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  • RMweb Gold

Gordon, I have to say I am very impressed (but not surprised) at the quality of the work on Eastwood!

I haven't looked at the topic for a while, but I'm glad I did today as there is some great stuff on there.

If only I had the space...!


My model railway plans have been halted currently due to uni commitments but I've got a month off in December/January so I'm going to use the time to take a breather and work on the layout plan.


Uni life is a bit stressful at the moment. I'm falling behind a bit in a couple units which is not good - I'm still having a bit of trouble getting into uni on some days which is a nightmare and is causing real havoc.


I'm just thankful that I revised quite well for my psychology exam!

Well I best get to work on my project - I've got 50 pages of designs to do for a 100ml bottle... :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike, I did think for a while that my hearing was going but I was reassured that the sound in the car was OK (I'm still amused that the car has a sub-woofer under where Robbie goes in the back!). The old hi-fi speakers had a brightness control that affected the tweeters but had no effect so I expect the crossovers etc had failed. Vocals were very woolly. I also had a cheap centre speker for surround sound and that didn't reproduce speech clearly. So first of all I replaced the centre speaker with something better, noticed the improvement, and then bought some new main speakers from the same manufacturer. I'm happy. If my brother wants to dissect the Tannoy speakers, and replace any dead capacitors and inductors I'll be happy to let him. He is changing all the capacitors in his Quad pre-amp at the moment so may be occupied for a while.

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Good grief, that sounds like major surgery!!


Dd - you're right, the iMac speakers do give a good sound but are just a bit too small.


I sometimes think about saving up to get a Sonos multi-room system but they seem overly expensive and I've not tested the sound quality.


Jam - good luck with catching up on the uni stuff. I have to admit that during my time at uni, railway modelling went completely out of the window. No bad thing, really, as that was the time of the last of the "old generation" of models, so anything bought then wouldn't have been DCC ready and the mouldings were less detailed...

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't need a multi-room system, I just turn the volume up! I'm not antisocial, we do live in a very well insulated house!

My brother enjoys electronic challenges and admits to being somewhat obsessive-compulsive about his music centre as I seem to recall my mother calling his hi-fi stuff.

If the i-Mac speakers are small can you add a sub-woofer to the system. The speakers in my HP monitor are pathetic so I've got a set of 5 Sony satellite speakers and a sub-woofer, though most of the time only left and right get used.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Well I've caught up but there's just too much to comment on individually - so just a general hope things get better wish to everybody who is experiencing bad times, whether to do with homes, solicitors, boilers, in laws, health, or indeed anything else - over the last week, I've had the boiler and also the health problem with an ear infection which left me half deaf in my right ear, which has taken both oral and squirted in antibiotics to get it sorted. Also had a terrible squally storm last night which just about put paid to the fence in the garden - the same one that suffered last week with the gate coming off. I had to sort out a temporary support, and also have just rehung the gate - probably be off again in the next high wind....


Getting colder, but the forecast here is for warmer weather again later in the week.




Regards to All


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Very sorry to hear you news BoD. I hope the strain does not prove too arduous.


The South Easter has dropped and been replaced by a mild North Wester, and a very pleasant 25C


I wish you all a successful and happy new week!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, it is cold and the rain is persisting down. It did get cold enough for snow yesterday we had some hail as well. Already one of the new Christmas decorations has failed made in china malfunctioned in britain the only way to access the circuit is to destroy the base of the tree....

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My thoughts are with you BoD. A tough time for all the family, particularly at Christmas.


Still pitch dark outside, so no idea what today holds in store. Had a decent pub lunch to celebrate Mum's 89th yesterday, so the day brightened up considerably.


I see the 3rd round of the cup has throw up some crackers. Utd v City and Spurs v Cheltenham.


Read your posting on ET Stewart. Goes without saying that ER's are welcome if you or any fellow funsters happen to be down this neck of the woods.

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

I don't exactly know what to say either, except that I feel for you, BoD :( .


Morning all - it seems a fuse for part of the house blew out over night, resulting in phone and cable being both out, so I didn't get on before leaving. Still very windy and rainy, so I'm glad I can stay indoors.


Be back later...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Brightish but cold in these parts. Not a fun time BoD, hang in there.


Normal Monday morning golf is off the menu today, I didn't fancy getting involved with the seniors Christmas lunch. Bah humbug. I do have a Christmas lunch tomorrow with a bunch of folks I worked with about 6 years ago. Indian buffet and beer!


Now to sort out todays schedule...


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

BoD, thinking of you and your family.

Very sunny here, not at all warm though. I think the woolly hat will be required when walking with Robbie today. I've already had a short walk to the newsagent as the paper-boy delivered the wrong newspaper.

We ordered some furniture back in October and today is the day it was scheduled to arrive at the furniture shop's warehouse. If so I'll be trying to dispose of the old stuff soon. I can't donate it as it is far too old to have a fire safety rating. I'll give it all a good shake first though to see if I can find any pound coins behind the cushions.


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Me too.

Unfortunately BoD death is part of life. I've lost so many friends and family over the past five years.


As y'all know I have Coyotes and Deer roaming through my backyard and the annual Bear cull starts this week (much controversy over this). Considering my house is within 20 miles of Gotham City it is remarkable.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

That original Chippendale furniture is a b@st@ard to get rid of since the new H & S regs...............

If only....

When Matthew was about 4 we took him round Knole in Sevenoaks. We had mainly gone for a walk round the park to see the deer but he asked to go round the house. A lot of original furniture was kept behind glass under low light. Matthew wondered why so I explained it was very old. His immediate answer, "I would have thought they could afford some new stuff if they have a house this big..."

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I wonder if Mike has joined the queue to see the Edinburgh panda pair?

No point, they're not going to be on public display for another 12 days! I did see the plane coming in to Edinburgh airport yesterday afternoon. My flat looks north by north west, and the planes coming into Edinburgh airport usually cross the skyline east to west from my window. I noticed a plane on an unusual flight path yesterday lunchtime - it was far closer in to my flat than normal. I immediately twigged this was the Panda Express...


Morning all. Late logging on today, lots to do. BoD, sorry to hear your news.


I'm off to see Kate Rusby tonight at the Usher Hall, so I'm looking forward to that.

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