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15 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

... discovering that plastic boxes in which hundreds, if not thousands, of small parts have been stored have become brittle and have given up the ghost. An afternoon of swearing followed by sorting and renewing. Tomorrow more of the same. ...


Are your boxes stored where they are often exposed to sunlight or perhaps chemical vapours?

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First day of summer; well the meteorological start of that season.

So we head for the garden centre a mile or so down the road. One of our neighbours was just coming out as we went in; so obviously she had the sam'e idea as us. 

Came away with six plants and four bags of various grades of potting/sowing compost. 

Also saw a former colleague buying plants too. Hadn't seen her for a couple of years. She used to be our school's music teacher, but failed miserably at trying to teach me to play the recorder...

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6 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

There was something in the news a few days ago with Mr Shapps claiming the fact that we don't have enough A400 transports to do the commemorative parachute drop proves we have to spend more on defence. I think the operative word is defence. If the RAF doesn't have enough transports to fulfil its obligations then I think it would indeed indicate we need more of them. However, staging commemorative airshow type stuff isn't really an essential defence requirement. As an aside, has he been questioned why the government offloaded all of the RAF C130Js (still a current and capable aircraft) if we're short of airlift capacity?


No doubt there's an entirely logical and sensible explanation ....... 🙄 🤣     (we'd best stop this before we get drummed out of the Brownies as Father used to say)


4 hours ago, polybear said:

Bear here....


Been working on Harry the Honda today, which is now out of the sh*d once more.  New battery fitted (easier said than done - the +ve lead was a real pig to do) then all lights etc. checked & working; that's the first Tick.

Then the plugs were removed and the engine spun over (with the ignition off) to get the oil nicely pumped around the engine for the first time in 29(?) years.  Another Tick.


Post- din dins and the fuel tap and tank were fitted and some fuel put in.  Another Tick.


Then it was time for some noise....


It took a while for the fuel to get thru' for the first time (always does) and refill the carbs.  Once that had happened then Harry started 😀....



Harry was running like a pig - very lumpy and obviously misfiring.  Turdycurses.  It didn't improve with time so Bear decided to investigate further.  I discovered that No. 4 Carb float bowl wasn't filling with fuel.  Piggin' Turdycurses.

Then after a bit more running No. 3 float bowl started misbehaving as well - no fuel.  Rattin' Piggin' Turdycurses.

At this point Harry decided to become a right 'sterd to start, and when it does it's as lumpy as Hippo Poo and cuts out at the slightest excuse.  Bluddy Rattin' Piggin' Turdycurses.  And just when things were goin' so nicely too.


Bear has decided that sulkin' is in order, along with a ponder.  I'll do a bit more fiddlin' tomorrow but I very much suspect that the bank of four CV Carbs may well need to be removed and stripped for examination and cleaning.  Bluddy Bluddy Rattin' Piggin' Turdycurses.

As to whether or not A Bear can be Ar5ed to do that or not remains to be seen (at the moment I've a distinct feeling of "I just can't be F. bothered - life's too short") - Harry will be advertised as needing "Recommisioning" anyway so I may well try my luck "as is" first; if I don't get any bites (and at a sensible price) then I can always progress to Plan 2.




Diaphragms and/or rubbery bits?    They'll be End of Life then.


2 hours ago, polybear said:

Harry the Honda Lives!!  😁


Three hours later and I thought I'd sort the shed a little and make some room on the workbench (not easy....) just in case I decided to fight with a bank of CV Carbs tomorrow.  Then I decided to see if Harry would start, not expecting it to....




All I can guess is there was some poo in Carbs 3 & 4 that has either been shifted or dissolved by the fuel - it seems to idle happily and rev cleanly too.




A Happy Bear (so far....)

Of course it could all got to ratsh1t over the next few days......


Or the fuel has finally had a chance to fill the float chambers properly?


I say Bear,   Harry does look rather spiffing!     If only I could reach the ground sitting on him and I had more room in the garage.




Well the Beeza seems to be back together again and I even gave some of its bits  a bit of a buff up.    Just need to track down some of that semi-fluid grease.       


Looks like a trip to Classic Stony (as in Stony Stratford, NW of Milton Keynes) is on the cards tomorrow.    


Night all




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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

... discovering that plastic boxes in which hundreds, if not thousands, of small parts have been stored have become brittle and have given up the ghost. An afternoon of swearing followed by sorting and renewing. Tomorrow more of the same. ...



Sing cucu!


And as we are reminded by another medieval song...



According to current weather forecasts, the rain will be back with us by mid-week....


"Sing cucu" also reminds me that another thing they had at Little Moreton Hall today was house martins nesting in the eaves, dashing about and making a terrible racket!


Edited by Hroth
a little bit more!
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7 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

There was something in the news a few days ago with Mr Shapps claiming the fact that we don't have enough A400 transports to do the commemorative parachute drop proves we have to spend more on defence. I think the operative word is defence. If the RAF doesn't have enough transports to fulfil its obligations then I think it would indeed indicate we need more of them. However, staging commemorative airshow type stuff isn't really an essential defence requirement. As an aside, has he been questioned why the government offloaded all of the RAF C130Js (still a current and capable aircraft) if we're short of airlift capacity?

Aren't there problems with the A400's. I seem to recall reading something about them being purchased because they were European and that they kept breaking down.

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Goodnight all 

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4 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Aren't there problems with the A400's. I seem to recall reading something about them being purchased because they were European and that they kept breaking down.


Pork barrel politics, the story of defence procurement.

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The National Hockey League (NHL) playoffs are getting towards the final. Because of the huge geographical distances between some teams, the regular season schedule isn’t exactly balanced home and away. So, on the way to the final, the playoffs are organized into two geographical groups - Eastern and Western “conferences” and the winners of these conferences play each other in the final. There is a trophy awarded to the winner of each conference before the final.

The Florida Panthers have just won the Eastern conference and the trophy for this was at the rink to be presented. The team followed a traditional superstition - none of the players would touch the trophy. The coach (manager) emphasized to them not to do so. The superstition is that if anyone touches the conference trophy, that team will lose the overall final. 


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8 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Aren't there problems with the A400's?



They're French.

(OK, so there's a few other bits bunged on as well just to keep the neighbours sweet).

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Bear here.....


The magic jollop from the local drug dealer seems to be working it's magic - the Triffiditis is fading nicely and more importantly it's not drivin' a Bear nutzo at snoozytime any more either.  Huge Tick awarded.  Pity it doesn't work on that bluddy wee wee fairy though - b1tch.


Today sees more work on Harry the Honda; hopefully Harry will start n' play nicely (I'll have a squint at Carbies 3 & 4 first though, just to check the float bowls are filling with motion lotion now).  First mission will be to get Harry warmed up (just to keep the neighbours happy on a Sunday morning 😁...s'pose I'd better wait until after 10am so as not to be a totally antisocial Bear**) and then drain the oil & refill with fresh (and expensive - thirty quid for four litres 😢) oil.  Then I'll refit the rear indicators, grab rails, seat & tail unit and side panels so I can take some piccies.

Then the side panels will have to come off again so I can hook up the Smart Charger (cos' the new battery took a fair bit of use yesterday).


Once that's done I can start thinking about what I can get rid of in the sh*d and garden; Buddy over the road has expressed a desire in receiving about a dozen Terracotta lawn edging tiles(?) that were given to Bear by next-door Neighbours who moved in 1999 (and I've still not used yet....) and also I might part with an old, quite tall chimney pot (or possibly both - I've got two) in the same direction; they can be used as decorative planters.  As for the rest.......😱



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Just bought a box of Mister Donut donuts, splendid! I don't know if Mister Donut has shops in blighty, it's a Japanese Donut shop. The flavours are very limited compared to American Donut shops but they're superb. They're very light and not too sweet. Well worth a try if you see them.

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Good morning and welcome to Sun Day. It currently lives up to its name in Northern Ampsheer at Blazingsmoke. 

Shortly I must pack up and head home. For reasons known only to the railway’s pricing system it is cheaper today to return via the LSWR (Lurching Slowly Westward Route) than by GWR (Go When Ready). The reverse was true coming up on Friday.

Hey ho. First World Problems 


But first - muggercoffy and another croissant. Because breakfast is an unlimited self-service feast. 

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50 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

Just bought a box of Mister Donut donuts, splendid! I don't know if Mister Donut has shops in blighty, it's a Japanese Donut shop. The flavours are very limited compared to American Donut shops but they're superb. They're very light and not too sweet. Well worth a try if you see them.

Wasn't Mr Donut an American chain? I say this due solely to remembering an episode of a   US show from the 60's (maybe The  Twilight Zone..?) that had a Mr Donut shop or whatever they are called in it. 

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Good morning all and a very Happy Anniversary to  Beth and Jamie.


Sunshine and blue sky here, that makes a change from the past few days.  A warm and sunny day with a gentle breeze is forecast.  12°C rising to 24°C.


Rugby yesterday was another enjoyable match with Bath defeating Sale.  Next up is the Premiership Final next Saturday and then I'll have to deal with withdrawal symptoms for a few weeks and find something else to do with my  Friday evenings, Saturday & Sunday afternoons.  However will I cope?


For once The Boss was up before me and brought me up a muggatea at 7.30 and even resisted saying "timetogettamoveon." I'm suffering from a case of slowandnotinahurryitis so have only just come down for a second muggatea and not even shaved and showered yet.  Disgusting behaviour Bob.  Once I have dealt with that it will be time for eggs, bacon and sausage and then I can possibly think about what I'm doing today.  It won't be terribly energetic.

Have a good one,

Two-legged sloth of Sutton.




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Ey up!


The A400M is bigger than a herc and can carry more  cargo further than a herc. Big problem is.. we bought 22 when the RAF needed 26.  And.. its final production is in Saville in Spain. It is very impressive when viewed from both close up and afar.


It's sunny. Wooppppiiiiddddooo!


My wire strangling did not go well yesterday (it involves 2 switches and 6 wires.. but the switches threw a wobbly.. so this will be done today. Grass will be cut, and some training presentations and delivery notes will be reviewed and signed off....


Time to get a move on methinks!


Congratulations to @jamie92208 and Beth!



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2 minutes ago, Barry O said:

It is very impressive when viewed from both close up and afar.

I saw one land at Gibraltar. I thought it looked impressive. 

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Andy Hayter said:

Are your boxes stored where they are often exposed to sunlight or perhaps chemical vapours?

No, age - some of then were 40-50 years old - the boxes, not the contents

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up with the lark this morning, 6am to watch the Monaco Historique GP. A far more interesting series of races than the actual F1 IMHO. At least the vintage racers were able to overtake each other. No holds barred as there was a few prangs as well, and this was with cars worth 2 to 6 £million each! And many of them are 'one offs' so spares are none existent.

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I was hoping to get out into the garden to do a few things but the pollen count is very high so its a case of staying indoors, TC's.

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20 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Happy anniversary to Beth and Jamie, have a good'n.


@jamie92208 Seconded - and may there be obscene amounts of 🎂 🍰 🧁 to scoff.....

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Posted (edited)

Bear here....


Harry has been uncovered and Bertie the Battery is on charge (I have one of those clever "Smart Charger" Jobbies that works rather well indeed) - though I must remember to disconnect it before I (hopefully) start Harry shortly cos' I very much suspect it really won't like it if I don't.....


The Tank, Side Panels and Tailpiece for Harry were all stored in a Cupboard in the muddlin' room - of course that shelf is now nice n' empty, meaning lots of "stuff"** that's been on the worktop (aka where the Baseboards will go....sometime....) has now found a much safer, tidier new home.  Task ongoing - partial Tick awarded.


Right, time to wake the neighbours.....




**Including "numerous" nice (and some very nice) kitbuilt locos - though not by this Bear.  Oops.

Edited by polybear
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