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27 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:



Do they bite?  Theres no shortage of flies here but they although they are annoying and can completely cover your back where you cant reach them, and  attempt to crawl into the corners of your eyes or into your ears, they don't actually inflict any kind of bite, not even a venomous one, which is nice.




If they actually did  bite  the country would be ininhabitable!





Oh yes! Nasty little blood suckers.



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7 minutes ago, AndyID said:


Jeez, you can keep them.  Wouldn't swap them for any of the snakes, spiders, jellyfish, crocodiles, coneshells, stonefish, seasnakes, blue ringed octopii, drop bears, Gympie Gympie trees  and sharks that we put up with!

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Posted (edited)


Pigeon wise I only get the native Wonga Wonga pigeons. They look meek and mild  but they hold their own at feeding time, and make up for lack of beaksize by shoulder-charging other species off of the railing. Only the Cockatoos seem able to resist them.





OUr squirrel equivalents would be Brushtailed possums. Mainly nocturnal but I see this guy around work sometimes.







Foxes are mainly furry patches on the road, there is also a pretty vigorous baiting programme around here to try to eradicate them.



Edited by monkeysarefun
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1 hour ago, southern42 said:



10:19 this morning: The surprise of seeing the appearance of a tiny bit of purple 




And at 18:56...



And a few minutes ago...



I do hope it can survive to flowerhood after this little peekaboo showing.



I'm afraid that following a bit of a 'contratont' with the mower I too now have one of these. Like you I've rescued it and am waiting with fingers crossed in the hope it'll flower.

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2 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:

I'm afraid that following a bit of a 'contratont' with the mower I too now have one of these. Like you I've rescued it and am waiting with fingers crossed in the hope it'll flower.


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Posted (edited)

Good evening everyone 


Well, today has been a day that will go down in history, as did we not buy any plants, what we did buy (3 packets of seeds for next year) cost us well under £10! Gobsmacked I was, absolutely gobsmacked, so much so, that I almost had to go and sit down. I didn’t, but after paying, we went straight to the car! 


We had a very enjoyable walk round the gardens and woodland, there were plenty of young birds on the various ponds, we saw goslings, baby mallards and baby coots too. At one of the ponds, the coots had built their nest about 4 ft from one of the viewing balconies and were attracting lots of admirers, although one person thought they were moorhens! Although to be fair, moorhens and coots do look very similar, you do need to know how to tell them apart. For those who don’t know, coots have a white flash on their head, moorhens have a red flash on their heads as well as a white rump. But there are moorhens there too, they were just in the other side of the pond and you needed to use a pair of binoculars to see them. 

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Premium

Goodnight all 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Winslow Boy said:

Something tells me there's not going to be enough squirrels, pigeons, butterflies - insert target of choice.

  We had nerf gun wars for a while here at work.


One guy brought in one that looked like a WW1 Machine gun complete with tripod. It was about 30 seconds  of fun for him, then  10 minutes  trying to find all the bullets behind cupboards,  out in the corridor etc and then reloading them all.  By  which time we'd each taken him out dozens of times with our 6 shot basic nerfs! 

Edited by monkeysarefun
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9 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Theres no shortage of flies here but ... they don't actually inflict any kind of bite,

You've not encountered an Aussie horse fly? They bite and it stings - a lot. Far worse than mozzie bites. Can even bleed and raises a big welt.


Bee and wasp stings may hurt more.

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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Good evening everyone 


Well, today has been a day that will go down in history, as did we not buy any plants, what we did buy (3 packets of seeds for next year) cost us well under £10! Gobsmacked I was, absolutely gobsmacked, so much so, that I almost had to go and sit down. I didn’t, but after paying, we went straight to the car! 




Would suggesting to Mrs BeeEssWubbleyu that "we should do this every time, dearest - it would save a fortune and you could have the fun and price in nurturing them yourself" be pushing your luck?


OK, thought so.

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11 hours ago, grandadbob said:


10 hours ago, Grizz said:


I see your Drum Fed NerfGun …..and I raise you…..


Hatsan 12 Bore Mag Fed Semi Auto




Faranchi Spas 12 Bore Semi Auto


5.56 AR15 and .303 Lee Enfield Sport. 



and…..to quote Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels…..”What’s that????”………”It’s me Bren Gun, init!”….




8 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Something tells me there's not going to be enough squirrels, pigeons, butterflies - insert target of choice.

Or much left of the toy gun wielder.

In certain parts of the world the Police

  1. Aren’t very good at distinguishing between toys and lethal hardware 
  2. Shoot first, ask questions (maybe) later*
  3. Don’t have a sense of humour

Even pointing a loaded finger can get you into a world of hurt!

The best preventative against vermin infestation (and cats) is to get a very territorial dog. Before we got Lucy and Schotty, our vegetable garden would be stripped bare by birds and local cats would use the lawn as a toilet and as a no-tell motel. Now we are pest and cat free (one cat, a repeat offender, was taking a dump and looking at the house smirking in that way cats do, suddenly that cat’s feline sense of entitled arrogance was shattered by Lucy shooting into the garden at a high rate of knots** The cat hasn’t been back).


* in some countries it’s “shoot first, ask questions, shoot again

** If Lucy had been a fighter jet, she’d’ve been on full throttle with afterburners.

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Regarding disease harbouring insects, dangerous predators and venomous & poisonous plants and animals, given how Nature has thus stacked the deck against us, it’s a wonder that there are so many of us humans on the planet.


Mind you a lot of the population explosion is due to the patronising meddling by Colonial Powers who introduced such terrible things like sanitation, science based medicine, effective hygiene and did away with long established traditional practices like suttee and female infanticide.


This means that of the three ways Nature has of controlling population sizes (predators, starvation, disease) humans are down to disease - which is a bit worrying.


We can avoid and protect ourselves against predators and, by using our big brains and opposable thumbs, we can protect ourselves from starvation (even if this does mean AGRICULTURE and eating Bambi and Thumper AND all their wobbly bits). But if even the canniest, skilful, hardened and experienced hunter-gatherer can be killed by an insect or a arachnid borne disease, what hope is there for us flabby out-of-shape citizens of modern civilisation?


I reckon CoVID-19 was a Phase I clinical trial Nature ran to see what worked and what didn’t. I think Mother Nature is currently in the post-study post mortem/analysis phase working on “lessons learned”. When she has sorted through her vast arsenal of lethal viruses and found one with just the right combination of infectiousness, transmitability, speed of lethality (not too fast, not too slow) and resistance to viricides, she’ll unleash Armageddon onto the world.


At which point millions will be wishing for easy access to something like Australia’s snakes, spiders, jellyfish, crocodiles, coneshells, stonefish, seasnakes, blue ringed octopii, drop bears, Gympie Gympie trees and sharks to quickly usher them from this vale of tears.

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  • RMweb Gold
3 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Good morning all,

It's a bit grey overhead.  Heavy rain/thundery showers forecast with the chance of some sunny spells later this afternoon.  12°C now, might reach 22°C.

Multiple bin lorries due as well as Ocado and Amazon deliveries. Fingers crossed that Ocado don't break my bottle of brandy this week.

Main plan today is a visit to The Shed where a major rethink regarding my O gauge plank is required.  I see trouble ahead.  


Have a good one,




Something similar here...


Grey skies but supposedly sunny until 2pm then showers 



Parallel Metal Thingies 


Hope the brandy gets through safely this time!


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Mooring Awl,

1 hours sleep, woke up feeling upset at something but what?

Long awake, brain randomly locking onto various things.

4 hours sleep, woke with an answer to style of sail making I will do, definitely not the most modern, neither the most traditional, but somewhere between. Quite importantly I have all the materials to do it this way.

One hours sleep.


Ben the surprised Collie was given  an early patrol, I was very thirsty last night, and therefore required an early rise.. dull grey but high welkin, not too cold.


There's just been on TV a report on a red carpet opening of a new film, with one of Ben's relatives in it. The Collie has the merle factor, so has what are called blue eyes, not the normal brown. Very clever of course, showing off..


Plans for today 

The grass needs mowing but it's too wet.

11:00 I'm off to help destruct a sofa, while taking a new foldable electric disabled chariot to that place.

Need . Prior to that I need to clear the muddling stuff from the front passenger seat of the landrover and find suitable tools for the task..


But first breaky time.. and at typing that Ben moved....







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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


A bright and sunny start to the day here in the northwest corner of England, the temperature is currently 12C rising to 19C later, with the possibility of rain around dinner time. So, the plan for today is once I’ve dropped Sheila off at the church hall for her Zumba class, I’ll return home and give the washing machine a clean. Then I’ll take the ladders round to the front of the house and clean the front windows, I’ll also do the recycling as well, as the bins are due to be emptied tomorrow. That lot should all be done by mid morning, then it’s off to the workshop for the rest of the day. Charlie is due round this afternoon so it’s looking like a good day all round. 

Back later. 


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