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  • RMweb Gold

I don’t think I ever saw one of my grandfathers.

There was only ever a blue fug in the corner where he sat and smoked his pipe.

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)


When I was very young Mum and Dad were both heavy smokers - over 20 a day each as was often the case then.


One winter Dad got bronchitis which wouldn't clear up.  I think I must have been about 5 then.  His GP suggested that to stop smoking for a while would help.  He and Mum decided they would both stop smoking straight away.  Apparently they did, I was always told they just put the remaining ones in the bin and got on with their lives, they both always said they never felt they wanted to smoke again.


I never smoked - like most ex smokers they would have smelt smoke on me and the hassle from them would have been more than it was worth.




Edited by DaveF
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  • RMweb Premium

Back in the 70's I was involved in the running of a working mans club. Although I was a none smoker I often went home reeking of cigarette smoke.

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  • RMweb Premium

Goodnight everyone 

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3 hours ago, BoD said:

I don’t think I ever saw one of my grandfathers.

There was only ever a blue fug in the corner where he sat and smoked his pipe.

I had a similar experience with my paternal grandfather. He died when I was very young. I only vaguely remember him - nothing really distinct. My paternal grandmother smoked with him. I distinctly remember their smoking stands that they would place beside their easy chars. My grandmother died when I was 12. She was survived by her mother. Neither grandparent was "old" by today's standards.


A colleague from long ago had served in the Korean War in the USAF and was a heavy smoker. He had a multiple bypass surgery and his doctor forbade him to smoke. He quit cigarettes and by the time I knew him had 'negotiated' the use of a pipe - so long as he didn't inhale. I've lost touch and don't know if he is still with us. A terrific person.

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  • RMweb Premium
15 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

 So I smell a rat - what is the chance of them both  having their birthday on the same birthday long weekend? .


I believe it is 3 in 365.

 Over here it is referred to as "Official Birthday".  We have just kept Queen Victoria's  as it is a convenient weekend to begin gardening.

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  • RMweb Premium

We went to the Highland Games today. When we were leaving we saw te ticket prices and realized we must have been charged seniors rates.  Nobody said anything.


I thought I would smoke a pipe at university.  I usually never had all the required apparati with me at the same time.


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  • RMweb Premium

Bear here.....


could wash the Bearmobile today.....I know it'll feel good when it's done......can I be ar5ed though.....decisions, decisions.....


I do have plenty of alternatives though...still the Class 37 to fix, a repair to the bike cover, possibly fitting a different (better quality) chuck to the big Pillar Drill, maybe a bit of Token Juggling, a tap to fix in the upstairs loo....




It seems that kitty kats must be micro-chipped from Monday, or the owners face being fined a monkey.  Rumours are circulating that @monkeysarefun has gone into hiding....


Bear gone....

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32 minutes ago, polybear said:

Rumours are circulating that @monkeysarefun has gone into hiding....


Bear gone....




Nah, I'm checking in during the halftime break of the AFL, Sydney Swans VS Geelong at the SCG.  Geelong put through 5 unanswered goals in the first quarter but Swans fired up about halfway into the second and are now only 2 goals (12 points) behind. 


The big match is tonights Carlton VS Essendon Kings    @iL Dottore Birthday Long Weekend match at the MCG.

Sold out, so thats a tad over 100,000 that'll be attending.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl,

Couldn't get to sleep, then eventually 3 hours short awake 2.5 hours sleep.


Ben the waking in a hurry Collie, was suddenly awake when I stood on one of his squeaky toys... So then we had to go out.

He happily wandered around wagging his tail.

Sunny, breezy from the west.


Low tide is around 08:30 , not that it matters as we are up on Black Horse Broad today.  The only effect of tide there is to raise and lower the water by about 6 inches. Except of course the broad entrance, it will be a hard paddle to get back out.


Time finish this muggacoffee and then set off.

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  • RMweb Gold



Many thanks for the good wishes aimed in the P & Mrs P direction, very kind 😀

I was in the process of replying to a number of posts but it all went pear shaped and I CBA to try again.   My comments would have been of little consequence so no great loss to society then!


I’ve been watching more TT action; amazing and scary stuff.


There’s a prospect of a good deal of Unspecified Pottering today - that’ll be alright then





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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!


Next doors daughter.. never met her in all the time they have lived there, was very loud last night, shouting, shrieking, slamming doors etc. So Baz is even less impressed with the whole family...


Her indoors was having nightmares so I am a very tired Baz.


But, lo an email from Lottery HQ.. I have won £30 and a free go! Result!


My parents smoked. One grandad smoked a pipe and used "War Horse" pipe tobacco.. which always gave me indigestion.


Dad died of lung cancer, mum died of liver cancer, grandad had a massive heart attack.


Time to drink my tea!


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Wet, 12C and a strong breeze, with no improvement forecast through the day.






With regard to smoking, I never knew either of my grandfathers, they died before I was born, but I understand they were both heavy smokers. My maternal uncle died far too young too, he definitely was a heavy smoker and went through packets of Senior Service like there was no tomorrow.  Eventually, there wasn't.


Is it just me, or is RMweb being just as slow sitewide as it usually is here? 🤔


Edited by Hroth
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Posted (edited)

Overcast here with no sign of blue like yesterday which actually turned out pleasant after the showery morning.


Off to 'foreign' lands i.e outside the borders of Greater Manutopea today. We haven't been for some time so looking forward to it especially the bacon, egg and sausage bap.

Edited by Winslow Boy
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Posted (edited)
On 08/06/2024 at 13:48, polybear said:


Actually I think you may have out-done even Bear.....not sure if I've ever had Pizza for brekkies.  Bear must investigate this legendary Pizza further, if only to please iD.....

Well, well, well, it seems that I have outBeared The Bear. 😄✌️🕺


I have had cold pizza for breakfast and jolly good it was too (although, admittedly, this was a homemade, all natural ingredient, pizza).


When you think about it, pizza is bread dough covered with toppings, so not really – in concept – too dissimilar to putting something on toast!


Many Panificeria where I lived in Bologna would sell cold pizza - this was not like a pizza* as you would get in a pizzeria, but rather a thick spongy bread dough covered with simple toppings and baked in large sheets. When cold you would order so many grams of “pizza” and they would cut it to size. Confusingly, this is also called focaccia in some parts of Italy.


One of the confusing (and wonderful) aspects of Italian food is its intense regionalism - which means things like one type of pasta having different names in different parts of the country or the same name being used for two different things - depending where you are.


The variety and diversity of Italian cuisine is utterly amazing, it’s a pity that in Britain, this is mostly reduced to spag bol (which is actually an English dish), lasagna, (maybe) risotto and pizza…


*originally invented in Naples as a way of using the left over bread dough once the Baker had finished making his daily breads. it was very simply left over dough rolled out and then smeared with some crushed tomatoes, some olive oil and a little bit of Rosemary. NO PINEAPPLE WAS INVOLVED!


Edited by iL Dottore
Forgot word
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  • RMweb Gold

I rang 111 last night, after discussion they decided I am having a bigger IBS flare up than usual, I have been given instructions to rest for a few more days.  They also made an appointment for a GP at my own surgery to ring me at 09.00 on Monday to discuss matters.  Apparently I could have eaten something not quite fresh which would make the symptoms worse, so all the opened stuff in the fridge has gone - i.e. some milk and the Buttery stuff.  I was also reminded to avoid anything "ready made" as far as possible.


So this morning I got up at 09.00, have made a phone call and have one e mail left to write.  Then I will sit and watch TV or read.


It is showery here and will rain later so I am not missing much by staying in.  I rang someone at church last night to say I would not be there today, they have arranged for someone else to do my jobs.


I do begin to wonder if at nearly 75 I sometimes try to do just a little too much some days instead of pacing myself and spreading things over several days.





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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Hroth said:

Is it just me, or is RMweb being just as slow sitewide as it usually is here? 🤔

It does seem a bit slow this morning.

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  • RMweb Premium
59 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Well, well, well, it seems that I have outBeared The Bear. 😄✌️🕺


I have had cold pizza for breakfast and jolly good it was too (although, admittedly, this was a homemade, all natural ingredient, pizza).


When you think about it, pizza is bread dough covered with toppings, so not really – in concept – too dissimilar to putting something on toast!


Many Panificeria where I lived in Bologna would sell cold pizza - this was not like a pizza* as you would get in a pizzeria, but rather a thick spongy bread dough covered with simple toppings and baked in large sheets. When cold you would order so many grams of “pizza” and they would cut it to size. Confusingly, this is also called focaccia in some parts of Italy.


One of the confusing (and wonderful) aspects of Italian is its intense regionalism - which means things like one type of pasta having different names in different parts of the country or the same name being used for two different things - depending where you are.


The variety and diversity of Italian cuisine is utterly amazing, it’s a pity that in Britain, this is mostly reduced to spag bol (which is actually an English dish), lasagna, (maybe) risotto and pizza…


*originally invented in Naples as a way of using the left over bread dough once the Baker had finished making his daily breads. it was very simply left over dough rolled out and then smeared with some crushed tomatoes, some olive oil and a little bit of Rosemary. NO PINEAPPLE WAS INVOLVED!

I am not into pizza as @polybear but I do have one if I fancy it. It was fortunate that I spotted the 'proper' pizza in the reduced cabinet and having tried it from now on thats the only pizza for me. One thing stood out from the usual mass produced pizza was that after it was cooked it was still moist, most of the other pizza's I have tried tend to be very dry. Incidentally I baked it in the air fryer, the recommended time in a fan oven was 11 minutes, In that case I set the air fryer to 7-8 minutes, two thirds of the time recommended as the air fryer is quicker than a conventional fan oven. I cook other items in the air fryer and two thirds of the recommended fan oven time is just about right (at the same temperature).

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