app to pair with the controls. Oddly I can't register the boiler warranty with the manufcaturer as it apparently already registered. Odd as I helped the engineer open the sealed box when it was delivered directly to us.


Just sorted out the travel insurance for our upcoming trip across the channel. It excludes travel to Spain. I wonder why, not that it will affect us.

Edited by roundhouse
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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:

... But from my (admittedly limited) knowledge of sports/TV stars, a difference between a public persona and the 'real' character is the norm rather than the exception. And we're talking big differences - as in il D being 'papped' scoffing battery eggs, CFs and Co-Op LDC at a Maccy Ds... 

Well, I can assure you that will NEVER, EVER, happen.

You may, perhaps, find me drinking a “house brand” NV Champagne, sipping a blended - not single malt - whisky or even noshing on a Tesco/M&S/Lidl/Aldi/Waitrose “house brand” sausage or black pudding.


But there again, I’ve never made a secret of the fact that I consider the basic industrial banger and mass market black pudding to be one of the few processed foods that are more than acceptable. A champagne does not have to be vintage to be drinkable (and, actually, most isn’t vintage) and a whisky doesn’t have to be a single malt to be most enjoyable (the Japanese in particular do some splendid blended whiskies).


If you were to catch me in flagrante delicto, it would be me scoffing a whole bar of Lindt dark chocolate with almonds, or - even more sinful - find me working my way through 1Kg bag of Lindt chocolate Napolitaines


I have also been known to enjoy pork scratchings!


Edited by iL Dottore
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1 hour ago, NGT6 1315 said:

….We've long wanted to see Scotland, so we'll be oop dere between 21 and 31 July. We'll be staying in Lanarkshire, so if anyone here might have any suggestions for activities in those parts, do tell!


Stay safe and sound, everyone. 🤗

Well, if you can extend your holiday to include the 1st of September, you would be in for a treat. In Lanarkshire Haggis Hunting season opens on the 1st of September.


The opening day of Haggis Hunting season is full of pomp and circumstance, with pipe bands, tossing the caber, necking Irn-Bru and other Scottish amusements.


Wild Haggis are considered by the Scots to be vermin and as such the numbers have to be culled twice a year: once in spring, and then in autumn (starting the 1st of September).


For a modest fee, you can take part in an organised Haggis Hunt with your very own Ghillie, and there is many a happy tourist who can proudly point to a Sporran - made from a Wild Haggis pelt -  as a wonderful souvenir of his/her Scottish holiday.


Not to mention that a freshly bagged Haggis makes for fine eating indeed!

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28 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Then there's the kelpies just a couple of miles from there..

And the Falkirk Wheel and a stretch of the Antonine Wall about 5 miles west of them.

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6 hours ago, BR60103 said:

A non-political question on UK election reporting.  I've seen a lot of tables showing a certain party's number of MPs in each election for the last 100 years.  Has the total number of MPs changed in that period?  (question coming from overseas)




In a word "yes".


There is a list in this wikipedia article 



which also gives reasons for the changes. Also further down is a list by country over time, which is quite interesting too.

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  • RMweb Premium
Posted (edited)

Good morning all and welcome to Moan-day.  


It is wet, cold and windy at the Distant (Signal) West and quite un-July-like.  The weekend at least offered some decent sunny bits with a few hefty showers but Sister and BiL were able to enjoy mostly good weather for two days.  They have now departed for home in Sussex via a two-day break in Sidmouth.  A very lovely catch-up and mini-break for us all.  


And now it is back to routine as Dr. SWMBO also returns to work after her two weeks of leave and must be placed aboard the afternoon train to London.  


The "dinosaur eggs" of Porth Nanven



High tide breaks over those round boulders.  They fall from a cliff which is an ancient raised beach and now form the present-day beach.  



Here we all are lined up for the camera.  Ugly mugs anonymous! 



And we did get a sunset of sorts as Cape Cornwall points its finger at the glow seen from Carn Gloose



And this little chap flew past


Edited by Gwiwer
Upload error message again
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1 hour ago, roundhouse said:

Oddly I can't register the boiler warranty with the manufacturer as it apparently already registered. Odd as I helped the engineer open the sealed box when it was delivered directly to us.


I'd be inclined to phone (or email) the Manufacturer in order to query that.

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Good morning everyone 


A bright and sunny start to the day here in the northwest corner of England. Sheila is not too pleased with the sunshine, as she has her annual diabetic eye test this morning, so the sunshine is most inconvenient. Her appointment should have been 3 weeks ago, but that was cancelled at the last minute and re-arranged for today. The test is a split/screen test, for which she needs to go to a clinic in Sale. As it’s mid-morning, it means nothing will get done before or after the test and I doubt illl get much done after dinner. So, other than the test and a shopping trip late this afternoon, there’s not a lot going on here. 

Back later. 


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6 hours ago, BR60103 said:

A non-political question on UK election reporting.  I've seen a lot of tables showing a certain party's number of MPs in each election for the last 100 years.  Has the total number of MPs changed in that period?  (question coming from overseas)




Wiki is your friend




Sorry to hear about Mrs BR.  Hope it clears up quickly, back problems can be so debilitating.

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Another sunny morning  but cool again.  I begin to think summer has been and gone, today is a lovely late September day.


There was a photo on the web this morning of a Range Rover almost covered by the sea.  Someone drove down the road/slipway onto the beach to unload their jet ski and then got bogged down in the sand.  https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/car-stranded-north-sea-after-29493387?IYA-mail=d9bcc61a-a328-458c-9b52-1a4aa46491f5


I haven't shortened the link, I simply copied and pasted it using windows 11 and Chrome.


Last night I ended up watching a black and white1945 film, "And then there were none" based on an Agatha Christie story, I enjoyed it.  It was preceeded by a warning that some of the language might annoy people.  I can see why but in context it was just as things were then.


This morning the cleaner will come, before then I want to clean the cutlery, it doesn't usually take too long. I don't mean clean because I don't wash it, it has started to tarnish.


If it stays fine I might go somewhere this afternoon as the Tour de France is having a rest day.





Edited by DaveF
To post the correct link
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2 minutes ago, DaveF said:

Another sunny morning  but cool again.  I begin to think summer has been and gone, today is a lovely late September day.


There was a photo on the web this morning of a Range Rover almost covered by the sea.  Someone drove down the road/slipway onto the beach to unload their jet ski and then got bogged down in the sand.   https://www.inyourarea.co.uk/feed/NE243TZ/New Delaval,Blyth,Cowpen,North Blyth,Bebside,New Hartley,East Hartford,Bedlington Station,Seaton Sluice,East Cramlington,Seaton Delaval,Cambois,Cramlington Village,Klondyke/live/?utm_campaign=Daily-0872024&utm_medium=email&utm_source=IYA-DailyDigest&utm_term=view-all-link&source=email&sourceUserIid=e4ab4532-719f-4110-b011-7bd0a502dc8b




I know you shouldn’t laugh, but…………

I suspect someone else was using the family brain cell! 

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  • RMweb Premium
6 hours ago, BR60103 said:

A non-political question on UK election reporting.  I've seen a lot of tables showing a certain party's number of MPs in each election for the last 100 years.  Has the total number of MPs changed in that period?  (question coming from overseas)

Yes it has.


The actual seating capacity of the chamber of the House of Commons is 426 plus the speaker.

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Bear here.....


Bertie the Bosch is currently self-driving, whilst Mickey has been collected by Ambulance a few minutes ago and is now on his way to Hospital.....😢

No sign of Mickey's replacement as yet though.


Yet another Wooflu test has been carried out....and another fail.  Poo.  That means Bear still has the lurgy at Day 7 (possibly Day 8); the good news is I discovered a box of tests (of the "just up yer snoogle type") in the cupboard that I didn't realise I had - which has saved me three LDC's - that's definitely a Big Tick.


Bertie is due to finish shortly - so then it'll be a "danglin' it all in the Conservatory to dry" session, after which a bit of on-line shopping for muddlin' chemicals (and maybe other bits too) is in order.  And after that.....quite possibly some muddlin' may take place.....




I've emailed the Plod to enquire as to whether or not they are going to/have charged a certain scrote with hit n' run (I'll be more than a bit p1ssed off if they don't, given the circumstances and video evidence); I'm not altogether hopeful that they'll tell me though.



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21 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

I know you shouldn’t laugh, but…………

I suspect someone else was using the family brain cell! 


I wonder what Insurance Companies make of such incidents - will they pay out?

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