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  • RMweb Premium

"I'd rather not have tonnes of needles on the floor"

Would it help if you erected it upside down?


I guess I'd then have to tweak some universal constant or other in order to invert gravity as well. Anybody know a tutorial for doing so?

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Morning all.

Still dark here and there has been a light frost overnight.

Club Christmas Lunch today. It will be held at our old venue in Hatfield Peverel making it a shorter journey for me than where we meet now.

See you there Tony.

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  • RMweb Premium

If you hung it upside down wouldn't your baubles look odd?


Getting a bit personal there aren't you?


Too bloomin' brass monkeys for me to venture out onto the golf course today. Car said it was -6 degrees when I went out to walk the dogs! This aint typical Ampshire weather.


Have a good one All.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Back at work today after a couple of days enforced absence due to a reaction to the steroid injection - of course that's nothing at all compared to some of the ailemnts that we're seeing on ERs at the moment - Don's being one of them - good luck Don if you're able to read this message - if not, I'm wishing it to you anyway.


Jam - I fell fowl of the maths trap at uni - my advice for what it's worth is that even if you don't understand it, maths is the theoretical tool of most science and engineering, and is therefore quite vital that you persist, as in later stages of the course, these horrible equations that you are meeting will come into play in other areas. I actually failed maths at first year level, and was allowed to carry it to second year, but because I had struggled badly with it, and the lectures were assuming a knowledge level that I didn't have, I succumbed and had to find an alternative career path.


We had the worst possible weather combination yesterday, with heavy rain in the late evening followed by sub zero (-4C) teperatures overnight, so it had all frozen onto the car, and with an 08.00 start today, I was out there with the scrapers and de-icer at 07.05 so that I would get to work on time.


Regards to All


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Morning all, had a nice dinner at the Lodge last night, but because I've been restricting my food intake recently in an effort to lose the extra inches around my waist, a full 3-course meal followed by cheese and biscuits left me unusually bloated feeling!


It was -2 when we got home with clear skies, but it felt warmer than the previous night as we didn't have the wind chill factor last night!


Early start tomorrow, off to Glasgow in the morning.

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Morning All,


It is a beautiful sunny morning here. Around 5°C, but with blue sky and sunshine.


Sorry to hear that my optimism was also misplaced Don. Hope you get well soon - we all look forward to seeing you again soon.


Band Saws are pretty lethal things - but not too bad if the guards are used properly. However, if the band breaks things can get very "interesting". Having said that, pretty much all power tools can be dangerous. A mate of mine lost two and a half fingers to a planer and as for circular saws and chainsaws...


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Ah yes... Band saws


When I was on the trauma ward at the local hospital last year, the bed next to me was used by several patients, and one of these was admitted for surgery following an accident with one of these devices - it was an industrial one, the guy was a student working at the sawmill as a summer job, and his arm was a mess. I think that it managed to do a couple of tendons, but just missed the bone, so he was actually quite lucky. I don't know if he planned a change of summer job after that, but I hope he did.

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Jeez, I've just been reading the weather forecast, you guys in the southern half of England are going to get hammered next week.

First Monday night into Tuesday and the potential for an even more powerful windstorm next Thursday. Looks like 1987 all over again at present.


Of course I'm not writing this to put the (literal) wind up but because if I set it in writing it will not happen (hopefully).


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Of course I'm not writing this to put the (literal) wind up but because if I set it in writing it will not happen (hopefully).


The 5 and 10 days forecasts for this part of the south don't look too bad. The weather is bound to be nice now, we put a set of winter tyres on the Clio this morning.



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  • RMweb Gold

The garage is starting to look like a tyre depot with the normal Clio tyres and a Land Rover spacesaver wheel/tyre. I got a full size spare wheel for the Freelander before we went to Austria this year.

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Unusual request this morning.



Two ladies appeared at my door.

"Would you be able to paint a street in China?" they asked.


Apparently SWMBO had offered my services to paint scenery for the local Drama Group without telling me.

I'd never be allowed on an aircraft to China with that much paint anyway.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Dark and frosty outside, so I'd better get properly dressed before my trip to the bakery in a few. Christmas tree has been put in place yesterday and is largely decorated, save for the lighting which we did not immediately find a good option for. However, I guess it's still sufficient time till the 24th for us to find one.


Have a pleasant Sunday everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Still dark outside but it must be dry. I let Robbie out for a run round the garden and he wasn't damp when he came back in.

I think I may be driving around the NE bit of the M25 today. I think Aditi wants to visit her mother.


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Morning all, Hmmmm Chinese street painting eh, you would have thought they had enough people to do that? But aren't other half's, wonderful at "volunteering" us for those sort of tasks?

Enjoy your day, I'm off to lunch a the Sheraton (with a beer or two.........)



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