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Morning all, late start as I'm suffering for my late night! Milder and sunny here just now with a stiff breeze, though reports from Glasgow this morning are that it's lashing down and there are gale force winds...


Tony/anyone - any idea what the Imperial Star Destroyer-shaped building is at the bottom left of the 5th picture of that set of photos about the BT Tower?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, late start as I'm suffering for my late night! Milder and sunny here just now with a stiff breeze, though reports from Glasgow this morning are that it's lashing down and there are gale force winds...


Tony/anyone - any idea what the Imperial Star Destroyer-shaped building is at the bottom left of the 5th picture of that set of photos about the BT Tower?

Not sure which building you mean in the 5th photo. In the fourth photo just to the right of the engineer's head it is possible to see The Shard which does look like something from Star Wars.

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Not sure which building you mean in the 5th photo. In the fourth photo just to the right of the engineer's head it is possible to see The Shard which does look like something from Star Wars.


It would appear from Google maps just to be a 60s shopping arcade and service station with offices on top, between Clipstone Mews and Cleveland Street. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=bt+tower&hl=en&ll=51.521807,-0.140596&spn=0.0012,0.002384&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=18.61907,39.067383&vpsrc=6&hnear=BT+Tower&t=h&z=19


Though it does look a little like Lord Vader might be shopping at PC World...*





* other electrical retailers are available, including Watto's shop...

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Morning guys...BiL is still in hospital and the good news is they traced the bleeding to a ruptured colon. He had surgery and they have repaired it and all was going well until he had a heart attack yesterday afternoon. At least he is in the right place and they are monitoring his every movement. Jack's having a tough time time with that and her mother's pleurisy. All I can do is make cups of tea and generally be supportive.


Of course there's not a lot we can do as he is in Spain, so I'll try and get her out this afternoon to take her mind off things for a few minutes.


Thanks for the cheery posts. It's times like these you need a chuckle or two... :good_mini:

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  • RMweb Gold


It would appear from Google maps just to be a 60s shopping arcade and service station with offices on top, between Clipstone Mews and Cleveland Street. http://maps.google.c...+Tower&t=h&z=19


Though it does look a little like Lord Vader might be shopping at PC World...*


* other electrical retailers are available, including Watto's shop...

I wondered if you meant that one but I didn't really see the similarity to the Star Wars vessel (probably because I was looking at a picture of a Lego one!)

I was in PC World a couple of weeks ago and it took 10 minutes for someone to come to a till so I could pay for my purchase. I told the apologetic lad who was summoned by someone "not on the till today" that I assumed they had all been summoned by Darth Vader.

I'll be off in a minute to visit the phlebotomist. No fasting was required and my blood usually fills up the sample bottle nicely, probably should look like Shiraz this week.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All (if I rush)


Woke up today in considerable pain, and having more difficulty than usual walking, so got the car out and headed straight for town, setting off before the surgery opened, in the hope that if I got there early, I might get to see somebody. S*ds law was well at work, as they had no appointments at the main surgery, but hey - they had one at the branch surgery - half a mile from my house! Managed to see one of the senior doctors, and said that we had discussed a steroid injection, and his answer was "well I'll do that now if you want". As it has a local anaesthetic in it, the relief was almost immediate, but he suggested taking the rest of the day off in case of any ill effects of the injection - so that's what I'm doing. And I think that it is probably well indicated as I do feel very woozy now.


But my ills seem little compared to some that are being reported on here by fellow ERs about themselves and their nearest and dearest, so I just end my best wishes to everybody who is ailing, or has somebody close who is not well.


My late father wrote a song once for the school choir to sing which would certainly please our censoring software - it went a bit like this...


The matin bells chime out for me...

Ding ######, ding ######, I hear their song,

Peal out at break of day.

Ding ######, ding ######, I listen long

To ev'ry note they say.


Meantime good afternoon and

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Wishing him all the best, Gordon - I agree it's relieving to hear he is being cared for.


Weather this afternoon was decidedly crummy. It was rather cold and windy and kept chucking down with rain, and around 4 pm a big storm cell passed through - after which I was glad that I had put all remaining flowerpots on the balcony into the leeward corner of the railing, so none of them fell over.

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  • RMweb Gold

As part of the email conversation with my brother this morning he sent me an image of part of his latest toy. I now know what it is but wouldn't have if another image hadn't arrived later. Special clue for Gordon, it isn't a Ferrari control!



Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Dd closest so far, in fact so close I'll post a picture of the rest in the morning. Not a fish smoker, but an everything smoker. Tomorrow a 5kg turkey is the test subject. I knew my brother would like the US and his Southern style Thanksgiving clearly had an impression. He hasn't purchased a turkey fryer yet but I bet he does.

My Christmas turkey will be fairly traditionally cooked. In fact just to make the whole meal traditional I'm going to start the sprouts tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Gold

Now how about this piece of music as an accompaniment for a train trip?






Somehow not quite the tune I'd associate with our local line! Our local main road (the A13) does have a song though.

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