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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


It’s a bit dull today, but warm and dry, so perfect weather to do a bit more weeding in the garden. I’ll do the gardening until I finish for dinner, after dinner I’ll have a couple of hours in the workshop. NOW that sounds like a good plan to me. 

Back later. 



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10 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

the Loo version when referring to their own - an attention to detail that shows  why they can put a missile through a toilet window.

I wouldn’t want to be on the loo when that missile came through. 


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  • RMweb Premium

G’morning all. Welcome to Moan-day. 

Not the best of night’s kip and the asthma is playing up but it’s a beautifully warm sunny start to proceedings and the laundry is already hanging outside

A few domestic tasks are required before taking Dr. SWMBO to her train later.  A couple of bits needed from the shop, some uniform to collect and if His Furship’s boo-woop calls are anything to go by there will be a Log of Doom awaiting collection in the porch.  

But otherwise I can enjoy the sun, sea and slop of the waves as I choose. I might even get my feet wet later. No deeper though - the water is still cold and I’m allergic to icy sea for pleasure! 

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  • RMweb Gold
10 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

an attention to detail that shows  why they can put a missile through a toilet window...


Though it may sometimes be an inch or so off due to Metric-Imperial conversion errors!


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  • RMweb Gold

Another Monday so I've dusted and tidied, Leonie will come soon to do the rest of the house jobs.


I need to get on sorting out almost 150 photos to go to an author, I am hoping I will also sort out the tubs/pots and plant up the ones I want to keep.


I must also check that the car is now happy with the tyre pressures and that the electronics think they are correct..



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  • RMweb Premium
15 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

They are quite delicate flowers if truth be told. In my previous garden I had several clumps of them in various colours as the ground was ideal being very free draining.


Here though it's not so good as it's more overshadowed. There used to be a lovely sky blue one, but it hasn't flowered years despite my best efforts.


I came to love them in the 50s when my Nan always had a large blue vase filled with them on top of her glass cabinet. They probably came from the garden (London clay heavily clad with compost) always full of flowers and veg. Tried that here, but gave up on the veg! The greenhouse, after two lots of wind damage, went to a more sheltered village.

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1 hour ago, Barry O said:

My sister makes doors step sandwiches filled with all sorts of delights.. Corned Fog (beef) with Piccalilli is a favourite..

I haven't had that for years, it has to be vinegar piccalilli though, none of that mamby pamby sweet stuff.



1 hour ago, jjb1970 said:

My cheese on toast recipe may be a bit out there but I  make a roux, add the strongest mature cheddar I can get, milk and a pinch of English mustard powder then add to toast and put under the grill. Not thick bread. I make enough of the cheese mix to chill and use for a couple of days.

My ideal cheese toastie is to put a layer of finely chopped onion on the toast and then the grated cheese. 

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  • RMweb Premium

' morning all from red dragon land.

Sun coming out at last. Temp 16.1C already.

I am tempted to pop down to the garden...


Yesterday, I managed elevenses (12 / middaises, actually!) - a mugadecaf - on the bench out front until the sun started to scorch my legs - through my jeans! A hasty retreat after 10 mins... I had lunch out there at two, but it was a bit cooler by then, after which, I pulled a few weeds and dandelion clocks which went into the G waste bin. What will I manage out there, today?


Some jobbies to be done before I can think about all that, though.

Take care. Be good. Keep cool.


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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Morning all. 
It would seem I am destined to tidy the path alongside the front drive (“drive” sounds grand but is just  off road parking big enough for two cars. I added the path as otherwise someone would have to step out into the lawn. I used big block paving with holes to allow drainage but it just encourages unwanted plants. Aditi informs me that unlike the patio  I can incinerate them without fear of destroying something she liked. I will move her car though.

This afternoon I have a bloodtest, just a routine check for diabetes. I will go to a builders merchant nearby to buy some plaster filler. All the tubs and tubes I had are no longer useable. I am not doing DiY, it is for hobby use. The store isn’t like B&Q or Homebase, the parking is all vans and pickups. Very helpful staff too.

Our regular postie has just delivered our parcels, letters and some garden magazines. 

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium
22 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Two points Bear:

  • The list is for people with functioning tastebuds
  • The list is for people who appreciate proper food for “grown ups”



3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Whatever floats your boat.


Bear gets grief, yet @jamie92208 gets “Whatever floats your boat”


It’s victimisation against Bear, that’s what it is…..

Where’s Andy…..

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad night last night, only one callout by bladder control and not a lot of fuss from the dodgy knee. A visit to Tess Coes is in order for this afternoon, a big shop as the cupboard (and fridge) is bare.

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  • RMweb Premium
6 minutes ago, PupCam said:


That would be due to the technology not pronunciation pedantry.

And, for a game of Top Trumps,  I recall an occasion when two missiles effectively went through the same toilet window ......  approaching from different directions.   Made a mess of the "toilet".

And a mess of the person sat upon the said toilet. Mind you it would have cured their constipation.

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Not for you, then ...



Oh, I WANT one of those!!!



6 hours ago, PupCam said:

And, for a game of Top Trumps,  I recall an occasion when two missiles effectively went through the same toilet window ......  approaching from different directions.   Made a mess of the "toilet".

5 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

And a mess of the person sat upon the said toilet. Mind you it would have cured their constipation.


Not so much a mess, more a fine pink mist...




Speaking of constipation, as it were, some kind dog-exerciser has allowed their pooch to do a load of slurry on a patch of grass that I was going to eliminate this morning, and not bothered to remove it.  Its just where the postie might step when approaching the front door and I'LL now have to clean it up.


As some say around here, turdycurses.....


Moved the dogmuck

Another item off the list. Not one I expected...



Edited by Hroth
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1 hour ago, southern42 said:


I came to love them in the 50s when my Nan always had a large blue vase filled with them on top of her glass cabinet. They probably came from the garden (London clay heavily clad with compost) always full of flowers and veg. Tried that here, but gave up on the veg! The greenhouse, after two lots of wind damage, went to a more sheltered village.

One thing I would recommend is giving them a good feed after they've flowered and every couple of years splitting them.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

I wouldn’t want to be on the loo when that missile came through. 


That would depend on what the Rules Of Engagement were.


For instance in the  second Gulf war the USAF  ROE was that a target was assumed legit unless there was some factor preventing a strike - eg a child care centre  was suddenly  discovered to be next door..


On the other hand the RAAF ROE was that we assumed there was a childcare centre next door until it could be proved there wasn't one.


Extrapolating that -  if it was a US strike they'd assume you weren't on the toilet at the time, unless they got a peak of you on it  -  while the RAAF  would assume you were in the loo and would  hold off  until they got a clear view of an empty room. 


So part of your daily toilet safety regime should be - always stand at the window and wave for a few seconds, before committing.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, PupCam said:

That would be due to the technology not pronunciation pedantry.



But the technology is useless unless it has targeting information in order to get the missile through the exact window, that was the point I was trying to make - the levell of  detail the US has in their targeting database is sobering.


I've only seen the bits of their Targeting Database that  they'll let us have for a handful of countries  -  but even small government buildings, shops  and in some cases  even bus stops  in the tiniest villages have 4 or 5 DMPI's (Desired Mean Point of Impact), listed ie lat long and elevation data  for where to exactly place the warhead  in order to achieve the desired result.   "Putting warheads On foreheads" as they say. 


Rest assured they'd have  an insanely  detailed list of targets in the UK, and in Australia too   - just in case we  get toey or a foreign nation invades you or us, the US has a ready made list of targets in order to Dominate The Battlespace..


Your nearest service station will already be in there for instance , with  exact  locations on where to put the ICBMs.


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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

I wouldn’t want to be on the loo when that missile came through. 


A mutual friend of DH and I, had a colleague who overshot a range on The Wash and put a practice bomb into the toilet bowl of the khazi of the pub they went for a drink in afterwards. That was from a Tornado. 



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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

Peanut Butter and Jelly(Jam) sandwiches are apparently the staple diet for American yoof(at least it was in 1970).




Its peanut butter and honey here.


Mad Max  One fact - after Gooses accident where he is burned alive, Max is seen in the next scene being sad on the beach while having a peanut butter and honey sandwich .


I only know this because I watched it again tonight, not only in order to catch up prior to seeing the fifth one on Thursday (have I mentioned that?)  but mainly because I realised that neither Gary The Parrot, nor Buttons The House Budgie have been introduced to the Mad Max universe.


Gary loves loud noises and being a parrot  screeched along happily during the loud bits , Buttons The House Budgie needs more work in order to get the most out of it I reckon, but Budgies are Australian natives so he'll get the hang of it.


Personally, the scene where Max starts  up the MFP patrol car and the burbling V8 noise comes out the back did make me want to dash outside, uncover the ute and re-enact it.  Once a 6 litre V8 settles down from startup it sounds like a heavenly choir - assuming it  had @Grizz as choirmaster,  but the neighbours wouldn't have been in on it probably, since its nearly 10pm - and its a bit cold out there.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:



Bear gets grief, yet @jamie92208 gets “Whatever floats your boat”


It’s victimisation against Bear, that’s what it is…..

Where’s Andy…..

The difference IS, Bear, that @jamie92208 was describing a proper, grown-up, sandwich (albeit a bit idiosyncratic); whereas you tend to describe things that, in poor light, could be mistaken for food....


The solution to your (self-perceived) woes is to dump the edible rubbish and go for real food (such as a chunk of homemade bread, some matured cheddar from a real dairy and some pickled onions - preferably homemade).


Remember, there's no such thing as posh food or non-posh food: it's either good food or it isn't....


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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

The solution to your (self-perceived) woes is to dump the edible rubbish and go for real food (such as a chunk of homemade bread, some matured cheddar from a real dairy and some pickled onions - preferably homemade).




Or @polybear could  do what I do and just assume he could get run over tomorrow ,  get attacked    by brown snakes,  bogans  and octopuses or a piano could fall on him  etc, so he may as well just eat what the *&&*& he likes and enjoy life while he has the chance!🙂

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8 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

Or @polybear could  do what I do and just assume he could get run over tomorrow ,  get attacked    by brown snakes,  bogans  and octopuses or a piano could fall on him  etc, so he may as well just eat what the *&&*& he likes and enjoy life while he has the chance!🙂

Well, he could. But there again....


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  • RMweb Premium

I found a Chinese dish designed for British people, chicken pot at the local hawker centre which includes chips💪


As it says in the good book, seek and ye shall find, this reaffirms my faith in the lord as it was clearly divine intervention which guided me to this oasis of proper chinese food with chips in it😇


This even made the task of walking around with a big cast iron pot with a fire burning away underneath seem an acceptable  risk. I yet hope that this barren land will one day discover the chip butties.




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