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  • RMweb Premium

Bear here….


Dross day - as expected; there is method in Bear’s madness, however😉




I see that a couple of Austrian nutcases have flown thru’ Tower Bridge wearing Wingsuits after diving out of a Helicopter - another Red Bull stunt n’ all that; the video is on the ‘tube.  All clever stuff - but can’t help but think it’s  not a patch on putting a Hunter thru’ the same gap (50 years ago?)




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26 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

We have had a scenic tour of Essex minor roads today. We were heading towards the M25 and as we approached the A128 where it crosses the London Arterial the traffic slowed rapidly and stopped. The sat nav then suggested we exited which was good advice but we were a few yards past the slip road exit. A reverse of trapped vehicles was organised and we went via a village and an industrial park back to the main road. Smoke from the accident was blowing across the opposite carriageway so there was a tailback both ways. We phoned Aditi’s Mum to say we would be delayed (we were bringing lunch) and she should have a snack. Anyway she had the snack and lunch too when we arrived. On the way back on the Arterial Eastbound this time the sat nav advised us to leave the route. So, again a road round an industrial area and rural roads different ones. However the exit to this route became closed too, so all the diverted traffic had to turn round and find another way. The suggested sat nav and Google Maps options seemed a bit extreme but Aditi’s knowledge of alternative routes to her hairdresser in Brentwood and assorted rural pubs she used to meet friends at helped a lot and we eventually rejoined our normal route home. 

There was two incidents today on the A127. A collision and a breakdown, I wonder if the collision was caused by someone rubbernecking the breakdown?

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. A load of carp on the TV this evening. TV awards ceremony on BBC and Britains got (no) talent on ITV. Fortunately yesterday I brought a couple of comics (c.ChrisF) so I've got them to read this evening.

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4 minutes ago, PupCam said:

I do hope we can have  a large 2D White Elephant erected in the centre of it

How about a 3D one - a large statue - that would make the point obvious for everyone transiting it.

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  • RMweb Gold
7 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

How about a 3D one - a large statue - that would make the point obvious for everyone transiting it.


A precedent for a 2D "sculpture" on the Black Cat roundabout was set many years ago.   After numerous public consultations and enquiries into the suitability of such a thing, endless delays and the cost of actually commissioning and producing a 3D one and itwould probably match that of the white elephant it was seeking to highlight!   


No, a simple 2D one would be just fine but of course it wouldn't happen because it would represent a very large dollop of "Egg on Face" for the local council but I can dream.




Night All



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


I didn’t post this morning as I decided to make the most of the sunshine and hopefully beat the predicted thunderstorms and get a bit of gardening done. I clipped some of the hedge in the back garden, but stayed well away from where the dunnock’s are nesting. Once done, I took a full wheelbarrow of clippings round to front to put the green bin. Thankfully, the thunderstorm didn’t happen until after 6 o’clock this evening, but boy did it chuckitdarn then, but it’s stopped now. 


Once that was done and I’d put away my gardening tools, I then went into the workshop and completed the electrical work on the micro layout. This entailed fitting a small socket for the 12v dc supply, a 5 pin DIN socket for the controller and wired it all up to the frog switch. This is now all done and I can now carry on with the building work. 


I went outside last night at around 12:30, but as I feared, there’s far too much backlight to see anything here, so after about 20 minutes or so, I called it a day, came back inside and then went upstairs to bed. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Goodnight all 

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PupCam said:

I have to say I struggled a bit when I was originally taught calculus as it was done in an entirely abstract and theoretical manner which meant very little to this Puppers because I just didn't see the point.



I failed to see the point of most maths at that level but accepted the need to pass O-level if I was to make any academic progress beyond school and for almost any worthwhile career opening.  


Calculus caused me stress and headaches well beyond the level of "reasonable".  It didn't help that our high school maths teacher was a hot-tempered Welshman whose career was ended after he threw a pair of dividers across the room spearing a lad in the web of his thumb and pinning his hand to the desk.  





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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PupCam said:

Anyway, it aint going to happen now ....

And that is what I shall say when I head off to bed in a moment.  And then the aurora alarm goes off.  It's looking possible on screen but it's not looking possible outside with cloud at 8/8.  


It's also dark so I wouldn't be able to see anything anyway 🤣

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  • RMweb Premium

Assumed I'd missed the Aurora (forecast for Saturday night was much less powerful), but noticed on BBC news mid-evening that there was a possibility between 11pm and 2a.m. They also showed coast cloud down here. Went out a few minutes ago - they were right about the cloud, total cover.



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Typically, we were away so missed all the Northern Lights excitement on Friday.

Yesterday, I kept going outside but could see zilch, though heard foxes having a barney in the woods.

Just been out in my slippers, as you do. Now not sure if these are just reflections from the ground,  or whether I'm seeing something not really there, but could these be the Northern Lights?






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38 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

Japanese industry has gone through a hard 20-30 years in the face of competition from lower cost countries and from the Republic of Korea which has been eating their lunch at the high quality/high value end of the spectrum, many of the great names of Japanese industry are a shadow of what they were.

Very true. Sony is a great example. Apart from all the CCD image sensors they sell into the camera value-chain (which includes mobile telephones) and the Playstation console system you don't see them like the brand leader they were 30 - 40 years ago.

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  • RMweb Premium

We have too much cloud and too many lights for any aurora to get through.

I bought some household oil today as the garage door is squeaking.  My oil collection seems to be entirely from the hobby shop, in small tubes with small applicators and not so small prices.

My exposure to Eurovision is entirely through E.R.  It gets no media coverage here (not broadcast that I can see) but there was a half page in the paper showing the winner.


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7 minutes ago, BR60103 said:

My exposure to Eurovision is entirely through E.R.  It gets no media coverage here (not broadcast that I can see) but there was a half page in the paper showing the winner.

It was covered by online news here, with a little blurb on national news after the final. It wasn't broadcast on any 'major' outlet (as far as I know) - unlike all the US-based 'talent' shows - "The Voice", "American Idol"* etc.


* Replayed twice tonight - live and on tape-delay.

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  • RMweb Gold
7 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land. A load of carp on the TV this evening. TV awards ceremony on BBC and Britains got (no) talent on ITV. Fortunately yesterday I brought a couple of comics (c.ChrisF) so I've got them to read this evening.


There was a programme about trying to read the Herculaneum scrolls (charred to carbonised swiss rolls by Vesuvius in 79AD) on Ch5 at 9pm.  It would have been a decent half-hour programme, but was padded out by programme makers dross to an hour.


The big reveal was that after much effort, one word was deciphered....

Then the programme ended!


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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

It didn't help that our high school maths teacher was a hot-tempered Welshman whose career was ended after he threw a pair of dividers across the room spearing a lad in the web of his thumb and pinning his hand to the desk.  

I bet no-one messed about in his lessons though….could do with a few of those today….


5 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

Japanese industry has gone through a hard 20-30 years in the face of competition ……..from the Republic of Korea which has been eating their lunch at the high quality/high value end of the spectrum, many of the great names of Japanese industry are a shadow of what they were. 

Natural justice?


53 minutes ago, Hroth said:


There was a programme about trying to read the Herculaneum scrolls (charred to carbonised swiss rolls by Vesuvius in 79AD) on Ch5 at 9pm.  It would have been a decent half-hour programme, but was padded out by programme makers dross to an hour.


There seems to be a growing number of such programmes that repeat what they’ve just told you just before the adverts 🤬

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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!


Off to the barbers today to get my ears lowered.. great!


Put our bird feeder out yesterday. One in the front has been toppled.. and not by a bird ..Will investigate on the way to the Barbers. Pah!


A relative completed the marathon in support of the hospice who looked after his sister in Scarborough. Hopefully they will be receiving a bitnof money for his efforts.


Tidying up is listed for the day once I return. Pah!


Eurovision.. well its awful.. so bas even the radio commentator found a lot to say about it all.









PS I loved Calculus and much preferred pur mathematics to applied.. and still managed to become an engineer


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1 hour ago, Hroth said:


There was a programme about trying to read the Herculaneum scrolls (charred to carbonised swiss rolls by Vesuvius in 79AD) on Ch5 at 9pm.  It would have been a decent half-hour programme, but was padded out by programme makers dross to an hour.


The big reveal was that after much effort, one word was deciphered....

Then the programme ended!



5 minutes ago, polybear said:

There seems to be a growing number of such programmes that repeat what they’ve just told you just before the adverts 🤬

It seems that amongst programme makers there is a growing contempt for the intelligence and attention span of the average viewer.

Despite the popularity of such dress as the various talent competitions, convoluted but ultimately pointless soap operas and unfunny "comedy" programmes, I don't think the average intelligence of the UK TV viewer has changed much from when such excellent programs as Civilisation, At Last the 1948 Show, Monty Python and The Ascent of Man (amongst many others) were made.


However, I would argue, TV is just following the same "dumbing down" and concentration on totally irrelevant, but "flavour of the month", political ideology that we have seen in museums over the last decade or so. 

There are possibly two reasons for this: 1) the monetisation of everything and 2) the dominance of London in - well, just about everything. Not "London" itself, but a subsection of London that have all gone to the same schools, have had similar career paths (often involving nepotism or cronyism), frequent the same social circles and events and subscribe (loosely) to the same world view.

I am, of course, referring to the luvvies, the mediarati and the political (ahem) "elite" Who despite their often wildly divergent, but ultimately superficial, differences are much more alike than they care to admit. 

And such people do seem to have disdain, if not contempt, for "the little people", the rustics, northerners - basically anything and anybody outside of the M25.


Do I exaggerate? Possibly. But consider the amount of air time given to London-centric matters versus that given to Manchester or Birmingham.

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